Living in the digital age does come with multiple perks such as immediate connection, instant communication, and remote working. While it certainly builds bridges where they’re needed, it also comes with some pitfalls, especially in terms of eye health. In a time when we’re spending most of our days looking at screens, whether working or leisure, it’s impossible not to wonder: Does too much screen time actually hurt our vision?

It is possible that too much screen time can contribute to eye strain and other vision problems, but the exact link between screen time and eye health is not fully understood. Some studies have suggested that long periods of screen time can contribute to dry eye, eye fatigue, and vision problems like myopia (nearsightedness). However, more research is needed to understand the full extent of the effects of screen time on eye health.

To help reduce the risk of eye strain and other vision problems, it is important to follow good eye health habits when using screens. This includes taking regular breaks to look away from the screen, blinking frequently to keep the eyes moist, and adjusting the screen so that it is at a comfortable distance and angle. It is also a good idea to use proper lighting and to avoid glare on the screen.

Vision experts agree that limited screen time that is not followed by vision issues generally doesn’t cause permanent vision damage, but whether and how much screen time can be damaging to our vision is up for debate. In this article, we’ll explore the effects of excessive screen time, the health risks, and how they can be reduced. 

What the research suggests

We are all aware that exposure to sources of bright light such as the sun isn’t good for our eyes. The sun produces ultraviolet (UV) rays, which are known to be some of the most damaging kinds of light. These lights, especially UVB rays, can cause serious damage to both eyes and skin. They can also lead to eye diseases such as cataracts and even cancer. While the lights emitted by newer electronic devices typically do not produce UV rays, they do, however, produce blue light.

According to research, exposure to blue light is often associated with eye strain, one of the most common eye conditions. An individual spending extended amounts of time in front of blue light-emitting devices may also experience trouble with focusing.

Some researchers have also linked nighttime blue light exposure to an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. There were also studies that suggested that exposure to blue light can damage retinal cells. Over a long period of time, the damaged retina can lead to macular degeneration, an eye disease that’s currently incurable.

The effects of excessive screen time

Young man working on computer at night in dark office. The designer works at a later time.

We already mentioned some short-term effects of excessive screen time such as eye strain and loss of focus flexibility. Other than these, too much screen time can also result in effects such as dry eyes, blurred vision, and headaches. These effects can be irritating and may even interfere with an individual’s ability to perform at work.

Dry eyes, in particular, can cause annoyance and interfere with daily activities such as driving, watching TV, or reading. If untreated, conditions like these only worsen over time, resulting in severe discomfort and blurred vision. If you are concerned about this problem, you should visit your doctor.

In these cases, seeking proper treatment is essential. It’s also important to note that blurred or clouded vision may be symptoms of cataracts. While eyeglasses and strong lighting may help you deal with cataracts at first, if and when your usual activities start to be affected by impaired vision, that is when getting cataract surgery is recommended. Other than being detrimental to the eyes, excessive screen time can also lead to bad posture and interfere with circadian rhythm. This, in turn, can reduce both the quality and quantity of our sleep, thus affecting our overall health and wellness.

Why is too much screen time harmful?

There are a few ways in which too much screen time may be harmful to your vision:

  1. Eye strain: Prolonged screen use can lead to eye strain, which can cause symptoms like dry, red, or tired eyes, headaches, and blurred vision.

  2. Dry eye: Staring at a screen for long periods of time can cause the eyes to blink less frequently, leading to dry eye.

  3. Myopia: Some research suggests that too much screen time may contribute to the development of myopia, or nearsightedness.

  4. Other vision problems: Excessive screen time may also be linked to other vision problems, such as eye fatigue and difficulty focusing on close objects.

It is important to note that more research is needed to fully understand the relationship between screen time and eye health. In the meantime, it is a good idea to follow good eye health habits when using screens, such as taking regular breaks, blinking frequently, and adjusting the screen to a comfortable distance and angle.

What does too much screen time do to the brain?

There is some evidence to suggest that too much screen time can have negative effects on the brain. For example, excessive screen time has been linked to a decreased ability to pay attention and to increased impulsivity. It has also been associated with an increased risk of developing symptoms of depression and anxiety.

