Kiwi fruit is like no other fruit. In addition to its exotic taste, the multitude of health benefits that it provides can’t be matched by any other fruit or vegetable on the earth. In this article, the most important health benefits that can be derived from the regular consumption of kiwis will be listed and described in detail.

They add a hint of a bright green and bittersweet flavor to your fruit salad. The appearance and taste of kiwi are great. Children often like them because they are very different from most fruits. 

If the kiwi has no effect on finger pressure, it can be ripened by storing it at room temperature away from sunlight. The hairy fiber in kiwi helps to bind toxins and pass them out of the intestines. However, instead of directly proceeding with that, let’s take a moment to examine the nutritional composition of kiwis.

Kiwi is a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals

Nature has blessed us with a multitude of fruits that offer incredible health benefits, and among them, kiwi stands out as a true powerhouse of vitamins and minerals. Native to China but now widely cultivated around the world, kiwi is a small fruit with a fuzzy brown exterior and vibrant green flesh. Despite its unassuming appearance, kiwi packs a punch when it comes to nutritional value, making it an excellent addition to any diet.

Kiwi is renowned for its exceptional vitamin C content. In fact, it surpasses the vitamin C content of many other fruits, including oranges. Just one medium-sized kiwi contains more than the daily recommended intake of vitamin C for an adult. Vitamin C is a vital antioxidant that plays a crucial role in boosting the immune system, promoting collagen synthesis for healthy skin, and aiding in the absorption of iron. Regular consumption of kiwi can help strengthen the immune system, fight off common illnesses, and promote overall well-being.

Additionally, kiwi is a rich source of vitamin E, which is known for its antioxidant properties. Vitamin E helps protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, thereby reducing the risk of chronic diseases and promoting heart health. Furthermore, this vitamin plays a vital role in maintaining healthy skin and promoting proper blood clotting.

Apart from vitamins, kiwi is also packed with essential minerals. It is an excellent source of potassium, a mineral crucial for maintaining healthy blood pressure levels, regulating heart rhythm, and supporting muscle function. Adequate potassium intake can contribute to the prevention of stroke, osteoporosis, and kidney disorders. Kiwi also contains significant amounts of other minerals like magnesium, copper, and folate, which are essential for various bodily functions, including energy production, nerve function, and the formation of red blood cells.

Fiber is another important component found in kiwi. A single kiwi provides a substantial amount of dietary fiber, which aids in digestion, promotes satiety, and helps prevent constipation. Adequate fiber intake is also associated with a reduced risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and certain types of cancer.

Kiwis are a rich source of a variety of vitamins and minerals including vitamins A, B6, B12, and E as well as the minerals potassium, calcium, magnesium, and iron. They are also a good source of antioxidants and contain a high level of fiber.

Unlike many other nutritious foods, kiwis provide all these nutritional benefits without any significant increase in the number of calories or fat a person consumes (that is, the fruits have low caloric content and are almost fat-free).

Kiwis contain more vitamin C (93 mg in one fruit) than oranges (which contain 53.2 mg in one fruit). Studies have shown that a single kiwi fruit can provide 100% of an individual’s daily vitamin C requirements (in fact, it contains one and a half times the recommended daily dose).

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient for the optimum function of our immune system and it also has antioxidant properties. It facilitates wound healing and is essential for the health of our bones, skin, and other soft tissues like ligaments.

Another vitamin that’s abundantly present in kiwis is folate. This vitamin is especially essential for pregnant women as it reduces the incidence of birth defects in their newborns.

Folate is also a vitamin that should be available in abundance to growing children. In addition, folate is a crucial nutrient for the production of red blood cells (and thus kiwis help minimize the incidence of anemia).

However, a single kiwi fruit (which contains about 17 micrograms of folate) can provide only about 10% of the daily recommended dose. Thus, consumption of two to three kiwis per day should be supplemented by other good sources of folate (e.g. dark leafy vegetables, beets, asparagus, and potatoes) in order to fully supply the recommended daily dose.

