If you are reading this post, you are obviously serious about reclaiming your gut health and getting things back on track. The first thing you need to know about gut health is that it all starts with balancing the diversity of microbiota that lives in your digestive tract. It’s the most influential factor when it comes to fixing an unhealthy gut.

Microbial diversity is about ensuring that you have different types of necessary bacteria in your gut. The more diversity you have, the more overall health you will enjoy as opposed to people who lack microbial diversity which is often reflective of poor gut health. To maintain and strengthen your gut, you can explore the variety of healthy products made of natural ingredients at fortifygut.com which help in fighting bad bacteria of the body.

In this post, we look at 5 simple yet super-effective changes in your lifestyle and diet that can dramatically improve your gut health. These tips will ensure microbial diversity as is time and again supported by scientific literature.

Get Enough Dietary Fibre

One of the easiest and highly recommended ways to improve the diversity of microbes in your stomach is to consume sufficient dietary fibre. Nutritional reference values suggest that women should consume at least 38 grams of fibre while men should consume at least 28 grams of fibre per day.

Foods like leafy and green vegetables, fruits, seeds, whole grains, nuts, pulses, and legumes are all excellent options if you want to increase your fibre intake. Make sure to consume only seasonal, locally grown fruits and vegetables and always aim for as many colorful items as possible. It’s also good to include multiple sources of whole grains. A few options in this category are  – rolled oats, rice, grain bread, and quinoa.

Include Fermented Foods in Your Diet

We see cultures that are big on fermented food consumption also happen to be the healthiest ones. For instance, Japanese culture is big on foods like miso, shoyu, and kimchi and it’s a super healthy country. Therefore, make sure to include at least one fermented food in your diet every day. You have plenty of choices like kombucha, kimchi, kefir, miso, saurkeaurat, yogurt, tempeh, and certain cheeses.

These foods contain the very bacteria that are needed for the stomach to break down and digest food. While these bacteria will not reside in the stomach forever, in their passing, they can offer the required help with digestion.

Some people have a hard time processing yoghurt. Such people can try out other options. You should also know that fermented foods are big on salt. So, they may not be ideal for all people especially those who suffer from high blood pressure. Also, fermentation creates alcohol; granted the percentage is less than 1% of the total content. But if you face some issues with fermented foods, you can improve your gut health by taking probiotic supplements.  

Limit Your Consumption of Saturated Fats

Bilophila Wadsworth is a type of bacteria that is commonly found in the human gut microbiome. The bacteria does not cause a problem until there is overgrowth and it has risen to extremely high levels. When this bacterial species rises to a certain level, it can cause all kinds of issues. Studies show that people with intestinal inflammation and colon cancer have high levels of this bacteria. The same is true of people who consume too much-saturated animal fat.

If you do have gut issues, you should reduce saturated fat intake. On an average, make sure it’s no more than 24g per day. Common foods that are high in saturated fats are – coconut oil, pastries, biscuits, chocolates, palm oil, processed foods, dairy products, processed meats, etc.

Cut Back on the Consumption of Artificial Sweeteners

Most weight loss products, energy drinks, desserts, and diet foods like soft drinks are loaded with artificial sweeteners. While artificial sweeteners were introduced as a substitute for people with obesity and diabetes, there’s a growing body of evidence suggesting that artificial sweeteners may cause metabolic syndrome and myriad other health issues.  Health experts believe that artificial sweeteners can disrupt the human gut microbiota negatively and could also damage the glucose metabolism. 

Focus on The Balance

Human gut microbiome contains both protein and fibre-digesting bacteria. Ideally you would want to focus on promoting fibre-digesting microbes that create short-chain fatty acids. These fatty acids promote health by feeding the gut cells that keeps the gut-barrier intact and well-functioning.

Sadly, modern mainstream fad diets focus on low-carb, high fat or a highly proteinous diet that can bend things in the favor of protein-digesting species of bacteria. An excess of protein-digesting microbes can release inflammatory compounds. Therefore, always aim for a high fibre diet and a moderate intake of low-fat protein diet. All and all, always strike for a balance between protein and fibre-digesting microbes.

In Conclusion

So that now you know 5 super easy science-based ways to balance and restore your gut health, what are you waiting for! Start making these simple changes to enjoy better health and better life.

Categories: Health

Nicolas Desjardins

Hello everyone, I am the main writer for SIND Canada. I've been writing articles for more than 12 years and I like sharing my knowledge. I'm currently writing for many websites and newspapers. I always keep myself very informed to give you the best information. All my years as a computer scientist made me become an incredible researcher. You can contact me on our forum or by email at [email protected].