If you face struggles with your eyes, it can lead to serious health problems. Nearly one million doctor visits for eye infections annually in the US.

That’s why if you notice any changes or a new eye symptom, you need to get to the doctor as soon as possible.

Infection in the eye can lead to permanent vision damage or even cause significant damage to your sight. There are many common eye infections, so you must take them very seriously. Read on below for the most common symptoms of an eye infection.

Itchy Eyes

Itching can range from mild to severe and can be accompanied by burning, redness, tearing, or discharge from the eyes. In cases of severe eye infections (such as conjunctivitis), swelling of the eyelids can also occur. In such cases, one must consult with a doctor immediately to receive the proper diagnosis and treatment.

It is important to note that eye infections can be contagious, and precautions should be taken to prevent the spreading of the disease. In other words, do not share any eye products; try not to touch your eyes if they are itchy.

Burning in Your Eyes

A common symptom of eye infection is redness of the eyes, along with a feeling like something is in the eyes. Burning can also occur, mainly if the disease has spread to the eyelids, eyelashes, or the skin around the eyes.

Yellowish discharge and itchiness can also accompany eye infections. People may experience a gritty feeling or increased sensitivity to light in this situation. If any of these symptoms persist or worsen, seeking medical attention as soon as possible is essential to treat the infection properly.

Pain or Discomfort

Pain or discomfort is one of the common signs of an eye infection. It can range from general discomfort to sharp, stabbing pains that occur deep in the eye. Red eyes are another common sign, as well as a feeling of grittiness or itchiness in the eyes.

Sometimes, the infected eye may appear cloudy or have a yellow or green discharge. Depending on the severity of the infection, a person may also experience sensitivity to light or blurred vision. If a person experiences excessive tearing, that can be a sign as well.

The Eye Hurts When It’s Bright

A significant indicator of eye infection is when the eye hurts when it’s bright. It’s commonly known as photophobia and is caused by irritation or inflammation of the eye’s inner lining. Photophobia can be due to many eye conditions, from conjunctivitis and viral infections to corneal scratches and uveitis.

It is best to consult an eye doctor if you experience any of the above symptoms. Treatments typically involve antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medications, depending on the underlying condition. If untreated, severe eye infections can lead to permanent vision loss and should be avoided to support healthy eye health.

Eyelids Are Tender

Eye infections can cause tenderness and swelling of the eyelids, which can be a sign of an eye infection. It’s essential to be mindful of this symptom and contact a medical professional if tenderness persists for more than a few days.

The eyelids may become swollen, and a crusty residue may develop on the eyelashes. Suppose the eyelids are tender and any of these added symptoms exist. In that case, it’s essential to schedule an appointment with an ophthalmologist as soon as possible for proper diagnosis and treatment of the infection.

Teary Eyes

Your eyes may water more often, and something as simple as a gust of wind can cause them to tear. The number of tears produced may also increase. Tears may also become unusual in the quantity or clarity of the tears themselves.

The eyes produce significantly more tears than usual, it’s likely due to irritation from an underlying infection. His tears could be watery or thick and have a green or yellowish tint. Furthermore, the eye may become red or very inflamed.

Treating the infection with antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medications is often relatively simple and straightforward. You must purchase these eye cleaning wipes to prevent any further eye damage.

Blurred Vision

Blurred vision can be a sign of many things going on in the eye, from dry eyes to detached retinas to eye infections. If someone is experiencing blurred vision and displaying any of these other signs, it might be wise to seek medical attention to make sure the infection is properly treated and the vision is not permanently affected.

With proper diagnosis and treatment, blurred vision of eye infections is often temporary and reversible.

Eye Matters or Discharge

Eye matter or discharge is a red flag for infection. If the discharge is thick and green, yellow, or gray in color and clumpy, it may show an infection. This can be accompanied by redness, itching, burning sensations, or a “gritty” feeling.

Always acknowledge sudden changes in how your eyes look and feel or if you notice an unusual discharge. Treating an infection early may prevent more serious vision problems in the future.

Consider a Treatment for Eye Infection

Eye infections are serious and should not be overlooked. If you experience any of the signs described above, an appointment with an eye care specialist should be made as soon as possible. Don’t delay; make an appointment with a medical professional today to receive the best eye care for your eye infection.

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Categories: Health

Nicolas Desjardins

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