Have you not yet had your wisdom teeth removed and they are starting to cause you pain? Wisdom teeth—which are the back molars that are the last to come in—usually emerge between the ages of 18 and 25. It’s usually recommended to have them removed by the age of 26 or earlier if they are causing pain or crowding.

Decided it’s time to have your wisdom teeth removed? Here is the wisdom teeth removal process explained so you’ll know what to expect.

Who Removes Wisdom Teeth

It’s likely your family dentist will be the first person to recommend you get your wisdom teeth removed. If these types of surgeries are not performed at their office, they will refer you to an oral surgeon who will be able to handle the extraction process.

The Day of Your Surgery

Once it’s been determined that you need your wisdom teeth out, you will schedule an appointment with a dentist or oral surgeon. You can expect the process to last anywhere from 20 to 90 minutes depending on how many teeth are being removed, how many are impacted (not yet erupted from the gums), and whether or not you have IV sedation.

Once you are in the surgeon’s chair, he or she will numb the area around your wisdom teeth with a local anesthetic. You may also be given a sedative to help relax you if you are nervous about the procedure. It’s rare that general anesthesia is used for wisdom teeth extraction as the risk of using anesthesia usually outweighs the benefits in this particular situation.

Removing the Wisdom Teeth

After you have been numbed and possibly sedated, the extraction will start. For teeth that have not erupted from the gums, the surgeon will make a small incision over the gum area and may also remove a small piece of bone covering the tooth. If needed, the tooth will be cut into smaller pieces to make it easier to remove.

The surgeon will rock the tooth back and forth in the socket to widen it, then will extract the tooth. As the tooth is being removed, you will feel some pressure but should not feel any pain due to the numbing medicine.

Once all the teeth have been successfully removed, the surgeon will seal your gums with dissolving stitches. These will usually last anywhere from seven to ten days and do not need to be removed.

Once You Are Home

It may take up to two weeks to fully recover from your wisdom tooth removal but you will likely be able to return to normal activities within a few days. During recovery, you may experience pain, swelling, bruising on the cheeks, and a stiff, sore jaw. If you have severe pain or excess bleeding, contact your dentist or oral surgeon as this could be a sign of complications.

Choosing the Best Wisdom Teeth Removal Professional

If you’re experiencing pain from your wisdom teeth, it’s time to get them removed. To ensure your wisdom teeth removal procedure is successful, choose a surgeon with years of experience and who comes highly recommended by past patients or your dentist.

Categories: Health

Nicolas Desjardins

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