What You Need to Know About Health Screening Tests

Every human should keep their health at the top of their priority list. However, we often get too busy to care for our health until it’s too late. With regular health screening tests, you can put a stop to many health issues and live the best and longest life. Here’s everything you need to know 

What are health screening tests?

Health screening tests help doctors catch diseases and conditions in their patients. These tests include consultations, physical examination, laboratory, radiology, ultrasounds and other measurements. 

What are they used for?

The most important benefit of health screenings is their ability to help doctors identify medical conditions early on, even if the patient has no health issues. For instance, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, etc. don’t have any symptoms in their early stages—that’s why they are called “silent killers”. Only later, when the condition progresses, do they exhibit symptoms. Once the symptoms begin, it might be much harder to treat the condition or even too late to do anything about it. Early detection literally saves lives, so health screening tests are a great thing that every human should give the chance. 

Categories of health screening tests

Not every screening test is the same. These important health tests come in three main categories—categories 1,2 and 3. The first category involves basic tests beneficial for everyone (screening for obesity, hypertension, diabetes, colorectal cancer, high cholesterol, STDs and STIs, as well as breast and cervical cancer for women). Category 2 screenings can help some people but not everyone, depending on risk factors. Category 3 includes tests that doctors do not recommend due to a lack of information and reliability. If you’re confused by this division, it’s best to seek professional help and ask your doctor about tests you can do to ensure your best health. 

Diseases that can be stopped with screening tests

There are many diseases and conditions that can be diagnosed through screening (as seen above) but some of the most serious ones always include colorectal cancer. This type of cancer includes a non-cancerous polyp on the colon or rectum which usually doesn’t cause any pain or discomfort. However, this polyp can turn into cancer in some cases unless it’s caught through screening and removed in time. 

Next, we have breast cancer screening, which is something recommended for all women after the age of 40. Women in high risk due to family history might want to get checked even earlier. Some parts of the world, like the USA, have a very developed consciousness about breast cancer and many amazing clinics where women can receive a mammography. Booking a breast cancer screening in Fort Lauderdale in Florida ensures you get the most detailed exam and best information about risk factors and screening schedules. In case something abnormal is found, you can also receive quality treatment. 

Cervical cancer in women is tested with a Pap smear which should be conducted every three years after the age of 21. With regular Pap tests and HPV tests, it’s possible to discover and stop many serious gynecological conditions. 

Through an extensive blood test every year, it’s possible to notice many anomalies, especially when it comes to your cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood which increases the risk of heart disease. It’s also necessary to get regular fasting blood sugar level tests to catch diabetes in its early stage. 

How to continue after screenings?

After the screening, you’ll soon get your results. If they are normal, you can continue with your life and come to get checked out at the recommended frequency. Keep in mind that these tests only detect conditions present in your body while the screening is happening, so if you notice any health issues after, see your doctor for additional tests. 

On the other hand, if your results are not normal, do a follow-up test with your doctor as soon as possible. With early treatment and some discipline, you can ensure your condition has a positive outcome. 

Screenings for seniors

Do you need to continue with your screenings after you turn 70? The answer is yes. If you have been through tests in the past three years (and you’re feeling fine, without exhibiting signs of diabetes, hypertension or bad lipid status), consult your GP about your future plan for health screening. Some clinics even offer house visits for people who don’t have easy access to testing or have mobility issues. 

Keeping up with health screening tests is the key to long-term health. It might be bothersome to get tested regularly, especially if you feel fine, but it’s still so much better than battling with serious illness. 


Eve Anderson is a marketing specialist turned blogger. Interested in sports and exciting travel destinations. Love to share content that can inform people.





Categories: Health

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