In addition to their high content of folate, there is another mechanism by which kiwis reduce the incidence of anemia. Owing to their rich content of vitamin C and many phytochemicals (like lutein and zeaxanthin), kiwis improve the absorption of iron in the gastrointestinal tract.

That is the addition of kiwis to a meal that is rich in iron significantly increases the amount of iron that’s absorbed from the meal and distributed to different parts of the body.

health kiwi

Kiwis are a good source of potassium, a mineral that’s essential for the healthy functioning of our cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Kiwis also offers an impressive number of antioxidants in the form of phytochemicals (like flavonoids and carotenoids) and vitamin C. The number of antioxidants contained in kiwis is significantly higher than that in other fruits. Antioxidants are useful in optimizing cardiovascular health and preventing the development of cancer by protecting cellular DNA from oxidative damage.

Kiwis are fruits that possess a high level of fiber. The amount of fiber that can be found in a single serving of kiwi fruit can cover almost 16% of the daily recommended intake of fiber.

Fiber is essential in promoting smooth gastrointestinal transit, reducing blood cholesterol levels and maintaining optimal cardiovascular health.

Health Benefits of Kiwi

In the following paragraphs, the most important health benefits of the kiwi fruit will be described in detail:

1. It boosts immunity

One of the most well-known and proven health benefits of kiwi is its tremendous capacity for boosting the immune system. The fruit significantly improves the body’s ability to fight off a wide variety of infectious agents. In addition to protecting from infection, an appropriately functioning immune system also minimizes the possibility an individual will develop one of the many forms of cancer.

While a variety of factors enables Kiwi to have this “immune-boosting” property, the most remarkable is its high content of Vitamin C.

Kiwi also positively affects the regulation of the components of both innate and adaptive immune systems (the two main components of our immune system). This function is crucial as it provides our body with the capacity to regulate inflammation. In other words, Kiwi has an anti-inflammatory effect. These characteristics enable it to act as a natural remedy against a wide variety of inflammatory disorders.

One of the main inflammatory diseases that can be managed by the daily consumption of kiwi fruit is Asthma. The benefits of daily consumption of kiwis in patients with Asthma are well-known and backed up by credible medical literature.

In one study that was published in Thorax, around 18,000 children in Italy aged 6 – 7 were followed. The study showed that Asthmatic children who regularly consume kiwis (5 – 7 servings per week) were significantly less likely to experience symptoms of Asthma attack (than those who don’t consume kiwi or consume less than 1 – 2 servings per week).

Both the high contents of vitamin C and antioxidants in kiwi are believed to contribute to the anti-asthmatic property of the fruit.

Therefore, kiwi is a fruit that provides benefits to the immune system in the form of an intricate balance between the maximization of the body’s immune function and the regulation of the immune system to prevent unwanted side effects from the inflammatory reaction.

Thus, on one side the fruit enables the body to be able to fight off several infections and reduces the likelihood of our body developing cold or flu-like illnesses. On the other hand, it helps control the inflammatory reaction and minimizes the likelihood of the development of autoimmune or inflammatory disorders.

  1. It protects vision

The need to maintain essential eye health can’t be overstated. As is true with other parts of our body, the health of our eyes is significantly affected by the content of the meals that we consume daily.

The numerous types of cells that make up the different components of our eyes depend upon the consistent availability of several nutrients to function appropriately. While the balanced consumption of numerous fruits and vegetables is a proven way of providing these cells with the nutrients they require, it’s also possible to find most of the essential nutrients through the daily consumption of kiwi.

When it comes to the issue of maintaining the health of our eyes, the most widely provided advice has been to increase the consumption of carrots. While carrots are indeed extremely helpful and provide a good quantity of Vitamin A essential for eye health, recent research has shown that fruits are even more important for maintaining optimum eye health.

Among the different types of fruits that are available in the market, kiwis stand out due to the high content of nutrients required for eye health (specifically they are a rich source of the phytochemicals lutein and zeaxanthin). These phytochemicals along with vitamin A protect the eyes from a variety of disorders that destroy vision including age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness in the developed part of the world. It’s a degenerative disease of the macula (the central part of the retina) that’s more common in older adults. Regular consumption of kiwis can help protect our eyes from developing AMD.

