What is a Root Canal?

Root canals can alleviate the dire pain caused by tooth decay, all through a delicate, efficient, and relatively painless process. Bringing a patient instant pain relief, all while managing to salvage the integrity of the natural tooth.

Let’s Get to the Root of the Problem

To understand the purpose of root canals, we must comprehend the structure of each tooth, and the composition of its separate layers.

  • The enamel: the outermost casing of the tooth, posing as a tough shell, is designed to shield the inner and more sensitive areas of the teeth from harmful bacteria and plaque.
  • The dentin: Laying beneath the enamel, this layer consists of microscopic hollow tubes and canals. This sensitive area reacts more severely to temperature and acidic substances.
  • The pulp: The inner core of the tooth. Containing the vital nerves, tissue, and blood vessels, this area is the foundation of every tooth and its desired function.

Restoring Your Natural Tooth

Root canals are quite invasive procedures and are necessary when tooth decay or infection has breached the inner core, or the pulp, of the tooth. To perform a root canal, the infected pulp must be removed, giving space for the professional to fill the resulting space with uniquely medicated dental materials which restore the intended vitality of the tooth. Now resealed with these materials, the natural tooth stands ready to rejoin your oral anatomy contributing to its optimal functionality. 

While not only boasting the benefit of keeping the natural tooth, it extends the tooth’s lifespan alongside protecting and preserving the jaw bone and other crucial supporting tissues surrounding the area of interest. The dental professional will likely, wherever possible, save the natural tooth, as it will save the patient from less pain and fewer expenses in the future.

If you need a root canal, you might experience some of the discomforting side effects mentioned below:

  • Sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures.
  • Severe toothache pain.
  • Red or swollen gums surrounding the tooth.
  • Discolouration of the tooth- including black, grey, or brown spots.
  • An abscess (or pimple) on the gums.

Trust the Process

While done efficiently and safely thanks to modern dental technology, root canals are no trivial task and will usually require two visits to the dentist near Round Lake Beach, IL, as they will remove the infected or inflamed pulp from the tooth and replace it with a dental filling.

Getting A Closer Look

The initial step consists of performing an x-ray of the tooth and its surrounding bone to pinpoint your specific symptoms and ensure a root canal is a correct approach. During this step, we may prescribe antibiotics to assist in subsiding the infection and inflammation in the immediate future. Abscesses can cause severe pain due to the pressure from infected swelling and are frequent among root canal patients. To be proactive and reduce inflammation and pain during the initial step will ensure the root canal is smoother and easier for both the patient and professional.

Preparing the Tooth

When the root canal is ready to be performed, the targeted area is carefully numbed. We emphasize ensuring your comfort and peace of mind, and once you’re in the optimal state of being we will drill an access hole into the tooth. Allowing us to remove the pulp, bacteria, infective nerve tissue, and other debris.

Sealing it Up

Once completed, we may distribute some medicine inside the tooth to ensure the infection is fully eradicated. Depending on your specific situation, you may require an additional visit to complete the procedure. If that’s the case, a temporary filling will be applied and you will surely feel some welcomed relief. Once your tooth proves to be thoroughly clean and healthy, whether that be in the same sitting or during your next appointment, your root canal may be permanently sealed.

Please remember that root canals may sound intimidating, but if you’re experiencing any serious symptoms-especially an abscess, you must receive professional attention. Only with your consent will we perform such a procedure.

If you believe you may be suffering from tooth decay, and require professional care, please do not hesitate to book an appointment today! 

Categories: Health

Nicolas Desjardins

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