Most Beautiful Chinese Ladies

Diva is a popular term used in the entertainment industry. Generally, people used the word to describe a well-celebrated performer or singer. However, it also comes with a negative connotation. The word became a favorite adjective used by some critics in describing a woman who highly thinks of herself or has a self-important attitude.

There are many reasons why people may love Chinese divas, as their popularity can be attributed to a combination of factors such as their music, personality, style, and cultural significance.

One of the main reasons why Chinese divas are loved is their unique and captivating singing style, which often combines traditional Chinese music with modern pop or rock elements. Their music often features emotive lyrics and powerful vocals that resonate with listeners and evoke strong emotions.

Additionally, many Chinese divas are known for their striking beauty and glamorous fashion sense, which adds to their appeal as cultural icons. They are often admired for their poise, elegance, and confidence both on and off stage.

Furthermore, Chinese divas often serve as role models for young women in China and beyond, inspiring them to pursue their dreams and break gender barriers. As ambassadors of Chinese culture, they also play an important role in promoting Chinese music and arts around the world.

Yet, surprisingly, diva roots back centuries ago. On the contrary, it’s an Italian noun that stands for a female deity or goddess. With that, here is a list of the top 17 Chinese Divas who exude allure, turning heads and luring people’s attention wherever they go.

  1. Michelle Yeoh

At 56, Michelle Yeo is a timeless beauty whose allure is unstoppable with her petite figure and sophisticated charm. She is one of the top Chinese goddesses who possessed an undeniable appeal.

She’s a Bond Girl and a true deity in martial arts and elegance from “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” to the fabulous “Crazy Rich Asians.”

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Congratulations!! Very excited about new CBS studio opening in Toronto 🤩 cannot wait to spend more time here @startrekcbs #philippageorgiou #section31 🖖🏼

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Une publication partagée par Michelle Yeoh 楊紫瓊 (@michelleyeoh_official) le

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“You can’t live in fear. That’s what I wish for our generations to come: Freedom from Fear”

Une publication partagée par Michelle Yeoh 楊紫瓊 (@michelleyeoh_official) le

  1. Lucy Liu

Known for her roles in Ally McBeal, Kill Bill, Elementary, Chicago, Shanghai Noon, and Charlie’s Angels, Lucy Liu is another excellent world-class diva when it comes to acting.

Well, there are only a few ladies who can look and act great, and at the same time, who can also tickle your funny bone. To top it all, she’s also in her late 50s and still winning.

  1. Ming-Na Wen

Today, she is popular for her role as Agent Melinda May in ABC’s “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” However, Ming-Na Wen became famous for her kick-ass character in the 1994 hit film “Street Fighter,” where she played Chun-Li.

She is also notable for the voice of Fa Mulan in the box-office movie “Mulan,” and at 56, she’s still turning heads on the red carpet.

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If only this younger me with short hair knew how cute she was back then! Yeesh! Silly girl! #tbt •••••••••••••• Here’s my take on these throwbacks. Don’t be so hard on yourself. If you’re young, enjoy your youth with lust and vigor! Actually, enjoy whatever age you are now! Because you’re only going to get older….if you’re lucky to live a long life. Which is actually a good thing then, ….getting older, don’t you agree? 😁 But man, I was so hard on myself back then. “My face is too fat.” “My belly is not flat enough.” If my current brain can be in THAT body and face from 25 years ago, I’d be dancing and celebrating her!! 😄🙌🏼🍾😘 ❤️😎 Photo credit:

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  1. Zhang Yuqi

Kitty Zhang, as millions of her fans know her, brought media attention when she appeared in the smash-hit film “CJ7,” alongside the lead star Stephen Chow. In 2016, she also starred in another box-office movie entitled “The Mermaid.” Zhang Yuqi also starred in “Lost in the Pacific,” opposite former “Superman” actor Brandon Routh.

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Zhang Yuqi wears two looks for the press conference for new variety show My Manager and I. ▪▪▪▪ #张雨绮 #zhangyuqi #kittyzhang #pressconference #mymanagerandi

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  1. Zhao Wei

This multimedia superstar received instant fame when she bagged the main role of the hit television series “My Fair Princess” in 1998. Zhao Wei also became notable for her roles in “Shaolin Soccer” and “So Close.” Today, the stunner is not only an actress, but also a pop singer, producer, businesswoman, and film director.

