Hair loss and baldness represent persistent challenges affecting numerous individuals globally, prompting many to explore diverse solutions. In the pursuit of regaining lost hair, many individuals turn to hair transplants after experimenting with various medical therapies. The suitability of hair transplants, however, is far from universal.

A notable revelation is that only approximately half of those with healthy hair for transplantation are viable candidates. Paradoxically, a disconcerting trend emerges within this fortunate group: many hair transplants end in disappointment.

Ineffective transformations, unnatural appearances, botched procedures, and failed outcomes mar these outcomes. Regrettably, such failed hair transplants stem from the involvement of surgeons who may not be qualified to conduct successful transplant surgeries.

Failed Hair Transplant: What Is It?

Are you dissatisfied with the outcome of your hair transplant? How can a procedure that promises restoration sometimes yield unsatisfactory results? Hair transplantation carries inherent complexities and challenges while holding the potential for transformative outcomes.

Indeed, a hair transplant procedure constitutes a substantial investment in hair restoration. However, a concerning trend has emerged with the proliferation of clinics worldwide offering seemingly attractive hair transplant prices.

These alluringly low prices often fail to cover the necessary costs of a quality hair transplant procedure. As unfortunate as it may be, numerous individuals drawn to these clinics ultimately encounter regrettable consequences. Many of these individuals find themselves grappling with hair and scalp damage and, in some cases, even facing health complications.

Regrettably, subpar outcomes are not solely attributed to budget clinics or inadequately trained doctors. While cheap clinics and unqualified practitioners contribute to the failure of hair transplants, other underlying causes also play a pivotal role.

Even clinics in countries such as Canada, the UK, and the USA, where the standard charges for hair transplant procedures range from $10,000 to $20,000, may fall victim to high failure rates. Such unfavorable outcomes often stem from weak procedural management practices and the employment of inexperienced staff members.

Considering these concerns, one may question whether a failed hair transplant is reversible or fixable. Can an unsatisfactory outcome be rectified? The answer is an affirmative yes—provided specific essential prerequisites for hair transplant restoration are met.

To comprehend the dynamics of corrective transplant procedures, it is paramount to delve into things leading to the failure or success of a hair transplant surgery.

What Aspects Are Related to Successful Hair Transplants?

The success of a hair transplant procedure hinges on a set of critical factors that collectively contribute to achieving a natural and harmonious result. To gauge the efficacy of a hair transplant, it is essential to consider a range of indications that underscore its success:

1. A Natural Hairline

Creating a natural hairline is a complex skill that requires practice and expertise. It involves placing the hairline correctly with the right shape and contour. Hairlines that are too low, too high, or lack a natural curve can look artificial. Precision during implantation is crucial, as mistakes in the front of the transplant can affect the overall appearance.

2. Donor Area Health

Preserving the donor area’s health and integrity is vital. Extracting too many hair follicles or collecting them from different locations can be harmful. Natural hair follicles within the affected donor tissue might suffer harm. Therefore, careful scrutiny and assessment are needed to pinpoint a suitable donor region to support the transplant process without jeopardizing its health.

3. Natural Hair Density

Ensuring a suitable and natural hair density in the recipient area is essential. Implanting hair follicles with an unnatural density can lead to an unsightly look and potential harm to existing hair follicles. Striking the correct equilibrium ensures that transplanted hair blends smoothly into the recipient area, producing a unified and balanced overall appearance.

4. Natural Hair Direction

Hair growth direction is vital for a natural appearance. Novice surgeons can inadvertently create an implantation pattern that leads to hair growth resembling a doll’s hair, especially in the frontal region. Skill in accurately opening channels and establishing precise implantation angles ensures transplanted hair grows authentically and convincingly.

5. Optimal Distribution of Grafts

Hair grafts acquired during transplantation can range from one to four hairs per graft. Categorizing these grafts into four groups and distributing them according to a precise implantation strategy is essential. This thorough process ensures a natural density that matches the person’s unique hair attributes.

6. Minimal to No Side Effects and Quick Recovery

The absence of significant side effects and speedy recovery are characteristics of top-notch hair transplants performed by qualified specialists. Reducing discomfort, complications, and downtime showcases the proficiency and accuracy of the surgical team, ultimately enhancing the overall patient journey.

