The Rife Machine, a device steeped in alternative medicine history, represents an early exploration into the use of frequencies for healing purposes. Originally developed by Royal Raymond Rife in the 1930s, the concept of the Rife Machine rests on the utilisation of electromagnetic waves to selectively target and neutralise pathogens in the body through resonance. This primitive form of frequency therapy laid the groundwork for more sophisticated and precise methods that would follow.

Comparatively, Bicom bioresonance therapy is a contemporary and more advanced form of frequency therapy that transcends the limitations of earlier technologies such as the Rife Machine. By decoding the body’s bio-energetic patterns and providing feedback with optimally adjusted frequencies, Bicom therapy represents the integration of biofeedback therapy principles with frequency treatment, facilitating a deeper and more responsive form of healing.

Rife Machine Therapy: An Overview of Its Applications

In some cases, as detailed in treatments for Borrelia, muscular complaints were visibly reduced when therapy commenced, and symptoms completely disappeared with the introduction of Rife frequencies along with high dosages of Samento, a natural remedy. However, this approach, while beneficial for specific cases, lacks the comprehensive bio-energetic evaluation and versatility offered by later therapeutic devices such as Bicom.

While the Rife Machine has found a niche for its use in various medical applications and wellness settings, reports of its effectiveness often arise from anecdotal evidence or are confined to specific health issues. Nonetheless, the interest it has generated in the field of frequency therapy showcases the ongoing search for healing modalities that complement and enhance traditional medical practices.

The Transition to Bicom Bioresonance Therapy

Bicom bioresonance therapy, which utilises carefully modulated biophysical frequencies, is a more comprehensive and dynamically responsive technology. Bicom devices are designed to work synergistically with the body’s intrinsic energy fields to identify dysregulations and provide individualised treatment protocols. For instance, the incorporation of certain proven programs like Program 978 and Program 996 can offer targeted intervention across a broader range of frequencies and conditions, setting a new standard in precision and efficacy within the field of frequency therapy .

Furthermore, Bicom therapy has been specifically developed to address the complete bio-energetic spectrum of an individual, from environmental toxins and heavy metal burdens to parasitic infestations and viral infections. This holistic approach offers a more sophisticated and personalized form of therapy, attuned not only to the pathogens but also to the susceptible environments within the body that foster imbalances .


While Rife Machine therapy remains a well-known example of early frequency therapy, the advancements made through Bicom bioresonance therapy offer a far more nuanced and refined approach to holistic healing. In the progression from Rife to Bicom, we witness the evolution of frequency therapy from a blunt tool to a fine-tuned instrument, adept at navigating the complexities of bio-energetic health and fostering deep, lasting wellness. As we continue to explore and integrate such transformative modalities, we deepen our understanding and capability to harmonise the body’s intricate energy systems, paving the way for a future where health is not only managed but optimised.


What is the Rife Machine, and how does it differ from Bicom bioresonance therapy?

The Rife Machine, developed in the 1930s by Royal Raymond Rife, utilises electromagnetic waves to target pathogens in the body. Bicom bioresonance therapy, on the other hand, is a more modern approach that decodes the body’s bio-energetic patterns and provides feedback with adjusted frequencies for a more precise healing process.

What are the applications of Rife Machine therapy, and how effective is it compared to Bicom therapy?

Rife Machine therapy has been used in various medical applications and wellness settings, with anecdotal evidence supporting its effectiveness for specific health issues. However, Bicom therapy offers a more comprehensive and dynamically responsive approach, setting a new standard in precision and efficacy within the field of frequency therapy.

How does Bicom bioresonance therapy address a broader range of health conditions compared to the Rife Machine?

Bicom therapy utilises carefully modulated biophysical frequencies to identify dysregulations and provide individualised treatment protocols, offering targeted intervention across a broader range of frequencies and conditions. This holistic approach addresses not only pathogens but also environmental toxins, heavy metal burdens, and other imbalances within the body.

What are some key differences in the technology and methodology between the Rife Machine and Bicom therapy?

The Rife Machine relies on electromagnetic waves for targeting pathogens, while Bicom therapy integrates biofeedback principles with frequency treatment, providing deeper and more responsive healing. Additionally, Bicom devices are designed to work synergistically with the body’s energy fields, offering personalised therapy tailored to an individual’s bio-energetic spectrum.

How does the evolution from Rife to Bicom reflect advancements in holistic healing modalities?

The transition from Rife to Bicom represents a progression from a blunt tool to a fine-tuned instrument in frequency therapy. It showcases advancements in precision, efficacy, and the ability to navigate the complexities of bio-energetic health, ultimately leading to deep and lasting wellness outcomes.

Categories: Health

Nicolas Desjardins

Hello everyone, I am the main writer for SIND Canada. I've been writing articles for more than 12 years and I like sharing my knowledge. I'm currently writing for many websites and newspapers. I always keep myself very informed to give you the best information. All my years as a computer scientist made me become an incredible researcher. You can contact me on our forum or by email at [email protected].