A beautiful smile is universally appreciated, and one of its major focal points is radiant white teeth. Teeth shine their best when a dynamic and healthy oral care regimen remains consistent.

With so many finding solaces in their smiles, ensuring the maintenance of a healthy white hue is a focal point for millions. And while many consider the results to be purely aesthetic, the fact remains that it reaches far beyond beauty standards. Discoloured teeth not only damage the appeal of a smile but may be indicators of more severe underlying health issues. That’s why knowledge regarding teeth coloration, lifestyle habits, and the teeth whitening industry have exploded in popularity of cosmetic dentistry in Penrith.

What’s the Deal?

Black, grey, or brown discolouration frequently occurs throughout the teeth in response to tooth decay and infection, these are more serious medical issues, which must be remedied by a dental professional. When most people discuss the topic of discoloured teeth, they’re usually referring to a dull yellow tone polluting the white surface of the enamel, ultimately limiting the radiance of a smile.

This more aesthetic staining is usually referred to being “extrinsic”, meaning it affects the surface of the tooth, or the enamel, and can be corrected.

Some of the primary causes of extrinsic discolouration include the following;

  • Teas and coffee.
  • Sodas and alcoholic beverages.
  • Candies and chocolates.
  • Dark coloured foods, such as pickles, berries, and popsicles.
  • Acidic foods such as lemons, tomato sauce, and soy sauce.
  • Consumption of tobacco products, both smoking, and chewing.

Restoring the Shine

For most of us, all of the items listed above are things we consume daily intrinsic to culture, diet, and lifestyle. Especially concerning caffeine products such as coffee and tea, and certain acidic foods which are extremely popular. 

With that in mind, you don’t necessarily have to avoid all these things as if they were the plague. Remember, moderation is everything! However, it is recommended to take a more cautionary approach when indulging in these items to prevent them from tainting your teeth’s precious white hue. 


If you’re drinking beverages capable of staining the teeth, be sure to utilize a straw! Straws allow the liquid to travel more directly towards the digestive tract and make less contact with our teeth.

Brush, Brush, Brush

After consuming any food, especially some of the aforementioned ones, it’s crucial to brush your teeth directly afterward. Bacteria and acid levels are highest right after consumption, and if brushed away immediately will benefit the colour of the smile drastically.

…And Floss

Ensure you are also maintaining healthy oral habits, practicing routine brushing at least twice a day, and flossing daily as well.

A Healthy Diet

Incorporate healthier and more fibrous foods into your diet, which make room for more saliva which contributes to naturally washing away acid and bacteria in the mouth. These include bananas, spinach and other leafy greens, beans, and more.

And Remember

Avoid all tobacco products! 

Teeth Whitening

If extrinsic discolouration is something you struggle with, and you’ve exhausted all options, or want to elevate your teeth’s appearance regardless, we are proud to also offer teeth whitening services.

Whether purchased over the counter, or performed professionally by one of our dentists, this technology is capable of brightening most smiles to a desirable degree. Which method you pursue is dependent on the state of your teeth’s discolouration, the money you’re willing to spend, and the thought-out advice of your dentist.

Systemic Discolouration

Intrinsic discolouration is a little different from the standard yellow which the aforementioned lifestyle habits are mainly responsible for producing. Intrinsic discolouration cannot be easily erased and is embedded into the tooth. Sometimes having been formed during early human development, and can be due to the use of certain antibiotics and medications or a response to a drastic childhood tooth injury. This type of discolouration often appears in a gray hue.

Moreover, the intrinsic discolouration can also be apparent after severe tooth grinding which destroys the affected teeth’s enamel and exposes the yellowish undersurface below. Its also worth noting that calcium deficiencies can cause systemic tooth discolouration, and while rare, are usually seen in children under the age of 6.

If you would like to learn more about teeth discolouration, and the methods capable of elevating the whiteness of your smile, book an appointment today! Only once our dental professionals get a good look at your smile may we dictate the best approach forward.

Categories: Health

Nicolas Desjardins

Hello everyone, I am the main writer for SIND Canada. I've been writing articles for more than 12 years and I like sharing my knowledge. I'm currently writing for many websites and newspapers. I always keep myself very informed to give you the best information. All my years as a computer scientist made me become an incredible researcher. You can contact me on our forum or by email at [email protected].