What Are the Benefits of Using a Dedicated Rice Cooker, Rather Than Just Cooking Rice in a Pot?

In the Far East, there’s a saying: “No rice, no power!”

Besides being the primary food choice in Asian countries, rice found its way onto tables worldwide. If your diet consists of eating a lot of rice throughout the week, buying an awesome small rice cooker will make your life easier.

You must ask yourself, why is that? What makes cooking in a rice cooker better compared to cooking the rice in the pot?

Anyone who enjoys preparing a nice meal made with rice knows that if you want to cook rice to perfection, you must have some skill and knowledge about the whole process. The rice cooker helps you by using technology to help you achieve the level of perfection when cooking rice.

In light of our claims, we give you our top reasons why cooking rice in a rice cooker is the better solution than doing it in a pot on a stove.


Rice cookers use sensors for knowing when the right time to shut off is. If you’re cooking a large meal for your family, not looking at a timer all the time helps you to focus on other more important tasks in front of you.

We know that for all those with only one set of hands in the kitchen, such help is more than welcome. No matter what type of rice you’re using, a rice cooker will do the job any time you use it.

By users’ review, this automatization is the main reason why they go ahead and buy one for themselves.

Keeps the Rice Warm

Another great feature of the rice cookers is the option for keeping the rice warm. When your rice is ready, but you’re still busy preparing other things for completing your meal, a rice cooker will maintain the correct level of heat for keeping it perfect until you serve.

Rice loses a lot on the quality with each minute it gets colder after you put it on a table. In this case, a rice cooker will help you deliver a nice meal to your family while keeping it fresh and warm without losing the quality.

Easy to Program It

Using a rice cooker is not rocket science. Rice cookers are very easy to use, making them perfect even for those without any experience in the kitchen.

If you want to familiarize your kids with running the kitchen from their young age, a rice cooker can be their first experience with cooking. Preparing the rice to perfection every time they use it can make them fall in love with the cooking.

There are a few buttons on the rice cooker perfectly labeled, making it easy to use and understand. Go through the manual a few times, and you’re ready to go.

Cooking Other Stuff

Some rice cookers have the option for cooking other things next to rice. You can use them for steaming the vegetables or preparing oatmeal and polenta.

If that’s not enough and you’re looking for more from it, you can go ahead and prepare more complex food like stews, soups, and steamed fish. A good quality rice cooker has many tricks up in the sleeves that will surprise you and make you fall in love with it instantly.

Let your imagination run wild and test all the possibilities the rice cooker allows you to do.

Non-sticky Rice

For all hardcore rice lovers, sticky rice is the biggest nightmare. Unless you’re making rice cake or sushi, sticky rice might ruin the whole meal you’re going for.

When using a rice cooker, you can rest assured that those problems are in the past. Your rice will not be mushy, and you will praise the day you’ve decided on buying the rice cooker and brought it to your kitchen.

Energy Consumption

A typical rice cooker uses around 400 W of electricity. That makes a rice cooker an economically better choice than using a stove.

In the long run, using it will reduce your electric bill and keep your budget safe. In the future, we will have to find ways on how to reduce our impact on the environment by saving energy, and buying the rice cooker can be the first step for doing our part.

The Bottom Line

Without any hesitation, go out there or order yourself a rice cooker and forget about using a pot ever again for rice cooking.

With everything mentioned above, there are not so many reasons why you should stick to the old way of cooking when technology like this will make your cooking time easier.

We suggest that you should try it out and find out why we’ll give a rice cooker advantage over a pot cooking any time.

Categories: Food

Nicolas Desjardins

Hello everyone, I am the main writer for SIND Canada. I've been writing articles for more than 12 years and I like sharing my knowledge. I'm currently writing for many websites and newspapers. I always keep myself very informed to give you the best information. All my years as a computer scientist made me become an incredible researcher. You can contact me on our forum or by email at [email protected].