One medical study which aimed to evaluate the role of nutrition in preventing the development of age-related macular degeneration followed around 110,000 men and women (the research was conducted by researchers from Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital).

By evaluating the consumption of fruits and vegetables by the study subjects (who were followed for more than a decade), the researchers evaluated the relationship between the nutritional content of food and the development of age-related macular degeneration.

The study concluded that the daily consumption of three servings of fruits minimizes the risk of AMD by 36 percent. Among the different fruits’ kiwi stands out as it is especially rich in phytochemicals (in fact, apart from yellow corn kiwi fruits have the highest content of lutein of any of the fruits on the earth).

  1. It promotes intestinal transit and prevents constipation

If you suffer from constipation, kiwi fruit is an excellent natural alternative to laxatives. The fruit has a high fiber content which helps to keep bowel movements regular. It also adds bulk to the stool making its consistency softer. The combined result of these effects is the provision of relief from constipation.

Kiwi also improves overall bowel function and is very helpful for patients who suffer from inflammatory disorders of the gastrointestinal system including irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease.

  1. It helps in digestion

The high fiber content of kiwi facilitates digestion. In addition to their high fiber content, kiwis also contain a proteolytic enzyme called “actinidin”. These enzymes promote the breakdown of proteins. Thus, the addition of kiwi to a high-protein meal (e.g. meat) is always a good idea.

Furthermore, polysaccharides present in the fruit may play a role in preventing the adhesion of disease-causing bacteria to the intestinal walls while promoting the growth of healthy bacteria in the colon.

As was previously described, kiwis are also rich in a variety of minerals. This has been reported to have the beneficial role of neutralizing stomach acidity and minimizing the dyspeptic complaints (abdominal pain and nausea) that are caused by it.

  1. It nourishes your skin

The health and beauty of our skin are highly dependent on the nutritional content of the food we consume. The continual regeneration of new skin cells and the synthesis of collagen require the consistent availability of a variety of nutrients.

Kiwis serve as a plentiful supply of vitamins C and E. Vitamin C enables the skin to be smooth and firm and facilitates the healing of skin following cuts and abrasions. Both vitamins C and E can act as antioxidants and prevent skin degradation.

They minimize the appearance of wrinkles and serve as perfect anti-aging agents. To harness these benefits Kiwi can be consumed through a variety of methods. Also, applying a few slices topically over the skin can be very helpful. The effect would be beautiful, glowing and youthful skin.

Moreover, kiwi is low in calories and fat while being high in water content. This makes it an ideal fruit for those aiming to maintain a healthy weight and improve overall hydration. Its natural sweetness and refreshing taste make it a delightful addition to a balanced diet or a satisfying snack option.

Incorporating kiwi into your daily diet is relatively easy. You can enjoy it on its own by cutting it in half and scooping out the flesh with a spoon, or you can add it to salads, smoothies, or desserts to enhance both the flavor and nutritional value of your meals.

  1. It’s a good option for patients with diabetes

Regular consumption of kiwis is useful to patients with diabetes because, in addition to all the other benefits that have been mentioned, kiwi fruits have a low glycemic index. According to one report, 100 grams of kiwi fruit affects blood glucose levels in the same way as 5 grams or 1 teaspoon of glucose.

Plus, the fruit also has a low carbohydrate content (14.6 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams) and is almost fat-free.

  1. It plays a role in the prevention of cancer

Oxidative stress on cells can result in damage to our DNA. Oxidative DNA damage is strongly linked to the development of different types of cancer. Regular consumption of kiwis has been shown to reduce the likelihood of oxidative stress. Hence kiwis can help in reducing the incidence of cancer.

The high concentration of antioxidants in kiwi fruits (the likes of which include flavonoids and carotenoids) is crucial in protecting DNA from oxidative damage by free radicals. Research has provided credible evidence that the kiwis inhibit the proliferation of cancerous cells without affecting normal cell lines.