However, it is important to note that the relationship between screen time and brain health is complex and not fully understood. It is possible that some of the negative effects of screen time may be due to other factors, such as the type of content being viewed or the lack of physical activity or face-to-face social interaction that may occur when engaging in screen-based activities.

To help minimize the potential negative effects of screen time on the brain, it is a good idea to limit screen time, particularly for young children, and to encourage a balanced approach to media use that includes a variety of activities and social interactions.

What’s a healthy screen time?

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends the following guidelines for screen time for children and adolescents:

For children 2 to 5 years old:

  • Limited screen time to 1 hour per day of high-quality programming.

For children 6 years and older:

  • Limit screen time to no more than 2 hours per day.
  • Encourage at least one hour of physical activity every day.

It is important to note that these guidelines are just that – guidelines. The right amount of screen time will depend on a child’s age, interests, and needs. It is a good idea to set limits on screen time and to encourage a balanced approach to media use that includes a variety of activities, such as outdoor play, reading, and social interaction.

For adults, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to how much screen time is healthy. However, it is generally a good idea to limit screen time as much as possible, particularly before bedtime, and to take regular breaks to look away from screens and engage in other activities.

Does TV count as screen time?

Yes, television viewing counts as screen time. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends limiting screen time to no more than 2 hours per day for children 6 years and older, and this recommendation includes television viewing as well as other screen-based activities such as using a computer, tablet, or smartphone.

It is a good idea to set limits on screen time and to encourage a balanced approach to media use that includes a variety of activities, such as outdoor play, reading, and social interaction.

How concerned should you be?

Reading about screen-related vision problems can be unsettling, especially for someone whose job requires sitting in front of a screen. Even if your 9 to 5 doesn’t involve extended screen time, spending hours in front of the computer, smartphone, or tablet still puts you at risk of eye strain or eye damage.

That said, if you’re someone who uses screens for a few hours or less during the day, the likelihood of you experiencing vision-related issues that will result in serious problems is low. Overall, limiting screen time is recommended as it can help reduce the risk of different health issues (insomnia, obesity, etc.).

How do I reduce screen time?

Here are a few tips for reducing screen time:

  1. Set limits: Determine how much screen time is appropriate for you or your child and set limits accordingly. Consider using screen time limits on devices or setting designated screen-free times throughout the day.

  2. Find alternative activities: Find activities to do instead of screens, such as reading a book, going for a walk, or spending time with friends and family.

  3. Take breaks: Take regular breaks from screens to give your eyes and brain a rest. Try the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break to look at something 20 feet away.

  4. Use screens mindfully: When you do use screens, be mindful of the content you are consuming and the length of time you are using the screen. Try to choose quality content and limit your screen time to what is necessary.

  5. Turn off screens at bedtime: The blue light emitted by screens can interfere with sleep, so it is a good idea to turn off screens at least an hour before bedtime.

By implementing these strategies, you can help reduce your screen time and improve your overall well-being.

What you can do about it

While the effects of extended screen use can be quite detrimental to our health, they can be avoided. One of the first things you’ll need to do if you want to improve your eye health is to make sure that you go for an eye exam regularly (once a year). When using screens, whether for work or entertainment, make sure to adjust the lighting to the surrounding light. Relying on the 20-20-20 rule will help reduce eye strain while using artificial tears will help prevent dry eyes.

If the screen is producing glare from light (natural or artificial), try to change the screen position to reduce it. You should also ensure proper posture and distance from the screen (25 inches) and consider using blue light filters.

Wrapping up

Spending too much time in front of a screen, whether for work or entertainment, can lead to discomfort and damage. By paying attention to how and how much you use screens, you can minimize the risks and maintain good eyesight.

Categories: Health

Nicolas Desjardins

Hello everyone, I am the main writer for SIND Canada. I've been writing articles for more than 12 years and I like sharing my knowledge. I'm currently writing for many websites and newspapers. I always keep myself very informed to give you the best information. All my years as a computer scientist made me become an incredible researcher. You can contact me on our forum or by email at [email protected].