What Is a Bifurcated Divorce?

Marriage termination is far from pleasant and everyone aims to finalize it as soon as possible getting beneficial outcomes at the same time. Yet, not all cases can be brought to an end quickly. Some processes may be dragged out for months and years.

Even in such situations, it is still possible to get a fast Florida divorce if necessary by opting for bifurcation. Check out the meaning and details of the bifurcated process and choose whether it is a suitable solution for your case.

The Meaning of Bifurcation

To understand the bifurcated divorce meaning one should look at the meaning of the word ‘bifurcation’ itself. It covers the processes of splitting and dividing. But it stands not for the couple parting their ways but for some divorce issues to be resolved separately from the others.

If you request a bifurcated divorce, your marriage will be terminated without delay and you will obtain a single status even without dealing with assets division, custody, or any other significant divorce issues. Still, not every couple is allowed to get their marriage bifurcated since a list of requirements has to be met first.

The Reasons to Get a Bifurcated Divorce

Partners don’t opt for bifurcation divorce out of the blue. It is usually a separate procedure that requires extra effort, time, and expenses. So, divorcees only choose it when they really need to end their relationships officially here and now. Check out some of the top common reasons for bifurcation:

  • complications with finances
  • income taxes under the ‘single’ or ‘head of house’ status
  • new marriage
  • infidelity
  • domestic violence
  • dragging out the case by the other party.

Your reason for getting your divorce bifurcated must be filed along with the bifurcation request. If the court doesn’t see any reason for you to stay married, your pledge will be approved without delay.

The Minimum Requirements for Bifurcation

Mind that not every couple can get their divorce bifurcated and even if they do, there are still legal requirements to cover before and after the process. Review the common points to qualify for bifurcation:

  • you need to have at least minimum divorce progress to request bifurcation, which means at least one or two divorce issues are resolved;
  • you need to provide the reason and evidence why you need to bifurcate your divorce;
  • if you have a retirement plan, your spouse will receive compensation from you, and vice versa;
  • if you maintain medical insurance for your spouse, you have to continue the maintenance and vice versa;
  • the other party may receive the tax consequences reimbursed if there are any.

It is better to consult with a lawyer so that you know whether you can meet the requirements and whether the divorce bifurcation is a beneficial option for you. Only then can you make a decision.

Pros and Cons of Bifurcation

The after-effects of bifurcation may both help you to move forward faster and add some extra divorce-related hurdles at the same time. The bifurcation of marriage is not a unique solution for any marriage termination to proceed faster but should only be opted for when there is no other way out.

On one hand, bifurcation will turn you into a single person with no delay. And you will be able to experience all the connected benefits. This covers the ability to remarry, change your taxation conditions, and more. Plus, you will protect your economic stability by getting assigned certain financial benefits from your ex after bifurcation. The complicated financial issues will be time-framed appropriately as well. 

Contrastly, a bifurcated divorce may result in making your marriage termination a more complicated process. Splitting your divorce case into several separate procedures will only add to the cost of divorce. It is proven that bifurcated divorces are more expensive than if similar cases were non-bifurcated. Bifurcation can be also used by any of the sides as a way to prolong the process and worsen the situation in general to antagonize their soon-to-be ex. Bifurcated divorces are also bad for the judicial system in general since they clutter the court schedule and create additional work for the officials.

If you are ready to pay the mentioned price to become a single earlier than your divorce process is completely over, bifurcated divorce suits you. But remember to consult a divorce lawyer beforehand so that you are a hundred percent sure bifurcation will solve your marriage termination troubles but not add new ones. Measure all the pros and cons and make the best suitable and beneficial decisions regarding the end of your marriage and move on to a happier life.

Categories: General

Nicolas Desjardins

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