What Does An ENT Doctor Treat

An ENT doctor treats people with ear, nose, and throat issues. They perform surgeries, remove masses of tissue and other foreign bodies from the area within the ear or nose, and treat significant problems such as sinus infections. They also advise on how to prevent these problems in the future by eating a healthy diet and daily routine. An ENT doctor, ear, nose & throat specialist, is a medical physician specializing in diagnosing and treating diseases of the ears, nose, and throat. Philadelphia-based ENT doctor is a Philadelphia-based ear, nose, and throat doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases of the ears, nose, and throat.

What Does An ENT Doctor Treat

1. Chronic ear infections

Chronic ear infections are caused by a buildup of fluid and germs in the middle ear. It hinders a baby’s hearing, speech, and language development. An ENT specialist will determine whether the fluid is in the middle ear or results from a sinus infection. They also drain the excess fluid that causes hearing impairment and other complications. It is done by opening the Eustachian tube, a small, tubular canal that connects the middle ear to the back of the nose, draining excess fluid from fluid-filled cavities in both ears, and using otosclerosis forceps or a scalpel to reach inside the ear for drainage of any infected material.

2. Sinus problems

Sinus infections occur when bacteria invade an area of mucous membrane that lines the sinuses–sinuses are the cavities located either above or below the cheekbones and near or behind the eyes. It is a common and recurring illness that many people have. Sometimes the infection will not affect all sinuses, so the ENT doctor will determine which sinuses are affected. If a sinus infection is severe, the ENT specialist will treat it with antibiotics or steroids. Fluid drainage reduces swelling and removes foreign objects that may have caused the infection. If the infection is severe, surgery may be necessary to remove diseased tissue or reposition the bones before an opening between nasal passages.

3. Hearing issues

Hearing issues include hearing loss and hearing problems, such as tinnitus or ringing in the ears. These problems are caused by fluid buildup in the middle ear or swollen eardrums. An ENT doctor uses a small catheter to place a microphone inside the ear canal to hear sounds and other methods to determine what is causing the problem. Hearing aids are used if necessary, but they do not correct damage done by disease and injury to nerves that carry sound information from the inner ear to the brain.

4. Throat issues

Inflamed throats can be caused by allergies, infections, food allergies, sinus congestion, or throat spasms. They can also result from a deviated septum, which tilts the upper part of the nose. Deviated septum usually will correct itself on its own but sometimes requires surgery. An ENT specialist performs procedures to correct a nose or throat problem and loosen debris lodged in the throat.

5. Tumors

Tumors of the middle ear, called “otosclerosis,” are rare but can occur in some people. Tumors in this area are often caused by head injuries, illnesses of the immune system, or other unknown causes. You can remove them with a surgical procedure that removes tissue and bone from behind the ear and may cause bleeding, pain and swelling. This procedure is often the last resort for this rare condition.

6. Hearing aids

Hearing aids fit into the ear and let you hear better. They may also help you be more active in everyday life and help you avoid falling or getting hurt. These devices can correct hearing problems caused by disease, age, or injury. An ENT specialist recommends them if the ear has become damaged from illness, infection, or injury to the outer part of the ear canal that transmits sound waves to the inner ear. A hearing aid placement takes about five minutes as long as no objects block the middle ear’s access point for sound stimulation.

7. Enlarged lymph nodes

An enlarged lymph node is an abnormal swelling in the neck. It is often caused by an infection, a tumor, or cancer of the lymph nodes. The ENT doctor will use a needle to take a biopsy from the swollen area to determine if it is infected or cancerous. If so, they will treat the infection with antibiotics and remove any diseased tissue. Sometimes a small incision is made in the neck and opened to drain fluids from nearby lymph nodes, allowing them to return to their average size.

8. Vertigo

Vertigo is the feeling of motion or spinning when standing or sitting. It is often caused by a problem with the balance system in your ear, nerve damage from a head injury, or inner ear infections. The ENT doctor will perform tests to determine the cause of vertigo and prescribe medication to relieve symptoms. This condition affects people from all walks of life, including some professional athletes.

9. Chronic stuffy nose

A chronic stuffy nose is caused by a buildup of extra mucus throughout the nasal passages and sinuses. It causes the amount of air you can breathe because there is less room for air to pass through. It can lead to a buildup of fluid in the middle ear, resulting in hearing loss, tinnitus, secondary infections, and more. An ENT specialist performs procedures to drain excess fluid from the middle ear, treat an infection if present, remove any foreign objects that may have caused it, and repair mucous membrane damage.

10. Sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a condition that causes pauses in breathing during sleep. Each pause can last 10 seconds or longer, and many occur without the person even waking up. These breathing pauses are common in overweight people but can also develop in people with standard body types. Sleep apnea is considered chronic and affects the quality of a patient’s sleep. It often causes excessive daytime sleepiness and high blood pressure. The ENT doctor will perform tests to determine if the patient has sleep apnea symptoms and prescribe treatment, such as sleeping at a 30-degree incline to keep fluid from building up in the throat that blocks airflow.

ENT Doctors are commonly trained in all aspects of ENT, including surgical procedures. An ENT specialist is trained to diagnose, treat, and alleviate common health problems, such as ear pain. A comprehensive treatment plan for all issues concerning a patient is an ENT doctor’s primary goal. The physicians are trained to treat all aspects of the ear, nose, and throat with treatments that range from minor to major surgeries.

Categories: Health

Nicolas Desjardins

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