  1. Kristin Kreuk

Everyone knows her as Clark’s love interest in the hit TV series “Smallville,” where she played Lana Lang. The alluring Kreuk showed her skills in combat when she played for Street Fighter’s Chun-Li in 2009 before her enchanting beauty got tasked to play Snow White. In 2012, she became the main cast of the hit CW television series “Beauty & the Beast.”

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Flashback!!! To which year? Not sure. 2005? 2006?

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Photo: @georgepimentel1

Une publication partagée par Kristin Kreuk (@mskristinlkreuk) le

  1. Tang Wei

Tang Wei is a Chinese actress. She rose to fame for her role in the film “Lust, Caution,” for which she received critical acclaim. Since then, she has appeared in a number of films and television dramas in China and internationally.

Hitting the list is the Miss Universe beauty finalist, Tang Wei, who starred opposite Chris Hemsworth in the 2015 film “Blackhat.” She also starred in a box-office hit film “Late Autumn” opposite famous South Korean actor and “Crash Landing on You Star,” Hyun Bin.

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#最後有吃沙影片 #喜歡這組照片舉手🙋🏼‍♂️ 為了拍攝這次的防曬跑來台南的「頂頭額沙洲」 我真的吃足了沙!眼睛都是沙😂 睡到一半痛到起床洗眼睛!只能說⋯⋯大家辛苦了 我選了一個很挑戰的拍攝地點 防曬對我來說就是保養的一個環節, 四季都不可錯過 很多人會誤以為沒有太陽時就可以省略, 但其實是錯誤的觀念喔❌ 如果防曬有做好, 皮膚也比較不容易有細紋及老化的現象 相信大家對國民防曬品牌Za都不陌生, 今年以全新包裝登場啦 這次帶著「美白防曬霜EX」及「美白隔離霜-勻透綠」到了豔陽高照的台南工作☀️ Za的防曬系列除了能抵抗紫外線之外, 「美白隔離霜-勻透綠」能瞬間修飾鼻翼泛紅或者痘疤 「美白防曬霜EX」可以調整膚色黯沉和膚色不均 加上獨家的#持粧小磁鐵和 #美肌濾鏡科技 讓你不用塗塗抹抹很多產品就能持粧一整天 很適合追求輕薄妝感又有美肌效果的女孩! #Za #美白防曬霜 #美白隔離霜 #不只校色更持粧 #最強粧前打底 #美白防曬霜新家族 #持粧小磁鐵

Une publication partagée par 唐葳 Weiwei (@patty11266924) le

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1 2 3 大家喜歡哪一色? – 啊!太喜歡這次我想出來的企劃了☺️ 某天下午, 突然想到可以用水果的方式來呈現 跟攝影師討論好, 大家趕緊去買食材跟道具! 拍出來的效果我很滿意👏👏👏 草莓藍莓檸檬都是我最愛水果 拍完就可以吃掉!真是一舉兩得😂 (我每天光想拍攝企劃,我頭髮都要白了😂) #露娜楓糖 最自然的款式,不論是日常配戴或是約會 甚至是素顏,眼神都可以柔和但有神 也是我最常戴的款式 #露娜暉 戴上立刻有混血女孩的迷濛感 搭配較重的眼妝氣勢立刻提升 #露娜銀 以灰與金色做搭配, 顏色自然地與眼睛融入 完全不會銳利, 能為整體眼妝帶來加分效果 哪色是你的菜? #露葳娜品牌大使 #露葳娜