In addition to the phytonutrients mentioned above, the high content of vitamin C in kiwi also provides additional antioxidant effects. In fact, vitamin C is considered the primary water-soluble antioxidant of our body. It neutralizes free radicals that could have caused oxidative damage to cells and thus it reduces the likelihood of the development of cancer.

kiwi tree picture

  1. It improves heart health

We all grew up listening to the old (and wise) advice – “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. The health benefits of apples and other fruits shouldn’t be underestimated; however, when it comes to maintaining optimal cardiovascular health, regular consumption of kiwis may be the better choice.

Kiwis are rich in polyphenols, vitamin C, vitamin E, and fiber and are also a good source of potassium. All of these nutrients function individually or together to prevent cardiovascular diseases and optimize heart function.

Eating two to three kiwis per day significantly reduces the possibility of cardiovascular disease by minimizing the risk of blood clots, improving the level of blood pressure, and reducing the blood lipid level.

Reduction of the risk for blood clots

One of the ways by which kiwi fruits improve cardiovascular well-being is by reducing the risk of blood clotting. This effect was proven by a study done at the University of Oslo in Norway.

According to the study, the daily consumption of two to three kiwis reduces platelet aggregation and was found to be as effective as Aspirin in the prevention of blood clotting (but without the numerous side effects of Aspirin).

The study showed the incidence of dangerous blood clots could be reduced by up to 18%. This means the kiwi fruit plays a significant role in helping prevent the risk of atherosclerotic heart disease and other thromboembolic disorders.

Improvement in the blood pressure

Any person who is concerned about his cardiovascular health is advised to add kiwi to his/her daily diet plan. One of the methods by which kiwi fruits contribute to improved cardiovascular health is the lowering of blood pressure. Several bioactive compounds present in kiwis are responsible for this effect. Kiwi is also a source of potassium, which makes it an excellent choice for naturally lowering blood pressure.

Studies have shown that the daily consumption of three kiwis significantly lowers blood pressure (improvements in blood pressure may also be seen in an individual that consumes fewer fruits). Reducing an individual’s blood pressure decreases his/her likelihood of developing a heart attack or stroke.

Reduction in blood lipid level

One of the many benefits of kiwis is a reduction in the level of blood cholesterol and other lipids. Scientists believe that this effect is, at least partially, due to the high concentration of polyphenols and the high level of fiber in these fruits.

The medical study that was conducted at the University of Oslo and was mentioned previously also evaluated the effect of kiwis on blood lipid levels. It found out that the study subjects who were encouraged to consume two to three kiwis per day had their triglyceride levels decreased by 15%.

  1. It promotes weight loss

The high quantity of fiber in kiwi fruits promotes satiety (that is, it makes the person consuming the fruit feel full earlier) and minimizes the total food consumption per meal. In addition, the caloric content of the fruit is low (57 calories per 100 grams) and hence regular consumption of the fruit doesn’t significantly increase the total caloric content of the food we consume.

Therefore, the daily consumption of kiwi fruits assists in weight loss by helping a person minimize the amount of food he/she consumes in every meal without introducing a significant amount of calorie content to the meals.

  1. It improves sleep quality

Numerous studies have shown that kiwis contain a number of chemicals including serotonin, antioxidants, and various flavonoids that improve the quality of sleep and may be beneficial in the treatment of different forms of sleep disorders.

A study published in the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that people who consume kiwi regularly have improved quality (as well as quantity) of sleep. The study also showed that when individuals are given two kiwi fruits an hour before bedtime, they fell asleep faster (this benefit is thought to arise from the serotonin content of the fruits).

  1. It’s very beneficial to pregnant women

Kiwi is a very beneficial fruit for pregnant women because it contains a high content of folate. Folate is a nutrient that plays a crucial role in preventing the occurrence of congenital defects in fetuses and is also crucial for the brain development of the fetus and newborn.

Other nutrients that are found in high quantity in kiwi (e.g. vitamins C, E, and K) also contribute to the proper development of the fetus within the womb as well as to the health of the pregnant mother.