How Does a Hair Transplant Fail?

While reputable hair transplant clinics typically maintain a success rate exceeding 95%, it’s essential to recognize that the risk of hair restoration surgery is not entirely eliminated. It’s crucial to understand that the likelihood of a hair transplant failing rises when a less experienced or inadequately qualified surgical team performs the procedure

What Is Considered a Failed Hair Transplant?

A failed hair transplant occurs when the success criteria of the procedure are not met. This is evident from unnatural hairstyles, representing the best-case scenario of a failed transplant. Occasionally, botched hair removal and startling results further emphasize the lack of success with a risky hair transplant. To ascertain whether a hair transplant has failed, the following aspects are usually evaluated:

1. Unnatural Hairline Definition

Failed hair transplants are characterized by unnatural hairlines positioned either too high or too low that do not harmonize with the patient’s facial structure. Asymmetrical hairlines are prime examples of unsuccessful hair transplant outcomes.

2. Unhealthy Donor Area

Overharvesting the donor area can irreversibly damage the scalp. Grafting capacity depends on hair density and health. Excessive grafting can harm the donor area, leading to unhealthy regions around the nape. Uneven distribution within the donor area can result from imbalanced harvesting. In severe instances, unprofessional clinics may use large and deep punches, causing scalp damage.

3. Unnatural Hair Density

Hair distribution issues signal unsuccessful transplants. Low hair density can lead to a doll-like appearance with bald spots and clustered hair. Excessive density can look unnatural and harm natural follicles. Hair may densely clump in isolation from transplanted areas without a tailored implantation plan.

4. Unnatural Hair Direction

If the orientation of transplanted hair shafts appears strange after surgery, incorrect channel opening angles may be to blame. Achieving a natural look from all angles necessitates distinct channel openings for each scalp section. Deviations from this requirement are indicative of a failed hair transplant.

5. Doll-Shaped Hair Clusters

Clusters of hair shafts resembling a doll’s hair are strong indicators of a botched hair transplant. Such cases are classified as failed hair transplants. Despite multiple hair follicles in these groupings, visible gaps between the hair and the underlying skin are evident.

A weak implantation strategy or uneven distribution of 1, 2, 3, or 4 follicle hair transplants may contribute to these issues. Even when meticulous pre-surgery planning is undertaken, inadequate execution, particularly in the frontal areas, exacerbates the situation.

A Successful Hair Transplant May Fail Too

What leads to the failure of a seemingly successful hair transplant? This question prompts further examination. Labeling a hair transplant as successful might seem contradictory if it eventually falters.

Globally, medical professionals cannot assure that hair transplanted successfully will endure indefinitely on the patient’s scalp. What if the procedure was executed skillfully, yet the transplanted hair began to shed once more over time? What term would best describe this scenario? I propose it can be aptly termed a “failed” hair transplant.

1. The Hair May Stay for Decades, But Not Forever

Statistics indicate that male hair loss often begins around the mid-forties. Before a hair transplant, patients typically undergo an evaluation by a dermatologist to assess their hair’s health. Only those with robust hair qualify for transplantation. However, even in these cases, experts can only guarantee that transplanted hair will thrive in areas with insufficient growth.

2. Robbie Williams’ Failed Hair Transplant

In 2013, British singer and songwriter Robbie Williams underwent a successful hair transplant, which received extensive media coverage. Top examiners and surgeons performed the procedure and produced a full head of lush, healthy-looking hair with the ideal density. His fans widely admired this outcome, which is often regarded as one of history’s most successful hair transplants.

3. Are Hairpieces the Ultimate Alternative?

After seven years, the transplanted hair disappeared. In early 2020, Robbie Williams approached his doctors for another transplant but was told his hair was too thin. Turning to hairpieces or toupees, he seeks a solution to his hair loss. The question remains: Why didn’t the transplanted hair last longer?

How Often Do Hair Transplants Fail?

It depends on the surgical team’s experience and the clinic’s medical standards for hair transplants. Unfortunately, up to 30% of transplants performed in unlicensed hair clinics result in failed transplants. A professional clinic would have a failure rate of less than 2%.

