ADHD is a common disorder that you can find in children and teens. In many cases, the symptoms of ADHD can severely affect the child’s ability to perform well in school. With the rising cases of ADHD among young students, it is very important that you are able to recognize the symptoms and cope with them as an educator or education facility. These days, there is a lot of focus on the role of schools in helping children with ADHD thrive and manage their disorder.

The way in which ADHD students are treated varies widely from school to school. Although every school should have an individual education program (IEP) in place that defines the needs of these students, the reality is that most don’t. All schools need to have strategies in place to help these struggling students. This blog outlines different strategies that you can use in your school to manage the ADHD students that have been assigned to you.

What is ADHD?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a brain disorder that affects how a person thinks and acts. People with ADHD may have trouble paying attention, controlling impulsive behaviors (may act without thinking about what the result will be), or being overly active. ADHD can affect kids, teens, and adults. It’s often diagnosed in childhood when a child is under 12 years of age but it may be diagnosed during adolescence or adulthood.

There is no single cause of ADHD. But research shows that it’s often linked to a combination of things, including:

  • Heredity (ADHD tends to run in families)
  • The environment (exposure to neurotoxins such as heavy metals)
  • Brain injury
  • Premature birth
  • Smoking or drinking alcohol by the child’s mother during pregnancy

Most children with ADHD have problems with one or more of these areas:

  • Paying attention
  • Staying focused
  • Organizing tasks
  • Remembering details
  • Following instructions
  • Responding to questions
  • Being on time
  • Being aware of what’s going on around them

Children with ADHD often have trouble with impulsiveness and hyperactivity. They may face the following problems in school:

  • Acting without thinking
  • Blurting out answers
  • Having trouble waiting for their turn
  • Interrupting others
  • Being fidgety or constantly in motion
  • Talking excessively
  • Being unable to play quietly

ADHD can cause problems for children not only at home and in relationships but also at school and at work. If a child has ADHD, he or she may feel like they are “failing” or like they are not reaching their potential. But with appropriate treatment and support, they can learn to control their condition and lead a successful life ahead.

7 Easy School Strategies For Managing ADHD In Students

While ADHD typically develops in childhood, it can sometimes last into adulthood. It is characterized by hyperactivity, impulse control, and attention problems. Teenagers and children who have undergone an Child ADHD assessment often have special needs in the classroom. The following are the seven strategies teachers and parents of kids with ADHD can employ to help them succeed at school.

1. Use Flexible Rules And Tools

There are a few different ways that schools can help ADHD students study better. One way is to provide them with flexible rules and tools. This means that the school can tailor the rules and tools to the individual student’s needs. For example, an ADHD student might need more time to complete assignments or may benefit from having a quiet study area. For students who may struggle with fidgeting, consider letting them hold something tactile that they can manipulate since this will often provide them with a bit of stimulation without distracting the rest of the classroom.

Kids with ADHD are typically restless. Your conventional classroom rule can demand that all students remain seated during the lesson, but a student with ADHD may concentrate on the task at hand better when you allow them to stand. So, it helps to make your rule an exception or flexible for these students.

Another way to help ADHD students study better is to provide them with resources and support. This can include things like ADHD coaching or study classes. It is also important to make sure that the student has access to the resources they need, such as books and other materials. Some studies state that chewing gum can help improve some students with ADHD concentration span, although the research is inconclusive. Besides, most schools do not allow students to chew gum.

It may be helpful to have index cards with the class rules taped to the desk of a student with ADHD, so they have a quick reference. For children who struggle with “shifting gears” from one class or task to the next and time management, having a schedule at hand and going over it usually makes their transitions smoother. Alternatively, you could also use verbal cues, taped time signals, and timers to help the student see how much time they have left for an activity they are performing.

2. Offer Rewards For Good Behavior

It is always wise to use incentives and rewards before a punishment to motivate kids. It is also best to avoid using the loss of recess as a punishment for negative behavior. There are many ways to offer rewards to ADHD students in school to help them study better and promote their good behavior. One way is to give them small rewards for each task they complete, such as a sticker or a point system.

Or you can give them a bigger reward for meeting a goal, such as a special activity or a storybook. Students with ADHD significantly benefit from physical activities and may focus better in class after attending gym class or being outside. It would be best if you prioritized rewards over punishment, as it helps ensure that the school feels like a positive environment for students with ADHD.

There are a few things to consider when offering rewards to ADHD students. First, the reward should be something that the student values and is interested in. Regularly switch up the rewards to prevent boredom. Second, the reward should be given for specific behaviors or accomplishments rather than simply for good behavior in general.