In conclusion, kiwi is undeniably a nutritional powerhouse, offering an impressive array of vitamins and minerals. From its high vitamin C content that bolsters the immune system to its abundance of potassium that supports heart health, kiwi provides a myriad of health benefits.

With its low calorie and fat content, as well as it’s high water and fiber content, it is a fruit that can contribute to a healthy weight and promote good digestion. So, the next time you reach for a snack, consider grabbing a kiwi and unlocking the abundance of nutrients it has to offer.

Does dogs can eat kiwi?

Yes, dogs can eat kiwi in moderation. Kiwi is a nutritious fruit that is rich in vitamins and minerals. However, it’s important to remove the skin before offering it to your dog, as the fuzzy skin can be difficult for them to digest. Additionally, cut the kiwi into small, bite-sized pieces to prevent choking. As with any new food, introduce it gradually to ensure that your dog doesn’t have any adverse reactions. 

What other fruits are safe?

Many fruits are safe for dogs and can be a healthy addition to their diet when given in moderation. Here are some dog-friendly fruits:

  1. Apples: Remove seeds and core, and offer in small, bite-sized pieces.

  2. Bananas: High in potassium, but should be given in moderation due to their sugar content.

  3. Blueberries: Packed with antioxidants, these make for a healthy treat.

  4. Strawberries: Rich in vitamin C, but remove the green tops before offering.

  5. Watermelon: Remove seeds and offer in moderation. It’s a hydrating treat.

  6. Pineapple: Remove the tough outer skin and core, and offer in small pieces.

  7. Mango: Remove the pit and offer in moderation due to sugar content.

  8. Pears: Remove seeds and core, and offer in small, bite-sized pieces.

Always introduce new fruits gradually and in small amounts to ensure your dog doesn’t have any adverse reactions.

Can dogs eat vegetables too?

Many vegetables are safe and healthy for dogs. Here are some dog-friendly vegetables:

  1. Carrots: Crunchy and low in calories, carrots are a great snack.

  2. Broccoli: High in fiber and vitamin C, but give in moderation.

  3. Sweet Potatoes: Rich in vitamins and antioxidants, but cook before offering.

  4. Green Beans: Low in calories and a good source of vitamins.

  5. Pumpkin: High in fiber and can be good for digestion.

  6. Zucchini: Low in calories and can be served cooked or raw.

  7. Cucumbers: Low in calories and can be a refreshing treat.

  8. Peas: A good source of vitamins and minerals.

Always prepare vegetables in a way that makes them safe for dogs. For example, remove seeds, pits, and cores, and ensure that they are cut into bite-sized, manageable pieces. As with fruits, introduce new vegetables gradually and in moderation.

Any specific fruits to avoid for dogs?

While many fruits are safe for dogs, some can be harmful or toxic. Here are some fruits that you should avoid giving to your dog:

  1. Grapes and Raisins: Even small amounts can cause kidney failure in some dogs.

  2. Citrus Fruits (Oranges, Lemons, Limes, and Grapefruits): The citric acid can cause irritation, and large amounts may be toxic.

  3. Avocado: It contains persin, which can be toxic to dogs.

  4. Cherries: The pits contain cyanide, which is poisonous.

  5. Peaches and Plums: The pits contain cyanide, and the flesh can be difficult for dogs to digest.

  6. Pineapple Core: The tough, fibrous core can be difficult for dogs to digest.

  7. Tomatoes: The leaves and stems contain solanine, which can be toxic.

  8. Fruit Seeds and Pits: Many fruit seeds and pits contain cyanide or other toxins.

Always remove seeds, pits, and cores before offering fruits to your dog. Additionally, be cautious about giving dried fruits, as they often have concentrated sugars, which can be harmful in excess.

Categories: Health

Nicolas Desjardins

Hello everyone, I am the main writer for SIND Canada. I've been writing articles for more than 12 years and I like sharing my knowledge. I'm currently writing for many websites and newspapers. I always keep myself very informed to give you the best information. All my years as a computer scientist made me become an incredible researcher. You can contact me on our forum or by email at [email protected].