The 7 foundational principles of primary healthcare in Orlando

There are many different healthcare models worldwide, but what are the foundational principles of primary healthcare? In this post, we look at some of the critical features of primary care and explore why it is essential for delivering quality healthcare services.

What is primary healthcare?

Primary healthcare (PHC) is defined as essential health care based on scientifically sound and socially acceptable methods and technology, making universal health coverage possible. It is an approach to health beyond the traditional medical model of curative care, focusing on health promotion and disease prevention.

In other words, PHC is a people-centred approach to health that addresses the needs of individuals, families, and communities. It takes a holistic view of health, considering social and economic factors that impact our well-being. And it emphasizes the need for equitable access to quality healthcare services. Primary Healthcare Strategy outlines seven fundamental principles of PHC:

  1. A focus on people and communities: PHC is people-centred, focusing on individuals, families and communities rather than on diseases. It takes a holistic view of health, considering social and economic factors that impact our well-being. And it emphasizes the need for equitable access to quality healthcare services.
  1. A comprehensive approach: PHC addresses the full spectrum of health needs, from promotion and disease prevention to treatment and rehabilitation. It includes physical, mental and social health needs, health education and promotion.
  1. An integrated approach: PHC services are delivered in an integrated way, with different sectors working together to address the health needs of individuals, families and communities. It includes collaboration between different levels of the healthcare system and health and non-health sectors such as education, housing and social welfare.
  1. A decentralized approach: PHC services are delivered at the local level, closest to where people live and work. It allows for more effective and efficient service delivery and better-tailored services to meet the specific needs of different communities.
  1. A participatory approach: PHC involves all community members in taking action to improve their health. It includes involvement in health education, promotion activities, and decision-making about health services.
  1. A multi-sectoral approach: PHC recognizes that health is determined by various factors beyond the health sector, such as education, housing, nutrition and environment. It, therefore, works with other sectors to address the social determinants of health and create a healthier society.
  1. A rights-based approach: PHC upholds the human right to health, which includes the right to access quality healthcare services. It also recognizes that health is a fundamental human right, regardless of social status, economic circumstances or other factors.

Why is primary healthcare so important?

Primary healthcare is essential for achieving good health outcomes. It is the most cost-effective way to prevent and treat disease, and it helps reduce health inequalities. Research has shown that every dollar spent on PHC can save up to $16 in hospital costs.

PHC is also vital for building resilient health systems. It helps to ensure that health services can meet the population’s needs, even in times of crisis. And it helps to build trust between communities and the healthcare system, which is essential for effective disease prevention and treatment.

What are some of the challenges faced by primary healthcare providers today?

One of the biggest challenges PHC providers face today is a lack of funding. It has led to a shortage of trained staff and a lack of essential supplies and equipment.

Another challenge faced by PHC is the increasing burden of chronic disease. It includes conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer, which are rising due to unhealthy diets and sedentary lifestyles. Chronic diseases place a significant strain on healthcare resources, and they require long-term treatment and care.

The rising cost of healthcare is also a significant challenge for PHC. It is due to many factors, such as the increasing cost of drugs and medical supplies and the need for more sophisticated equipment and facilities. In addition, the ageing population is putting an ever-increasing strain on healthcare resources.

Despite these challenges, primary healthcare remains essential for achieving good health outcomes. It is the most cost-effective way to prevent and treat disease, and it helps reduce health inequalities. Research has shown that every dollar spent on PHC can save up to $16 in hospital costs.

PHC is also vital for building resilient health systems. It helps to ensure that health services can meet the population’s needs, even in times of crisis. And it helps to build trust between communities and the healthcare system, which is essential for effective disease prevention and treatment.


Primary healthcare is essential for achieving good health outcomes. It is the most cost-effective way to prevent and treat disease, and it helps reduce health inequalities. PHC is also vital for building resilient health systems. It helps to ensure that health services can meet the population’s needs, even in times of crisis. And it helps to build trust between communities and the healthcare system, which is essential for effective disease prevention and treatment. Despite the challenges primary healthcare providers face today, it remains essential for achieving good health outcomes. Appoint a visit today to get started on your path to better health.

Categories: Health

Nicolas Desjardins

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