The way patients were acquired has changed a lot over the years. Earlier traditional methods compelled organizations to put on posters and wait for results. This would easily take at least a month or two to get patients walking in the healthcare centers. However, with technological advancement, patient acquisition strategies have also changed.

Nowadays, businesses are trying to make their place in the digital world to ensure they are seen and heard all across locations. So, let’s dive deep into learning what patient acquisition marketing strategies, the difference between patient retention and acquisition, and why it is important to leave the traditional methods behind.

What is patient acquisition?

Patient acquisition is all about bringing in more patients, growing the patient base, and increasing the healthcare organization’s revenue. Efforts can be included in both domains, whether online or offline, that will aid in creating brand awareness. Thus, convincing patients to choose your healthcare organization.

But there is no one way of improving the strategy, and neither can you use traditional methods like handing out flyers or running ads. Rather, using robust and innovative patient acquisition marketing strategies will set you apart from the rest of your competition. Showcasing your skills, providing exemplary customer service, and standing out on social media are some ways to start off.

Why is improving patient acquisition so important?

In the healthcare industry, enhancing the way you acquire patients is a crucial aspect, as it directly impacts the success and growth of medical organizations. A patient acquisition strategy is required to attract and gain new patients. The significance lies in the following points:

  1. Expansion of Services:

Improving the way, you acquire patients allows healthcare providers to extend their services and reach a broader audience. By attracting new patients, medical practices can offer their expertise to a more extensive community, addressing diverse healthcare needs.

  1. Financial Sustainability:

A steady influx of new patients contributes to the financial sustainability of healthcare organizations. An increased way of acquiring patients translates to a larger patient base, leading to improved revenue streams essential for covering operational costs and investing in better patient care.

  1. Competitive Edge:

An effective patient acquisition strategy provides a competitive edge in a competitive healthcare landscape. Medical organizations that excel in attracting and retaining patients stand out, creating a positive reputation and fostering trust within the community.

  1. Community Impact:

By focusing on patient acquisition, healthcare providers can have a more profound impact on the general health and well-being of the society they serve. Accessible and efficient acquisition methods contribute to a healthier and more engaged population.

Patient acquisition vs. patient retention – what to prioritize

While patient acquisition is vital for the growth of medical practices, striking a balance with patient retention is equally important. Here’s a brief comparison and why finding the right equilibrium is key.

  1. Building a Foundation:

Acquisition is like laying the foundation for a medical practice. It involves reaching out to new individuals, creating awareness, and establishing the initial connection. On the other hand, patient retention focuses on maintaining and strengthening the bond with existing patients.

  1. Resource Optimization:

Balancing acquisition and retention ensures optimal use of resources. While attracting new patients is essential, keeping existing ones satisfied reduces the need for continuous intensive marketing efforts.

  1. Quality of Care:

Prioritizing patient retention enhances the overall quality of care. Long-term relationships with patients enable healthcare providers to better understand individual needs, resulting in more personalized and effective healthcare services.

  1. Sustainable Growth:

A harmonious approach to acquisition and retention ensures sustainable growth. While acquiring new patients fuels expansion, retaining current patients contributes to the stability and longevity of medical practice.

What should one look for in a patient acquisition solution provider?

Now that we are clear on why patient acquisition is important, the next thing to look at is a solution that can cater to the needs and requirements of your business. There are several ways to acquire patients, but the number of solutions is also infinite. Here are few things that businesses should look into before engaging with a patient acquisition marketing solution provider:

  • Do they provide elf-scheduling feature so that patients can book appointments easily
  • Tools for building a good brand reputation
  • Creation of valuable content to help create brand loyalty & trust
  • A good marketing plan management system to reach the target audience


As technology is on its way to improvement, several medical organizations fear being left out in the cold if they will fail to walk on the same as others. While the elderly may not rely on social media, the millennials will be influenced more by the reviews, testimonials, and pictures that healthcare organizations will update on their social media handles. Along with this, using a strong healthcare growth strategy is also essential to create a solid customer base for the future. So, get in touch with a marketing agency as soon as possible to start walking on the ladder of success.

Categories: Business

Nicolas Desjardins

Hello everyone, I am the main writer for SIND Canada. I've been writing articles for more than 12 years and I like sharing my knowledge. I'm currently writing for many websites and newspapers. I always keep myself very informed to give you the best information. All my years as a computer scientist made me become an incredible researcher. You can contact me on our forum or by email at [email protected].