The Value Of Consistent Rest

Sleeping doesn’t just feel good, it’s got legitimate health benefits that are fundamental. The problem today is, it’s hard to sleep. Even if you’re worn out, there are many things that keep the mind going. One solution is putting in a hard day’s work every day you can. Squat in the sun waxing a car by hand for eight hours, then do paperwork and chores; you’ll sleep well.

Physical exertion provides you energy and helps you sleep better—what a dichotomy. But not everyone is in a position where they can expend that sort of physical exertion daily. Even people who are in such positions may well have a few free days here and there, and struggle with insomnia. When you’re absolutely fatigued, you can almost sleep standing up.

But if you’re not that tired, it can be hard to get a good night’s sleep. Sometimes you can supplement with an afternoon nap, but even that tends to be a bit of a luxury: the pace of life won’t always allow the time or the location for a good mid-day nap. The best option is providing yourself with a bed at home that whisks you off to dreamland without hassle.

You want a bed that’s comfortable, helps you sleep, doesn’t put you in debt, and a number of other things worth considering. Here we’ll briefly explore several things you want to keep in mind as you go about choosing the perfect mattress.

Many are suffering from insomnia today, and a core tactic in addressing it is providing an environment more conducive to rest.

  1. Sizing: You Want A Mattress That Fits Where You Sleep
    If you’re in a room that’s small and narrow, a huge bed may be tough to get into and get up from. Imagine this scenario: you finally nod off to sleep, then two hours later you need to make the journey down the hall to the restroom. As you’re getting out of bed, you bang your knee on a wall or a desk or something too near the bed because the mattress is too big.

Well, you get the restroom visit done, but now your aching knee is keeping you up, which is irritating you, and suddenly you can no longer sleep. If you’re contending with insomnia, every little thing will present itself as an impediment to your rest. You need to enable rest. Find a mattress that’s properly sized for the room where you’ll sleep.

  1. Softness Quotient: Some Need Softer Mattresses Than Others
    The more “hard”, “muscular”, or “toned” your body is, the harder the mattress you’ll likely prefer. There are always outliers, of course. Different people with different body types have different softness preferences. That said, where you are in your time of life may play a part.

A mattress that’s too soft on a soft body can cause back trouble. Match softness or hardness to your particular physiology. A good way to check is to sleep on varying mattresses of varying hardness or softness and go with the one that suits you best.

  1. Recommendations: What Does Your Doctor Say?
    Doctors can save you a lot of hassle as you go about finding just the right mattress. Tell whatever practitioner represents your primary medical advisor the issues you’re having with sleep. They might be able to recommend options you didn’t realize were available. They might also recommend you simply adjust the mattress’s softness.
  2. A Perfect Fit To Your Body’s Shape
    Specific bodies have specific needs, if you’re having trouble finding the perfect softness, you might consider a memory foam mattress. Memory foam conforms specifically to your body’s shape and weight. For many who have insomnia issues, quality foam mattresses represent the perfect solution.
  3. Spousal Preference: Agreed Options, Or A Sleep Number Bed
    What does your spouse prefer? Sometimes you can’t sleep because your wife or husband can’t sleep. They toss and turn, and that knocks you out of your rhythm. Maybe they’re the collateral issue, and you dare not even voice that observation. If that’s the case, let them choose. If their choice is one you simply aren’t able to handle, look into a sleep number bed.
  4. What Feels Good: Test A Few Mattresses Out
    Another option, and one mildly alluded to already, is simply testing out those mattresses that seem like they might be a good fit for you. Go into the mattress store, lie down on a few, and rest your eyes. Whichever one you wake up on with the store clerk giving you that look like you’ve been naughty, that’s the mattress for you.

  5. Cost: What Can You Afford?
    Last but not least: what can you actually afford to buy? Do you know something that keeps people up at night? Money problems. If you have to go into debt to buy a mattress, though you’ve got the potential to sleep more, you might not. You might work harder using stimulants like coffee, No Doze, or energy drinks to stay up late. That messes up your sleep schedule.

Granted, there are scenarios where going a little into debt helps because your restored sleep makes you more productive; but it’s a bit of a gamble. Essentially: if you’ve got the life problems that keep most of us awake, to begin with already impacting your sleep, don’t add another problem like a bill you can’t afford. Determine your budget in advance.

Now that said, if buying a high-dollar mattress doesn’t put you into some unmanageable debt situation, it’s just a few hundred more than you’d prefer to spend, well then the choice is really discretionary. The benefit you’ll get from sleeping better will very likely outweigh extra costs owing to health benefits; but ultimately, this is your call.

Getting A Good Night’s Sleep

Seven solid ways of choosing the right mattress include budget, testing mattresses out, finding an agreed option with your spouse, exploring memory foam, asking your doctor, finding the right softness, and sizing a mattress to fit the space where you’ll be sleeping. Explore what’s out there, and find the most effective option. It will be good for your health.

Categories: Health

Nicolas Desjardins

Hello everyone, I am the main writer for SIND Canada. I've been writing articles for more than 12 years and I like sharing my knowledge. I'm currently writing for many websites and newspapers. I always keep myself very informed to give you the best information. All my years as a computer scientist made me become an incredible researcher. You can contact me on our forum or by email at [email protected].