You are likely looking for some ideas if you love Sundays for those slow-cooked meat stews and braises in your Instapot. Before you decide on a recipe, you must consider what type of meat and which cut to use. That’s because there are some meat cuts that you want to avoid.

If you’ve ever had a stew with dry and stringy meat, it resulted from the wrong cut of meat used. Certain cuts are adapted to stewing and braising, so you must know which ones to use. In this article, we will review several of the top cuts of meat for your next long-cooked meat dish.


Chuck’s robust flavor sets it apart from other cuts of beef. The marbling – that is, the streaks of fat running through the meat – contributes to its rich taste. As the chuck simmers in your stew or braise, the fat slowly melts, infusing the dish with a delicious depth of flavor that’s hard to beat.

Collagen, a connective tissue found in abundance in the chuck, is crucial in achieving that melt-in-your-mouth texture. As the meat cooks slowly, the collagen breaks down and turns into gelatin. This gelatin is a natural thickening agent, giving the sauce or gravy a silky, velvety consistency while ensuring the meat stays moist and tender.

You can really up the level of your stew by using chuck as the cut and preparing wagyu beef stew instead of supermarket beef.

Beef short ribs

For those looking to indulge in a rich, succulent braise, beef short ribs are a perfect choice. These thick, meaty cuts come from the lower portion of the ribcage and offer a luxurious dining experience thanks to their great marbling and high collagen content.

When cooked low and slow, beef short ribs transform into tender, melt-in-your-mouth morsels. The collagen in the ribs breaks down into gelatin during the cooking process, creating a silky texture that envelops the meat. This makes every bite an unforgettable experience, as the meat practically falls off the bone.

Short ribs are known for their deep, rich flavor, which comes from the marbling and the proximity of the meat to the bone. The fat content not only keeps the meat moist during cooking but also imparts a delightful taste to the dish. The bones release flavor as they cook, adding an extra layer of savory goodness to the braise.

Pork shoulder

Pork shoulder, also known as pork butt or Boston butt, is a fantastic option for stews and braises. It’s a well-marbled cut, so it’s packed with flavor and stays moist and tender during long cooking times. You can use it in various dishes, from traditional American Brunswick stew to spicy Mexican pozole.

Pork shoulder is well-marbled with fat, which means it’s packed with flavor and stays moist and tender during long cooking times. As the fat melts and the connective tissue breaks down during slow cooking, the meat becomes incredibly succulent, with a rich taste that can’t be beaten.

Categories: Food

Nicolas Desjardins

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