Frequently Asked Question Aout Herpes HSV-1 & HSV-2

A small list of the questions that come back most of the time about herpes and genital herpes. For a more in-depth article about herpes read this one.

Can you get herpes from a towel?

For quite some time, the herpes simplex virus created a stigma, thus, making most people who have it worry so much. In consequence, people make-believe in a lot of things surrounding herpes.

They created these unnecessary misconceptions in their minds regarding the human alphaherpesvirus 1 (HSV-1) and the human alphaherpesvirus 2 (HSV-2).

The doctors said that genital herpes and cold sores are contracted through direct contact with an affected skin by friction. With this said, a brief or mere touch will not get you infected by the virus. So, you won’t get the viral infection from a towel or any fabric and clothing.

After all, the herpes simplex virus is a fragile type of virus from the human Herpesviridae family, and hence, it struggles to survive once they leave the skin. Therefore, getting herpes from a towel is less likely possible.

Is herpes less contagious over time?

The chances of getting infected with herpes simplex virus during an encounter highly depend on a lot of factors, which include the number of times you engage in sex and the frequency of using condoms when engaging in sexual contact.

It will also depend on how long your sex partner got the virus. The reason for this inquiry is that an individual who got infected with the human alphaherpesvirus for a long time has a lesser chance of passing the disease to anyone, as it becomes less contagious compared to people who just got infected by the virus.

A recent study shows that other partners in five to ten percent of couples get infected with herpes within a year, and these people seldom use condoms when they make interactions, and if they did, only when there’s an outbreak of cold sores or blisters.

Hence, you should use a condom whenever you engage in contact sexually with your partner who has herpes, especially when the symptoms are visible to minimize the possibility of having it.

How easy is it to get herpes?

It is easy to get herpes as the virus can easily spread through direct contact by consistent rubbing with an individual who has the infection. A person can acquire it when their genitals or mouth get in contact with an infected individual’s genital or mouth, which normally happens in sexual encounters.

Passing herpes is as easy as continued and consistent touching of the skin with infected skin. The human alphaherpesvirus 1 (HSV-1) and the human alphaherpesvirus 2 (HSV-2) can effortlessly pass by kissing a person who got oral sore herpes.

Other than these events, parents who have herpes can transmit the disease to their children by biting or poking them on their lips.

In addition to that, a mother can also pass genital herpes during delivery. Herpes is highly contagious when cold sores are open and moist, as the fluid in those blisters can easily spread the virus. So, knowing this, avoid having sexual encounters with your partner when the sores or blisters are open and moist.

Can herpes go away forever?

No, the herpes simplex virus can never go away. Once you get infected by it, it stays in your body forever. However, you can control the outbreaks brought by this viral infection.

The human alphaherpesvirus is a serious disease, but not a deadly medical condition. It is incurable but treatable. In simpler terms, you cannot cure herpes, but you can treat the symptoms that may appear when activated by triggering factors.

It remains in your body forever. However, the symptoms of outbreaks, such as cold sores, oral sores, and fever blisters, can stay inactive for a long time with proper antiviral medications prescribed by your doctors. So, when you notice significant appearances of the symptoms, you should immediately contact your physician to confirm if you have the disease.

By doing that, you will receive proper treatment from your doctor through medical prescriptions. You will also know the things that you should do to avoid or prevent passing or transmitting the disease to the people you love.

What do I do if my partner has herpes?

Perhaps, knowing what to do next after learning that your partner contracted genital herpes is the question running through your mind right now. This is à common question asked by many individuals who have partners infected with herpes.

It gets more serious when they found out that there are two types of symptoms that can happen when a person gets infected by the herpes simplex virus.

They don’t usually worry when it’s symptomatic because the signs or indications are visible. However, it’s with the asymptomatic condition that they get immensely bothered. Asymptomatic is when the symptoms are not visible, or there are no indications that you have the signs of the herpes simplex virus. Hence, worrying is considerable and understandable. So, you can get it without knowing it.

