Most people use orgasms as a mere tool of pleasure. No doubt, orgasms are enjoyable, but did you know about the health benefits of orgasm? Shocking right? Something so pleasurable is hardly good for health, but not for orgasms. So here is the article that convinces you about the amazing health benefits of orgasm. We have compiled a list which we are sure will convince you. 

What are the Health Benefits of Orgasm for Individuals?

Here are some benefits of orgasms you can enjoy if you indulge in regular sexual intercourse: 

  • Fertility Boosting Benefit of Orgasm

Mother nature has biologically constructed human beings with a strong urge to procreate. This biological programming is why most people find it hard to resist this natural urge to reproduce. Thus, we often see couples going to lengths and seeking professional help to bear offspring. Those people who cannot bear offspring do not live a fulfilled life. 

One of the major reasons behind infertility in women is their inability to draw sperm during sexual intercourse. However, a woman who regularly orgasms can easily attract sperm. Thus, one major benefit of orgasm is that it helps to increase fertility in women by helping them to draw more sperm.

  • Pain Alleviating Benefit of Orgasm

Pain reduction and orgasm seem mutually exclusive. However, a surprising benefit of orgasm is that it helps in reducing the pain. The biological reason behind this is the secretion of a hormone called endorphins in our body during orgasm. A sizable number of women have reported that orgasm helps with pain and discomfort in their bodies. 

In some medical cases, doctors even recommend their patients to indulge in orgasm for problems related to backache and headaches. Thus, pain alleviating is one of the many benefits of orgasm.

  • Improved Heart Health Benefit of Orgasm

Regular orgasms keep the heart pumping. During sexual intercourse, due to all the physical tension between you and your partner, you burn a lot of calories. Thus, regular orgasm is a great way to enjoy the gym benefits from the comfort of your bed (literally). Since regular orgasms have the same effect as a moderate workout in the gym, they are also likely to yield similar results. 

Thus, regular orgasms will significantly lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases and reduce the risk of hypertension. People who regularly experience the benefit of orgasm will have improved heart health. 

  • Immunity Boosting Benefit of Orgasm

During orgasm, your body releases white blood cells and immunity-boosting chemicals like DHEA. White blood cells increase your body’s immunity by fighting off any external irritants that enter your body. Similarly, the DHEA hormone helps synthesize estrogen and androgen in our bodies. DHEA, also known as the “Super Hormone,” allows our bodies to promote bone health and repair tissues. 

Thus, another benefit of orgasm is that it helps our bodies to release WBC and DHEA, which enables us to boost immunity and improve our bone health.  

  • Pelvic Floor Muscle Strengthening Benefit of Orgasm

A weak pelvic floor in women does not allow for normal contraction and relaxation of muscles. One common reason behind weak pelvic floor in women is the lack of blood flow in that area. Weak pelvic floor can lead to various issues like less bladder control, delayed recovery from birth etc. However, women who experience regular orgasm have stronger pelvic floor as compared to women who do not experience regular orgasm. 

Regular orgasms engage the same muscles as in Kegel exercises. Thus, pelvic floor strengthening is another benefit of orgasm for women. 

  • Brain Health Boosting Benefit of Orgasm

Many chemicals and hormones flow to the brain through blood during orgasm. Hormones like dopamine and oxytocin are responsible for the overall health of our brain and orgasming is a great way to release such hormones. In some cases, people who have suffered paralysis might rewire the brain by stimulating various body parts during orgasm. 

Similarly, during orgasm, some parts of our brains shut down, which reduces fear and anxiety. Thus, brain health boosting is one of the key benefits of orgasm.

  • Menstrual Cycle Regulating Benefits of Orgasm

Due to the hectic lifestyle and lack of proper self-care nowadays, PCOS and irregular menstrual cycle is the problem inflicting the lives of a lot of modern-day women. An irregular menstrual cycle is an underlying symptom of brewing infertility issues. If not taken seriously, human infertility issues can become existential problems in a matter of time. A survey done among a group of women, concluded that women who orgasmed frequently reported regular menstrual cycles. However, women who were not sexually active reported irregular menstrual cycles. 

Thus, helping women to regulate their irregular menstrual is also one of the benefits of orgasm. 

  • Increased Life Expectancy Benefit of Orgasm

Orgasm acts as a catalyst for healthy chemical reactions in our bodies. Orgasms help reduce the risk of hypertension, lower cholesterol, increase blood circulation, etc. All these factors will naturally contribute to your health and longevity. Beyond health and longevity, orgasms also improve the quality of our life by providing sensory pleasure. 

Thus, increasing our life expectancy by contributing to our overall health is one of the benefits of orgasm. 

The Bottom Line

Aside from the pleasure, there are infinite health benefits of orgasm. You don’t need to require a partner to experience orgasm. Many solo pleasure toys are available in the market to help you experience orgasm. Find what works best for you and unlock the power of orgasm for your ultimate well-being.

Categories: Health

Nicolas Desjardins

Hello everyone, I am the main writer for SIND Canada. I've been writing articles for more than 12 years and I like sharing my knowledge. I'm currently writing for many websites and newspapers. I always keep myself very informed to give you the best information. All my years as a computer scientist made me become an incredible researcher. You can contact me on our forum or by email at [email protected].