How to Have a Successful First Doctor's Appointment with Baby

Having a new baby in your life is lovely and exciting, but also overwhelming. It can be like that because it’s something new in your life; you don’t know what to expect and even what to do. It’s all normal, and these emotions can happen to anyone.  

One of the things that can cause you to feel upset is the baby’s first doctor’s appointment, that’s usually set to 3-5 days after birth. Here’s how to prepare for your baby’s first doctor’s appointment and what you can expect.   

Prepare Your Baby Before the Appointment

Probably the most critical part of preparing for the exam is preparing your baby. And there’s not much to do about it, although most people are scared about this part. It’s simple, and you don’t have to stress about it at all. The most crucial part is to dress your baby in some simple clothes. The pediatrician will do a whole-body exam, so you must undress the baby. And to avoid causing a lot of stress to the baby, be sure that the clothes are comfortable and easy to take off. You should bring some extra diapers with you, baby wipes, everything you need for feeding your baby, and even a change of clothes.  

The Physical Examination of the Baby 

Many parents probably wonder how the baby’s physical examination is going to look, so it’s best to read about it and be prepared. The pediatrician will do several checks on the baby to ensure it is okay and has no problems with its health.  

The doctor will do a neck and collarbone check to see if there is a broken collarbone, as it can happen during birth. Alongside it, a head check will be done, and this check will be repeated every appointment for up to two years.  

It’s essential to do a hip check to see possible signs of hip dysplasia. This check can seem a bit rough as the doctor will roll the baby’s hips, but you don’t have to worry; it’s completely normal.  

Genitalia check is crucial both for boy and girl babies. With boys, doctors will look at the testicles, if they are descended, and if there is an infection if the penis was circumcised. Here you can ask the doctor anything you would want to know about the bris ceremony if you are planning to do it. The doctor will check for adhesions in girls as they can lead to urinary infections.  

The pulse check in the femoral artery is mandatory, and it is done every time you visit the doctor, as it can help catch a heart condition in its early stage.  

The absence of a reflex can indicate a possible neurological problem. The pediatrician will startle your baby to see if its reflexes are normal. It’s also normal to touch the toes of the baby and tickle them to see the reaction.

Prepare to Talk About Your Baby 

Doctors are interested in hearing about a baby’s feeding patterns, sleeping patterns, and how the digestive system works. You’ll have to give answers to all of that, so be sure to pay attention to these things. It’s also an excellent time to ask the doctor questions about anything you would like to know. New parents usually have many questions regarding many new things they are experiencing. So be sure to ask about anything you want to know, whether it’s something regarding breastfeeding, shots, vaccination, or your baby’s behavior.

Prepare Yourself for the Paperwork  

A big part of the baby’s first check-up will be filling out a ton of paperwork. It’s something that can’t be avoided, even if it’s a tedious process, especially only a few days after giving birth. However, it’s the baby’s first appointment at the doctor’s office, so the initial paperwork is crucial. You need to remember to bring your insurance card and any hospital documents regarding your pregnancy and delivery. You will fill out many forms, and many of them will be regarding the information about the baby when it was born. It’s essential to give information about any complications you had during pregnancy and when giving birth.  

You’ll also be asked about your family’s medical history, and it’s important to know both the history of the mother and the father. It’s crucial to mention any health problems regarding your other children, if you have them, or any problems you are currently experiencing. You will also talk about this with the doctor, but you will have to write it down in many forms as well.

Eve Anderson is a marketing specialist turned blogger. Interested in sports and exciting travel destinations. Love to share content that can inform people.





Categories: Health

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