5 Things to know about Postpartum Hair Loss

Everything feels brand new to you after the birth of your child. Everything is going to be wonderful. But after a few months, severe hair loss can begin. Naturally, you worry a lot about hair loss. An alarming amount of hair starts falling out. But don’t worry mom. There are several tried and true methods to help re-grow hair in this postpartum situation, which is quite normal.

Here are some advice and tactics to help you feel confident as your hair grows back. Let’s talk about 5 important things to know about Postpartum Hair Loss. See what functions for you!

Reason of Postpartum Hair Loss

Approximately 100 hairs are lost daily on average, but they don’t fall out all at once, so you don’t see them. However, during pregnancy, your hormones prevent those hairs from coming out, leaving your hair seeming thick enough to hardly let a brush through or as luxurious as a supermodel’s.

Normally, your hair grows in cycles (growing phase, the resting phase, shedding phase: repeat). Due to the significant hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy, however, most of the hair remains in the growing stage.

However, after your baby is born, your hormones start to shift (again), and your estrogen levels drop, which triggers the start of the shedding phase in your gorgeous, thick head of pregnant hair. Your hair sheds in large amounts all at once, making the amount of hair loss appear much greater.

Healthy diet

Having a balanced diet consistently is crucial for sustaining best health and wellness for the new mother. A nutritious diet, especially for postpartum women, can aid in general healing and halt the progression of postpartum hair loss.

Make sure your diet has the proper mix of vitamins and nutrients, which are mostly found in fresh fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. Keep in mind to sip on water frequently during the day to keep hydrated.

Taking care of hair

To help your hair look thicker and grow new hair, consider getting a new haircut. Be especially careful when washing, brushing, and styling your hair. Try massaging the scalp to increase blood circulation. This will reduce your tension, but it can also promote hair follicle development. Try to avoid tight hairstyles that put a strain on your scalp and hair. Use volumizing shampoos and lightweight conditioners that won’t weigh down your hair.

Non-surgical treatment

If you face severe hair loss you can try non-surgical hair loss treatment. Some therapies are accessible and very effective. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is one of the best nonsurgical methods for treating hair loss. PRP is a plasma and platelet concentrate made from a sample of your own blood.

Modify your hair care routine

Your hair care routine may need to be changed if you want to halt more hair loss. Consider using a deep-moisture conditioner and biotin- and silica-fortified postpartum hair loss shampoo.

After washing your hair, brush carefully or wait for it to dry because wet hair is more brittle. Put your hairdryer in a cool setting and refrain from using hot rollers or straightening irons.

Other specialized treatments, such as scalp sprays and hair masks, that a dermatologist may suggest to you for your hair may also be beneficial.

You can try new products that you wouldn’t normally use. Many fantastic volumizing products are available, from shampoos containing silica or biotin to styling products with thickening lotions. Making your own hair mask to increase volume is another way to join the DIY craze.





Categories: Health

Nicolas Desjardins

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