How Do You Pick The Best Hockey Stick?

There is a perfect hockey stick out there for each individual. You just have to be willing to put in a little bit of hard work and have patience in finding a new one. A lot of hockey players buy the stick that looks the toughest, but tough sticks are usually very stiff, which can be a problem while in the rink.

Each stick is a little bit different; each stick is unique. This is why there are many factors to consider when choosing the perfect stick for yourself. Read on to find out what these factors are and why they are important.

Blade curve

There are many types of blade curves when it comes to hockey sticks, and which one is best for you depends on personal preference, your style of playing, and your position in the game. Different curves have different impacts, and they each perform differently on the ice. A deeper curve will allow you to get the puck off of the ice in a swifter motion and much faster. On the other hand, buying a hockey stick with a flatter blade will let you shoot lower and make hard slap shots much easier.

Blade lie

Related to the blade curve, it is important for you to determine what your blade lie is. This is the angle at which your blade lies, relating to the shaft of the hockey stick. If your stick is upright and has a large angle to it, your lie will also be greater. To determine what your blade lie is, study your body position and style of playing when on the ice.


The flex of a hockey stick is how much it will bend when being used to take a shot or when any type of force is applied on the shaft. It will be helpful to check the flex rating of a hockey stick before you make any decisions. This flex rating will tell you how much force it will take (in pounds) to bend or flex the hockey stick by one inch.

For example, a 50-pound flex will need 50 pounds of force behind it to flex the stick by one inch.

The length of your stick

The length of your hockey stick is related to its flex. You must choose a stick that is appropriate for your strength so that it is not too stiff for you, which will hinder good performance.

Your height

Your height matters when you are deciding on a hockey stick to buying. When standing parallel in front of you, the toe of the blade should be in between your feet, and the butt of the shaft should be up to your nose. If it does not reach exactly your nose, that is fine too. But it must not be lower than your chin or higher than your eyebrows.

Generally speaking, longer sticks are for those players that have positions as defensemen, and shorter sticks are for the players making the shots.

It is extremely important to have a fitting hockey stick for when you play; otherwise, you may be capable of playing great, but your hockey stick will hinder your best performance.


Categories: General

Nicolas Desjardins

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