What is Gingivitis?

Gums are designed to effectively shield the teeth from harmful bacteria and require just as much tender love and care as your teeth  to ensure a robust oral anatomy. When the gums fail to be maintained accordingly, it is relatively common for gingivitis to spawn. 

Gingivitis is a mild form of gum (periodontal) disease which targets the gingiva region of the gum, surrounding the base of the teeth. Synonymous with bleeding, irritation, and swelling, gingivitis poses itself as a serious threat if not remedied immediately. Due to its capability of eventually evolving into a more severe gum disease named periodontitis, which can result in permanent tooth loss. If you’re suffering from gingivitis, visit this Dentist in upper east side to get it treated.


The indicators

Healthy gums are easy to spot from a mile away, intended to be firm, pale pink in colour, and tightly hug the edges of the teeth. With that in mind, gingivitis sticks out like a sore thumb. As many of its associated symptoms are common in those who fail to commit to a healthy oral care regimen- some of these include:

  • Inflamed, swollen, or tender gums.
  • Bad breath.
  • Gums which bleed in response to normal functions like brushing and flossing.
  • Red colouration throughout the gums.
  • A recession of the gumline.

If any of these symptoms are something you experience, please remember; gingivitis should be dealt with as urgently as possible to curb its inevitable progression.

The Breakdown

Gingivitis is common, and almost anyone can develop the periodontal disease. The most common cause is linked to poor oral hygiene. This specifically occurs when plaque isn’t removed frequently or effectively enough. Giving an environment for plaque, a sticky film composed of bacteria, to harden into tartar or calculus. Once in this state, it solidifies along the teeth and gumline more intensely, and is much more stubborn to eradicate. Tartar can only be removed in a professional setting, and therefore gives more room to further dismantle the integrity of your gingiva over time. As mentioned previously, gingivitis can quickly accelerate from a discomforting inflammation into total tooth loss in the form of periodontitis if not corrected immediately. 

Why Does it Happen?

Beyond that, there remain a plethora of other factors which could lead to gingivitis. Some of them including;

  • Old age.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Vitamin C deficiency and poor nutrition.
  • Unsuitable dental restorations which don’t fit properly.
  • Genetics.
  • Certain viral and fungal infections.
  • Conditions which decrease immunity, such as cancer treatments.
  • Hormonal changes, specifically concerning a woman’s reproductive cycle.
  • Some common over the counter medications and drugs.


Our oral anatomy is often a window into the state of our body. That’s why its so crucial to monitor any changes you may experience within your smile and maintain routine semi-annual appointments with your dentist. This gives us ample space to catch any cause for concern in its earlier stages.

While gingivitis can pop up in anyone who fails to regularly brush and floss, it may also be the harbinger of more systemic diseases. This mere gum disease can not only morph into something much more severe, but it can indicate the body is suffering with respiratory diseases, diabetes, coronary artery diseases, stroke, and even rheumatoid arthritis.

If you are struggling with any discomfort in your gums, or your smile in general, please take the proactive approach and book an appointment today!

Categories: Health

Nicolas Desjardins

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