Success in hair transplants doesn’t guarantee permanent results. Consider Robbie Williams’ case. The duration of the transplanted hair’s presence is uncertain. Despite hoping for longevity, the hair lasted at his desired age of sixty.

Failed Hair Transplants: How to Fix

The crucial question arises: How can a failed hair transplant be fixed? While we won’t delve into extensive details about medications and injections in this post, it’s important to note that individuals often explore other treatments due to the cost, pain, and emotional toll of hair transplants on the scalp.

Notably, some, like Robbie Williams, choose hair transplants before considering alternative methods such as medication, injections, and laser therapy, which are briefly mentioned without in-depth coverage.

1. Medications

Men frequently use the prescribed drug finasteride, also known as Propecia. However, it might not prove effective for age-related hair loss.

2. Another Transplant, such as a Corrective Hair Transplant

Seeking another hair transplant is among the potential solutions for unsuccessful hair transplants. Let’s delve into this option further.

3. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections

To promote natural hair regrowth, dermatologists administer medication injections into the patient’s areas of baldness or thinning hair. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment, typically conducted every 4–8 weeks, aims to mitigate hair loss. Results in terms of new hair growth, if any, become apparent around 12 weeks later.

4. Laser Therapy

Scientific studies have found indications that laser therapy might stimulate hair follicles for increased hair production. However, ongoing research is still being conducted to establish its efficacy conclusively. It’s possible that within the next 12 years, more comprehensive findings will emerge from scientific investigations.

5. Wigs or Hair Replacement Systems

Wigs or hairpieces become the sole recourse when medical or physical interventions are ineffective in addressing hair loss or balding. Irrespective of the cause, individuals of any age or ethnicity can utilize wigs, toupees, hairpieces, or hair replacement systems.

What Is a Corrective Hair Transplant?

A corrective hair transplant is a procedure to rectify an unsuccessful hair transplant to achieve a satisfactory outcome. This may involve:

  1. Repetition of a significant portion of the initial surgery to enhance hair density.
  2. Rectification of an unsightly hairline, either by repositioning grafts placed too low or adding more grafts to adjust the hairline’s appearance.
  3. Addressing excessive scars in the donor area resulting from the initial surgery.

Who Is Qualified for a Corrective Hair Transplant after a Failed Hair Transplant?

While corrective or revision hair transplant procedures can yield successful results, the pool of suitable candidates for such operations is significantly limited.

In cases where the damage from the initial surgery is extensive, the options for correction may be severely constrained. Severe damage to donor areas can render them unsuitable for grafting in corrective procedures.

However, a skilled and experienced hair surgeon can adeptly navigate such challenges, creating strategies to rectify the effects of the first surgery and achieve a natural-looking outcome.

Patients experiencing the following issues may be candidates for corrective or revision transplants:

  1. Abnormal appearance of a new hairline
  2. Lower-than-anticipated hair density
  3. Presence of a stretched or wide scar (common in FUT procedures) in the donor area
  4. Excessive density or thickness in the temple area
  5. Uneven patches of dense hair across the scalp
  6. Hair growth resembling doll-like strands

What Are the Limits of Corrective or Revision Hair Transplants?

Despite the expertise and recognition of surgeons within the hair restoration field, there are certain limitations associated with revision hair transplant surgeries. These limitations contribute to the occurrence of failed hair transplants. The following are notable constraints of revision hair transplants:

1. The Skin Structure on the Recipient Area Is damaged.

Limitations in revision hair transplant surgeries arise due to persistent scarring in the recipient area from the initial procedure, affecting blood supply. In certain instances, multiple sessions might be needed for repairs. Skin stress resulting from failed transplants can also lead to structural changes that complicate corrective procedures.

2. Transplanted Scalp in the Recipient Area

Limitations in revising hair transplant surgeries are attributed to ongoing scarring in the recipient area from the initial procedure, which impacts blood supply. Some cases may necessitate multiple sessions for repairs. Moreover, skin stress resulting from previous failures can induce structural changes that complicate corrective procedures.

