The idea of short-term memory is perceived as the ability to hold information for a short period while being able to accurately remember it even though exposure lasted for only a minute. For most, this is the typical experience of having good short-term memory. In an effort to improve this, most turn to nootropics. 

Thus far, several studies have been conducted including one that featured 165 persons under placebo control. The study also had 7152 experimental participants and 77 of them were on nootropics. Roughly 16 participants experienced an improvement in their short-term memory out of 37 placebo-controlled cases with the total ranging to 1869 group participants.

Of all the nootropics known, the following have the most scientific evidence to support their case. They’ve also proved themselves as being safe and efficient for the improvement of short-term memory.

Ginkgo Biloba

Of the eight placebo cases that were reviewed as it applied to ginkgo Biloba, 723 participants used a nootropic. If you didn’t already know, Ginkgo Biloba is a natural herb that has the capacity to improve the following:

* Problem-solving skills

* Learning Abilities

* Short-term memory

* Reduce anxiety

* Improves energy levels

* Increases attention span

* Improves long-term memory

When it comes to the side effects, there are much fewer when compared to placebo groups. The side effects were so minimal that it was classified as being none. In terms of the proper way to use, Ginkgo Biloba can be used as much as needed or on a daily basis and it is available in the following forms:

* Capsules

* Tinctures

* Leaf extracts

* Powder

As previously mentioned, it can be used as desired and it can be taken at any point during the day that is convenient to the user. Light doses range from 100 mg, with regular or common doses being 400 mg, and stronger doses at 800 mg.

When using ginkgo Biloba, people can expect to see real results in as little as 30 or even 60 minutes after a dose is taken. The effects usually last up to 12 hours with the following 6 hours filled with the after-effects.


A total of six placebo studies were studied on phosphatidylserine. Of all the participants, 621 were given the nootropic. The following results were seen:

Phosphatidylserine is better known as a phospholipid and it has the ability to improve some or all of the following when used:

* Improves short-term memory

* Improves long-term memory

* Improves problem-solving skills

* Increases learning ability

* Reduces the symptoms of stress

* Increases energy levels

* Improves attention span

* Increases mindfulness

When using this nootropic, there were no side effects detected in the placebo groups. Users can safely use phosphatidylserine every day and it is available in these forms:

* Powder

* Capsule

* Phosphatidylserine

Unlike other nootropics, phosphatidylserine should be taken before noon and it’s available in 3 strengths. 50 mg, 100 mg, and the strongest at 300 mg. Users are advised to wait for a couple of days before they begin to see the effects. However, these effects successfully last for a few days at a time and the after-effects kick in just after the full effects are felt. Luckily, on WholisticResearch you can get authentic and safe nootropics supplements.


Seven placebo-manipulated studies with 646 participants were reviewed for Omega 3. The following results were produced from these seven studies.

If you didn’t already know, DHA and EPA from fish oils are known as omega-3 fatty acids. They have the ability to improve the following:

  • Better moods
  • Increases the ability to learn
  • Improves attention span
  • Increases problem-solving abilities
  • Improves short-term and long-term memory

When compared to the placebo groups, no side effects were reported. Users can easily take omega-3 at any time of the day. Omega-3 is available in the following forms:

Omega-3 is available in lighter doses of 500 mg, medium at 2000 mg, and stronger doses of 4000 mg. The effects of omega-3 are usually felt within several days and they last for many days as well. However, the after-effects will be felt for a few days at a time.

Grape Seed Extract

The results presented for grape seed extract were conducted on one placebo group with 54 persons receiving the nootropic. Simply put, this extract comes from the seeds of grapes. When consumed, grape seed extract can improve the following:

  • Improves mood
  • Reduces the symptoms of anxiety
  • Improves the ability to perform problem-solving
  • Improves attention span
  • Significantly improves both long-term and short-term memory

There were no side effects associated with the use of grape seed extract. Users can safely use the extract on a daily basis before noon since it is available in the following forms:

  • Capsules
  • Powder
  • Tincture

The grape seed extract is widely available in three strengths. These being 250 mg, 500 mg, and 1000 mg. Users can expect to see results in as little as a couple of days and it lasts for days at a time. Just like other nootropics, the after-effects are usually felt a couple of days after the full effects are experienced.

Rhodiola Rosea

Four studies were reviewed for Rhodiola. 202 persons were given the nootropic which produced the following:

Rhodiola Rosea is better known as an adaptogenic herb and it is known for improving the following:

Users experienced no side effects when using Rhodiola Rosea. Rhodiola can be used as needed or on a daily basis and is available in the following form:

  • Tinctures
  • Root extracts
  • Whole root powder

Rhodiola can be used at any time during the day and is commonly available in three strengths. These being 50 mg, 500 mg, and 1000 mg. When used, the effects can be felt in as little as 1 hour with the full range of effects that last up to 10 hours; persons can also experience the after-effects in the following 6 hours after.


If you’re properly educated on the benefits of nootropics and the risks associated, you’re in a better position to harness everything good that comes with them.

When using nootropics, be sure to improve your sleep, exercise regularly, and indulge in a healthy diet. So, if you’re planning to experiment with nootropics, be sure to stay informed!

Categories: Health

Nicolas Desjardins

Hello everyone, I am the main writer for SIND Canada. I've been writing articles for more than 12 years and I like sharing my knowledge. I'm currently writing for many websites and newspapers. I always keep myself very informed to give you the best information. All my years as a computer scientist made me become an incredible researcher. You can contact me on our forum or by email at [email protected].