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看到首圖照片,你第一眼會看到什麼呢? 想要找夢幻眼霜請收藏這篇分享~ 到底幾歲要開始使用眼霜? 🤨 其實我覺得,25歲就要開始注意了唷~ 雖然25歲的你,可能還沒有發現到眼霜的重要性😏 但是等你到了28,你發現細紋時,就來不及了! 我大約也是24 25左右開始用眼霜 因為我很了解我自己的皮膚狀況😆 我皮膚很乾很乾加上我又是雙眼皮&大眼睛 這樣狀況的我, 眼周的細紋會比別人還快產生出來 但我知道大家用眼霜想要有效又不能滋潤過頭😏 所以,今天要來推薦大家我的推薦解答!!! 就是嬌蘭 #馬甲眼霜 的升級版 #4D馬甲眼霜 這罐不僅瓶身高級,連質地都很厲害, 他是很特別的“柔霧”質地❤️❤️❤️ 非常的柔又滑順, 塗抹在眼周馬上有種被呵護的感覺卻不悶厚 眼霜,我是天天都會擦的保養品之一 為什麼會特別分享這罐? 除了維持原有束緊眼周的功效👍🏻 還新增了澎潤抗凹陷、消眼周暗沉的功效 天天擦,不偷懶真的有差 😆 因為眼睛看起來疲態或是暗沈,就會“顯老” 另外分享一下按摩手勢: 📌Step1 將眼霜輕點塗抹在眼睛下方,並從眼尾處向內點壓。接著,從眉頭下方朝外眼角輕輕點按。接下來,沿著同樣的路徑與動作,輕輕撫過眼周肌膚。最後,在太陽穴處畫圓按壓。依此順序重複兩次。可以依循相同路徑,改以手指輕敲,重複兩次,以喚醒眼周肌膚。 📌Step2 將雙手手指平行於眉毛,由下而上輕撫過額頭紋路,依此步驟重複六次,以平滑額頭細紋。 📌Step3 將手掌放在雙眼下方,從內眼角向外輕輕加壓平移,拉提雙眼以釋放眼周肌膚壓力。 希望可以幫到最近每天盯著手機追消息的大家啦 另外,現在去STORY上滑可以領取試用喔! @Guerlain #Guerlain #abeilleroyale

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  1. Janel Parrish

Janel Parrish is an American actress and singer. She is best known for her role as Mona Vanderwaal on the television series “Pretty Little Liars.” She has also appeared in other television shows and movies and has released music as a solo artist.

Adding to the list of deities in acting and allure is Janel Parrish, who has Chinese lineage. Janel is famous for her role in the hit TV show “Pretty Little Liars,” where she played Mona Vanderwaal. She is also the older sister of Lara Jean in the box-office hit film series “To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before.”

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Want a BIG hint on what my newest project is? Follow @tothestarsofficial 💫 more info COMING SOON!

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Currently in sweats on my couch but here’s a picture of me looking cooler than I do rn

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Just because hi I love u

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  1. Liu Yifei

The beautiful and courageous Fa Mulan in the action drama movie “Mulan,” Liu Yifei is turning heads, as she graced the premiere night of her starrer film. She looked like a real princess with her gorgeous gown as she struts her way to the red carpet. Liu also appeared in the movie “Outcast” with lead stars Hayden Christensen and Nicolas Cage.

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  1. Shu Qi

Shu Qi is a goddess to every film she appeared or starred. Her allure and stance apart from her superb acting skills, always leave a long-lasting impact from viewers and fans after watching her. She’s a stunner who completely held everyone in captive with her roles in “So Close” and “The Transporter” opposite Jason Statham.

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我們之間最大的誤會 就是我以為你喜歡我

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我想去玩水 不解釋 #hotday #swimming #bikini #waveshine

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我給不了你全世界 但我的全世界都給你

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我等過你 可感情不隔夜

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希望把我壓得喘不過氣的不是生活 是你 #宜蘭 #yilan #晴家軍

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  1. Gemma Chan

Everybody loved her as Astrid in the 2018 blockbuster hit film “Crazy Rich Asians,” and just like her role in the movie, Gemma Chan is a strikingly beautiful woman. She could pass as a beauty pageant titlist. Gemma also appeared in other smash-hit movies, such as “Captain Marvel,” “Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit,” and “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.”

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A year ago.. #SAGAwards #crazyrichasians

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Eyeing up the weekend 📸: @larajadephotography

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Ahoy Captain! Very happy to be back in Singapore, especially with this one.. beautiful smile, beautiful heart 💕 #CaptainMarvel #CrazyRichAsians #worldscolliding

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  1. Olivia Munn

Olivia Munn has a colorful ancestry, and one of them is Chinese. The 39-year-old knockout beauty starred in many famous films, including “Iron Man 2,” Magic Mike,” “X-Men: Apocalypse,” “Ocean’s 8,” and “Deliver Us From Evil.” Olivia also appeared in the hit TV series “New Girl” for three episodes. She’s a beauty and a complete stunner with a cause.

