There are different options to birth control. You can choose from condoms, pills, or an IUD. If you’re considering an IUD, you must understand the types available and what they do. This post will discuss different IUD types and identify their advantages and disadvantages. 

If you are looking for a clinic to have an IUD, Ezra Clinic provides services for women’s health and wellness needs.

What is IUD?

“IUD” stands for “intrauterine device”. It is a contraceptive with a tiny, T-shaped device inserted into the uterus. It stops sperm from reaching the egg, making it effective birth control.  

IUDs are reversible – can be removed at any time. However, removal may associate with some side effects. IUDs are 99% effective in preventing pregnancy lasting 3-10 years. They can also reduce menstrual cramps and make periods lighter.

Use condoms or any protection during sexual activity that involves contact with body fluids. Also, get regular STI testing to ensure you stay healthy and safe. IUDs are not protection against HIV/AIDS and blood-borne illnesses.

Types of IUD

IUDs have two classifications – hormonal and non-hormonal IUDs.

Hormonal IUD

Hormonal IUDs are plastic that contains a hormone called progestin. It lasts in the uterus for up to five years.

Advantages of hormonal IUDs:

  1. The hormone prevents ovulation, which may reduce menstrual cramps and shorten periods or stop them altogether. 
  2. It’s more than 99% effective at preventing pregnancy.
  3. It is inserted quickly and easily at a doctor’s office and does not require surgery or anesthesia.

Disadvantages of hormonal IUDs:

  1. It is not for women with breast cancer or certain tumours.
  2. If the IUD is expelled from the uterus, replace it to maintain protection against pregnancy.
  3. It causes irregular bleeding, acne, and depression in some women.

Non-hormonal IUDs

Non-hormonal or copper IUDs are made from copper and do not contain hormones. It lasts in the uterus for up to 10 years.

Advantages of non-hormonal IUDs:

  1. It most likely prevents pregnancy.
  2. It does not require surgery or anesthesia and is inserted quickly and easily in a doctor’s office.
  3. It is ideal for you if you cannot or do not prefer hormonal contraceptives.

Disadvantages of non-hormonal IUDs:

  1. It causes cramps, pelvic pain, and infection. 
  2. It can cause heavier, more painful periods.
  3. It does not prevent getting sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
  4. If the IUD is expelled from the uterus, replace it to maintain protection against pregnancy.

How Does IUD Prevent Pregnancy?

IUDs prevent sperm from getting to and fertilizing an egg. They contain either copper or hormones that can be released into the uterus. The copper interferes with sperm movement, making it difficult for them to reach an egg. 

Hormonal IUDs release small amounts of the hormone into the uterus, which prevents pregnancy by thickening cervical mucus so the sperm hardly reach the egg. In addition, the hormone in hormonal IUDs can also thin out the uterus lining, which makes the fertilized egg difficult to implant and grow. The hormones may also prevent an egg from being released from an ovary (ovulation). With no sperm or egg present, pregnancy cannot occur.

Are there risks?

Yes, there are risks when using IUDs.

  • Pelvic inflammatory disease: An infection of the women’s reproductive organs caused by STDs like chlamydia and gonorrhea;
  • Uterine perforation: A rare but serious complication in which the IUD punctures the wall of the uterus;
  • Expulsion: The IUD may come out of your body on its own; and
  • Irregular menstrual bleeding: Spotting or heavier bleeding than usual is common for some women when using an IUD.

Pregnancy with IUD

If you become pregnant using an IUD, immediately contact your healthcare provider. Your doctor may recommend removing the device or leaving it in place. Discuss your options with your healthcare provider since leaving the IUD in place can increase the risk of preterm labour and delivery or other complications. If you have a hormonal IUD, it should be removed once you become pregnant. 

An ectopic pregnancy will most likely happen. It occurs when the embryo implants outside the uterus, most likely, in the fallopian tubes. This kind of pregnancy cannot continue and must be treated with medications or surgery. Your doctor will monitor the pregnancy more closely to make sure the pregnancy is progressing.


IUDs are birth controls that are safe and effective. They are more than 99% effective at preventing pregnancy. It is long-lasting, reversible, and with a few side effects. You should know the risks when using an IUD, like pelvic inflammatory disease and uterine perforation. Additionally, IUDs do not protect against STDs, so always practice safe sex by using a condom or other barrier methods.

Before getting an IUD, consider your medical history, lifestyle, and preferences. Your doctor will provide the necessary information and help you make the best choice. 

Categories: Health

Nicolas Desjardins

Hello everyone, I am the main writer for SIND Canada. I've been writing articles for more than 12 years and I like sharing my knowledge. I'm currently writing for many websites and newspapers. I always keep myself very informed to give you the best information. All my years as a computer scientist made me become an incredible researcher. You can contact me on our forum or by email at [email protected].