3. Inadequate Donor Supply

Significant extraction from the donor zone has already occurred. Altered hair orientation and reduced flexibility complicate surgery and increase transaction rates. Hence, avoiding excessive scalp removal is crucial to preventing the need for supplementary beard and body hair transplants.

4. Advanced Analysis of Hair Loss or Balding

In numerous instances of failed hair transplants, the precise reasons for initial transplant failures remain scientifically unproven. Factors like isolated skin issues, hormonal imbalances, or genetic factors might contribute to graft problems. Moreover, extensive hair loss due to severe alopecia could make corrective hair transplants unfeasible.

Can I Use Medications or Injections after a Failed Hair Transplant?

Logically, most hair loss sufferers take medications or PRP injections before opting for hair transplants, as hair transplants generally cost a fortune. However, like Robbie Williams, few seek medications or injections after a failed transplant. Unfortunately, no successful cases have been recorded thus far. We need to determine if drugs or injections after failed hair transplants will work.

Will Hair Systems or Wigs Fix Failed Hair Transplants?

As previously mentioned, no medical professional can guarantee the continuous growth of transplanted hair in a new head area.

1. Robbie Williams Tells It All

Numerous individuals experience renewed hair loss, even after a seemingly successful transplant, often five to ten years later—like a failed transplant. The case of Robbie Williams, a member of Take That, exemplifies this reality.

When traditional treatments prove ineffective, wigs or toupees become the sole recourse. Having attempted PRP and other medications without success, Robbie Williams expressed his intent to opt for wigs or hairpieces during his global tours, having conducted thorough research before making this decision.

He shared, “There are these fantastic wigs you can get now…placed with special glue, and they stick on.” He added, “I might actually do it just for touring,” concluding the interview.

For those grappling with hair loss or failed transplants, contemplating wigs or hair systems prompts a series of critical questions based on the experiences of numerous clients worldwide.

2. Are Hair Systems or Wigs Permanent?

Toupees or hair systems have a finite lifespan, from the initial purchase until they become unusable and must be discarded.

The adhesive used for attachment may lose its grip over time, necessitating monthly touch-ups by a stylist to maintain proper positioning. Even as the bond weakens, the hair system remains usable until it reaches its end.

A hair system’s durability hinges primarily on its base type. More natural-looking wigs or hairpieces typically last for two to three months. Sturdier toupee bases, like monofilament, offer greater longevity, lasting six months to a year.

Generally, the more realistic the toupee, the more delicate it becomes, resulting in a shorter lifespan of approximately 60–90 days. Companies like New Times Hair maintain long-term client relationships, offering replacements that closely match the original, ensuring seamless continuity.

How Do I Install Hair Systems?

Before trying on hairpieces, many wrongly assume they are like cheap wholesale wigs. They think they can just put them on like hats but worry they might fly off in the wind. This can be daunting for those with failed hair transplants.

None of that is true!

To embrace wearing wigs or toupees, a mindset shift is crucial. Premium wigs and hairpieces are crafted to mimic natural hair seamlessly. They’re attached using specialized adhesives or tapes, blending flawlessly with the scalp and existing hair.

Regular touch-ups might be needed every two weeks to a month, as natural hair growth affects adhesion. Yet, these hairpieces offer a natural feel, enabling activities like swimming, biking, or skydiving without going anywhere.

Click here to view a complete collection of premium hair replacement systems.


Hair transplants are a limited option for only a tiny portion of hair loss sufferers whose hair meets specific criteria. Failures are common due to unskilled surgeons and inadequately priced procedures. The duration of transplanted hair’s permanence is uncertain, with many experiencing loss after years.

Medications and PRP injections precede transplants for most, while revision surgery’s effectiveness varies. Hair replacement systems offer immediate volume and style versatility without scalp damage, catering to diverse needs.

Categories: Fashion

Nicolas Desjardins

Hello everyone, I am the main writer for SIND Canada. I've been writing articles for more than 12 years and I like sharing my knowledge. I'm currently writing for many websites and newspapers. I always keep myself very informed to give you the best information. All my years as a computer scientist made me become an incredible researcher. You can contact me on our forum or by email at [email protected].