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Tonight at 8/7c on @VH1, I’m the guest judge on @RuPaulsDragRace for the World’s improv challenge, and let me tell you it was the BEST! #DragRace #rupaulsdragrace 📷 by @sanchezzalba

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Running into @patrickta last night 🖤 @versace

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Reunited with my brother @patrickta ❤️

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  1. Zhang Zi-yi

The sophisticated beauty of Zhang Zi-yi became popular when she starred in the highly-acclaimed and megahit 2000 film “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.” Her pretty face, coupled with her petite frame and fine stance in martial arts, turned viewers speechless.

Zhang Ziyi is a Chinese actress and model. She is best known for her roles in the films “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon,” “Rush Hour 2,” and “Memoirs of a Geisha,” among many others. Zhang Ziyi has received numerous awards and accolades for her performances in both Chinese and international film and television.

She also appeared in the film “Godzilla,” “Memoirs of Geisha,” and “House of Flying Daggers.”

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#TB For 2008 VOGUE CHINA April Issue Photographer: @mario_sorrenti #vogue #voguechina #zhangziyi #mariosorrenti #章子怡

Une publication partagée par Zhang Ziyi | 章子怡官方粉丝站 (@zhangziyi_official) le

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Variety China. Launching issue cover shoot. #VarietyChina 💃🏻 #ZhangZiyi #章子怡 @variety

Une publication partagée par Zhang Ziyi | 章子怡官方粉丝站 (@zhangziyi_official) le

  1. Naomi Campbell

Kicking at the second spot is the flawless goddess of the runway, Naomi Campbell. The 49-year-old supermodel doesn’t look like her age, as she can still pass as a 20-year-old charmer. Her hour-glass figure is absolutely a bombshell. Naomi is a true jaw-dropping beauty with lots of achievements on her plate.

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#BTS 🤍 📹: @daniel_s_makeup

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Hope you’re all enjoying your Valentine’s Day 🖤🥰 📸 @ellenvonunwerth

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  1. Fan Bingbing

At the top is the exquisite beauty and gracefulness of Fan Bingbing, who is not only an actress, but a model, TV producer, and a true diva. She’s one of the most expensive stars in the world, who has the heart to help people. Fan Bingbing is also a global fashion icon who appeared in the films “X-Men: Days of Future Past,” and “Iron Man 3.”

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The Starlight Internet Festival 2019 tonight 🖤

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I AM NOT MADAME BOVARY Official Screening at the 64th San Sebastián Film Festival. Wardrobe: @alexandermcqueen @cartier @rogervivier Styled by @minruir #iamnotmadamebovary

Une publication partagée par Fan Bingbing 范冰冰 (@bingbing_fan) le

Overall, the love for Chinese divas is a combination of their talent, beauty, charisma, and cultural significance, making them an enduring source of admiration and inspiration for many people.

The concept of a “sexy chineses diva” can vary depending on individual preferences and cultural norms. However, some common traits that people may associate with a sexy diva include:

  1. Confidence: A sexy diva exudes confidence, both on and off stage. They are comfortable in their own skin and have a strong sense of self-assurance.

  2. Charisma: A sexy diva has a magnetic personality that draws people in. They have a certain je ne sais quoi that makes them stand out from the crowd.

  3. Talent: A sexy diva is typically skilled in their craft, whether it be singing, dancing, acting, or a combination of all three. Their talent is a major part of their allure.

  4. Sex appeal: A sexy chinese diva often possesses physical attributes that are considered attractive, such as a curvaceous figure, toned physique, or alluring facial features.

  5. Style: A sexy chinese diva often has a unique and fashionable sense of style that accentuates their best features and sets them apart from others.

  6. Sexually confident: A sexy diva is often seen as sexually confident and open-minded. They may explore their sexuality in their music, performance, or public persona.

It’s important to note that being a sexy diva is not solely defined by physical appearance, but rather a combination of various traits that create an alluring and captivating persona.

Let us know if you think someone else should be on the list!

Nicolas Desjardins

Hello everyone, I am the main writer for SIND Canada. I've been writing articles for more than 12 years and I like sharing my knowledge. I'm currently writing for many websites and newspapers. I always keep myself very informed to give you the best information. All my years as a computer scientist made me become an incredible researcher. You can contact me on our forum or by email at [email protected].