Nevertheless, to protect yourself always, use condoms whenever you engage in sexual contact.

Do not engage in any sexual encounters with your partner when your partner has active cold sores. Wait until the sores clear. Lastly, regular visits to your doctor together as a couple will save you from all the hassles and possibilities of the virus.

What triggers a herpes outbreak?

Now, you have accepted the fact that you have herpes. So, the question that you would like to ask next is, what are the triggering factors that will activate the outbreaks? The occurrence of outbreaks relies on a number of factors, and they greatly vary according to their type. The effects and episodes of outbreaks also depend from one individual to another individual.

For people who have the human alphaherpesvirus 1 (HSV-1), the average outbreak episode in a year is less than one to nothing. On the other hand, individuals with human alphaherpesvirus 2 (HSV-2) can often experience more outbreaks each year.

Studies revealed that the HSV-2 type has a maximum of five episodes of outbreaks in a year. Generally, people who get infected with the virus will expect more outbreak episodes in the first year, and eventually, it will become less serious as time passes.

The triggering factors that activate the outbreaks include surgical trauma, physical stress, poor diet, steroidal prescriptions or medications, illness, friction in the genitals, emotional stress, and extended exposure to the sunlight.

Nevertheless, the frequency of the episodes of outbreaks is manageable through various methods and prescriptions, such as having a proper diet, and medications, and effectively handling stress, among many others.

How can I get rid of herpes fast?

First things first, genital herpes or herpes simplex virus is incurable. There is no medical cure whatsoever for this viral infection. So, you cannot get rid of herpes forever. However, the occurrence of its symptoms is treatable. Using antiviral medications prescribed by your doctor can help alleviate the pain and the feeling of discomfort.

In a much better sense, herpes remains in your body, but the episodes of outbreaks can easily and quickly go away for a long time with the help of medical therapies, prescriptions, proper hygiene, and getting the right amount of nutrition and rest.

By saying so, following doctors’ prescriptions can also reduce the number of episodes of the outbreaks. Furthermore, when you are outside, protect yourself from the direct heat of the sun. Avoid excessive or extended exposure to the sun. Wash the sores delicately and properly using soap and lukewarm water.

Never put a bandage on the sores and avoid using ointments on the sore except if the doctor prescribed it. Your outfits also greatly affect the cause of the outbreaks. When your affected area gets friction, outbreaks occur. So, wear something loose, like cotton-made underwear. Avoid wearing tight-fit pants.

What can I put on herpes sores?

If the cold sores are bugging you and giving you a lot of uneasiness, here are a few things that you can do to alleviate the pain and discomfort. As part of self-care methods in easing the symptoms, you can take pain relievers and apply a cool compress to the sores often a day to ease yourself from itching and pain.

You can wash the sores properly and delicately with water and hypoallergenic soap. Pat, it dry after washing it.

For women, you may urinate in a tub filled with water to prevent the pain, and do not pick your sores, as it slows down the healing process due to the infection that may incur with picking. Let the sores breathe by avoiding putting a bandage on them. Use cream, lotion, or ointment prescribed by your doctor.

There are also antiviral medicines that can help with soothing and treating the sores. Avoid wearing outfits made with nylon and synthetic materials.

Lastly, wear loose-fitting outfits, as you are trying to heal your sores. In this way, you are preventing any friction that may occur when your affected area gets in contact with your clothes. Also, profusely sweating will also increase pain and discomfort. So, lessen your sweat by avoiding extremely hot places.

If you have more questions, ask them in the comment section below, and we will answer you quickly.

Categories: DiseaseFAQsHealth

Nicolas Desjardins

Hello everyone, I am the main writer for SIND Canada. I've been writing articles for more than 12 years and I like sharing my knowledge. I'm currently writing for many websites and newspapers. I always keep myself very informed to give you the best information. All my years as a computer scientist made me become an incredible researcher. You can contact me on our forum or by email at [email protected].