Third, the reward should be given immediately after the desired behavior is exhibited, so that the student knows that the behavior is what led to the reward. Finally, the reward should be gradually phased out as the student continues to exhibit the desired behavior so that the student learns to value the behavior itself, rather than just the rewards.

3. Limit Distractions

There are a few things that teachers can do to help limit distractions for students with ADHD in class. One is to provide a quiet, distraction-free environment for them to work in. Kids with ADHD are more prone to distractions, so it will be helpful to have them sit away from any sources of classroom distractions, including pencil sharpeners, cubby areas, windows, and doors. Provide a separate area for them to work in, or simply make sure that the classroom is free of visual and auditory stimuli like clutter or excessive noise.

If a child has difficulty dealing with distractions, having them sit at the front of the classroom may be helpful. Listening to soft background music or white noise can also significantly improve some students’ concentration and focus. While this can be a cause of distraction for students who do not have ADHD, another way to help limit distractions is to provide structure and routine for the student. This means having a set schedule for the day and for each class and sticking to it as closely as possible. This can help the student know what to expect and be able to focus on the task at hand.

4. Give Them A Break

ADHD students often struggle to focus in class, which can make it difficult for them to learn. Such students find it difficult to sit still in class for an extended period of time. One way to increase their focus on the lecture is to give them breaks during class. It will be helpful to give them regular chances to stand up and move around. This can help them to refocus and pay more attention to the material.

Consider offering them a physical and mental break. This can involve them giving out or collecting papers or classroom materials, running an errand to a different part of the building or an office, or asking them to erase the board. Sometimes, something as simple as allowing them to drink water from the fountain can offer them a moment of activity, which can be very helpful. It is also important to make sure that the breaks are not too long, as this can also lead to students losing focus.

5. Keep Expectations Consistent

If you are a teacher, it is important to keep your expectations consistent for all students in your class, including those with ADHD. This means that you should not expect more from students with ADHD than from other students in your class. However, you should also not expect less from them.

It helps, especially when classroom rules are clear and concise. These rules and expectations should also be frequently analyzed and updated if necessary. As a teacher, you should post the rules in your classroom so students can easily see and read them. It is best to have the students repeat class expectations, rules, and other instructions as it helps ensure they are well understood. Remember that while students may hear the words, they may misunderstand the meaning.

6. Offer Regular Feedback

Offer feedback to ADHD students in class so that they can perform better. Students who have ADHD and those who do not can all benefit from immediate and regular feedback concerning their behavior. If necessary, it also helps to give any consequences of their unwanted mannerisms swiftly. So, it is important to be clear and concise in your feedback.

Remember to give feedback regularly, rather than waiting until the end of the class or unit. This allows the student to make adjustments along the way. Offer them immediate praise for their excellent behavior. It is best to ignore any negative behavior that is not disruptive or minimal. Moreover, it is important to be aware of the student’s individual needs and tailor your feedback accordingly. Some students may need more frequent or specific feedback in order to stay on track, while others may do better with less frequent check-ins. By taking the time to get to know your students and their needs, you can ensure that your feedback brings in the desired results from all students, including those with ADHD.

7. Avoid Overloading Them

Students with ADHD are susceptible to being overwhelmed, so it helps to reduce their overall workload by dividing it into smaller, manageable sections. You can help your students not feel overloaded with information by giving them clear and concise step-by-step directions.

It is not uncommon for teens with ADHD to experience sleeping problems, affecting their ability to concentrate in class and their behavior. Typically, students are more alert and less tired early in the day, but college students and teenagers are usually more likely to have difficulty with early morning classes. It is common for students to experience a slump after taking lunch.

Plan to have your class tackle the more challenging assignments and academic subjects when they are most engaged and alert. It is important to be understanding and patient with the students. ADHD can be a very difficult condition to deal with, and the student may need extra help and understanding. By providing a supportive and understanding environment, the student will be more likely to succeed in class.

Final Thoughts

While ADHD is a common problem among school-aged children, it is often misunderstood. The disorder can be managed with a combination of medication and behavioral therapy, but it is important to develop a solid ADHD management plan. Managing ADHD needs a lot of patience, a lot of knowledge, and a lot of love. Putting together a strategy for how to manage ADHD in school is no easy task. But we hope you were able to find some useful tips in this blog post on how to manage ADHD in students.

Nicolas Desjardins

Hello everyone, I am the main writer for SIND Canada. I've been writing articles for more than 12 years and I like sharing my knowledge. I'm currently writing for many websites and newspapers. I always keep myself very informed to give you the best information. All my years as a computer scientist made me become an incredible researcher. You can contact me on our forum or by email at [email protected].