Dentures are a common and excellent solution to missing teeth. They give you an effective way to restore your smile and improve your ability to chew food. There are various types available, each with its unique features.

Depending on the teeth or tooth you are missing, you will require a specific type of denture. For those seeking both affordability and quality, considering Affordable Dentures for Comfort and Style can guide you to the right choice. Below are five standard dentures, including their main characteristics and the possible pros and cons.

1.    Complete Dentures

Complete dentures are also known as full dentures. They are the most well-known, designed to replace all teeth in the upper or lower jaw and sometimes both. They are typically made from a combination of acrylic and porcelain.

Cosmetic dentistry usually custom fits the dentures to your mouth to ensure maximum comfort and function. A good fitting will allow you to use them as if they were your natural teeth.

The dentures are ideal for patients who have lost all their teeth due to injury, disease, or decay. They give a natural-looking smile, and they even help to improve speech. You can also eat various foods without struggle. However, during the initial stages of denture use, you may be sore and experience some discomfort.

2.    Partial Dentures

Partial dentures replace one or more missing teeth in the upper or lower jaw. In most cases, they are a combination of metal and acrylic. They can be removable or fixed depending on your need or preference.

Removable partial dentures are popular as most people find them easy to clean and maintain. You can also adjust them to ensure a comfortable fit.

Fixed partial dentures are permanently attached to the adjacent teeth. They are typically more stable, enabling you to chew better than removable ones.

3.    Implant-Supported Dentures

Implant-supported dentures are held in place by dental implants surgically placed in the jawbone. They provide better stability and are generally more comfortable than traditional dentures. They also have a better chewing function, allowing you to enjoy a wider variety of foods.

These dentures are ideal for individuals who have lost most or all their teeth but still have enough jawbone density to support implants.

After installation, Implant-supported dentures can help preserve the jawbone by preventing bone loss that can occur when you are missing teeth. The downside is that they are more expensive than traditional dentures.

4.    Overdentures

Overdentures are similar to implant-supported dentures but fit over any remaining natural teeth. The natural teeth provide additional support and stability. They are ideal for patients with missing teeth but also have some natural teeth.

Overdentures can be removable or fixed, typically made from metal and acrylic. They can help to preserve the natural teeth and prevent further decay.

5.    Immediate Dentures

Immediate dentures are temporary and are placed in the mouth immediately after teeth extraction. You usually have them for a short period until the gums have healed, allowing the placement of more permanent ones.

They can help you maintain your appearance and smile while your gums heal. Additionally, they can help you adjust to wearing dentures before you receive permanent ones.

Are Dentures Worth it?

Yes, dentures are an excellent fix to missing teeth. There are several options to choose from depending on your unique needs. Ensure you consult a great dentist to ensure perfect placement. Contact 3d smile solutions today for all your dental health questions and assistance.


Categories: Health

Nicolas Desjardins

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