The term is often used in a negative way, indicating that these individuals or groups are overly critical or quick to take offense and that they are seen as policing the thoughts and actions of others in order to maintain their own sense of morality or political correctness. The term “woke” itself refers to being aware of social and political issues, particularly those related to race and social justice.

The term “woke police” is used to describe individuals or groups who are seen as overly vigilant in identifying and calling out instances of perceived social or political insensitivity or ignorance.

It can also be used to describe those who are seen as excessively promoting or imposing their own views on social and political issues on others. The term “woke police” implies that these individuals or groups are overly aggressive in their efforts to promote their views and that they are willing to use tactics such as public shaming, social media attacks, or other forms of public pressure to enforce their views on others.

This term has its roots in the Black Lives Matter movement and the increasing awareness of racial injustices. The term “woke” was originally used to describe those who were aware of and actively working to address these issues. However, as the term has become more mainstream, it has also been used to describe those who are seen as overly aggressive or dismissive in their efforts to address these issues.

It’s important to note that many critics argue that the term “woke police” is often used to silence or dismiss legitimate concerns about issues related to social justice and equity. They argue that the term is used to dismiss the perspectives of marginalized groups and to discourage people from engaging in discussions about important social and political issues.

Where is that term from?

The term “woke” has its roots in African American Vernacular English (AAVE) and it has been used for decades in the black community to describe someone who is aware of and actively working to address racial injustices and discrimination. It was popularized by the Black Lives Matter movement which began in 2013, and it has since become more mainstream.

The term “woke police” is a derivative of “woke” and it appeared in online conversations and social media in the 2010s. It is used to describe individuals or groups who are seen as overly vigilant in identifying and calling out instances of perceived social or political insensitivity or ignorance. It has been used to criticize those who are perceived as overly aggressive or dismissive in their efforts to address issues related to social justice and equity.

How has woke been used in the media?

The term “woke” has been used in a variety of contexts in the media, often in reference to issues related to social justice and equity. It is often used to describe individuals, groups, or organizations that are seen as actively working to address issues related to race, gender, sexual orientation, and other marginalized groups.

In recent years, “woke” has also been used in the context of corporate social responsibility and corporate branding, with many companies and brands positioning themselves as “woke” or socially conscious in their advertising and marketing efforts. This can be seen as a way to appeal to consumers who are increasingly interested in supporting socially responsible companies and products.

Additionally, “woke” has been used in the media to describe the changing attitudes and cultural norms around issues such as race and social justice. Some argue that society is becoming more “woke” as awareness and understanding of these issues increase.

However, the term has also been criticized by some for being overly simplistic, or for being used to dismiss or silence legitimate concerns about issues related to social justice and equity. Critics argue that the term is often used as a way to avoid meaningful action or substantive change.

In summary, “woke” has been used in the media to describe individuals, groups, organizations, and even corporations that are seen as actively working to address issues related to social justice and equity, as well as changes in cultural norms around those issues. But it has also been criticized for being overly simplistic or used to dismiss or silence legitimate concerns.


The term “woke police” refers to individuals or groups who are seen as overly vigilant in identifying and calling out instances of perceived social or political insensitivity or ignorance. These individuals or groups are often perceived as being overly critical or quick to take offense, and as policing the thoughts and actions of others in order to maintain their own sense of morality or political correctness.
They are also seen as excessively promoting or imposing their own views on social and political issues on others and they might use tactics such as public shaming, social media attacks, or other forms of public pressure to enforce their views on others. It is often used in a negative way, indicating that the individuals or groups are seen as imposing their views, being overly aggressive, and not allowing others to have different views.

Other Terms Related To Woke Police

Some other terms that are related to “woke police” include:

  • Social justice warriors (SJWs): This term is often used to describe individuals who are seen as overly aggressive or divisive in their efforts to promote social justice and equality. It is often used in a pejorative way, indicating that these individuals are seen as more interested in promoting their own agenda than in achieving real change.

  • Cancel culture: This term refers to the phenomenon of individuals or groups being publicly shamed or “cancelled” for expressing views or taking actions that are seen as offensive or insensitive. This term is often used in conjunction with “woke police” to describe the perceived over-sensitivity of some groups or individuals.

  • Snowflakes: This term is often used to describe individuals who are seen as overly sensitive or easily offended. It implies that these individuals are seen as unable to handle opposing viewpoints or criticism.

  • PC (politically correct): This term is used to describe language, behavior, or policies that are seen as overly sensitive or inoffensive. It is often used to describe the actions or views of “woke police” or SJWs, indicating that these individuals or groups are seen as more interested in being politically correct than in expressing their true opinions.

It’s important to note that these terms are often used in a pejorative way and can be seen as dismissive of legitimate concerns about issues related to social justice and equity.

In conclusion

The term “woke police” is used to describe individuals or groups who are seen as overly aggressive in promoting their views on social and political issues and is often used to silence or dismiss legitimate concerns about issues related to social justice and equity.

Categories: General

Nicolas Desjardins

Hello everyone, I am the main writer for SIND Canada. I've been writing articles for more than 12 years and I like sharing my knowledge. I'm currently writing for many websites and newspapers. I always keep myself very informed to give you the best information. All my years as a computer scientist made me become an incredible researcher. You can contact me on our forum or by email at [email protected].