(Updated 2022-11-14)

Losing weight is challenging. If it is easy, many people would not be wishing for it. Although there are tons of ways to achieve your fitness and weight goals, the task and process require time, effort, dedication, will, and other resources.

The truth is – your lifestyle plays a significant role in your weight, and a change in your ways is not a sweat-free thing to do. This is why weight loss has become a daunting goal for many individuals today.

But, despite having the time and giving the effort, several people still fail in their respective journeys. If you are having difficulties in losing weight even if you think you are giving it all, then, you may want to step back and assess the health of your gut.

As it happens, most people these days do not realize that the root cause likely lies in their gut health. Continue to read on if you want to know more about this as understanding this part of your health may help you effectively lose weight and achieve your fitness goal.

The Links Between Candida and Weight Gain

Your digestive tract is home to hundreds of different species of bacteria. While some of them are bad for you, others are beneficial and necessary for your overall wellness and health.

As for Candida, it is a naturally occurring yeast in several parts of your system. In your gut, it is vital for healthy digestion.

But, just like any other thing in the world, too much of something is bad for you. This applies to Candida, as the overgrowth of this yeast causes several problems and issues in your body. These include your weight and diet.

If you find yourself having difficulties losing weight, despite having a strict plan or a consistent effort, you are likely having problems with your gut. As noted, not taking care of the health of your gut increases the risk of you losing your battle in your weight loss journey.

Experts said that Candida is one of the main culprits why the inability to lose weight is apparent. This is because the overgrowth of it causes an imbalance of bad digestive bacteria.

The Problems and Issues With Candida

So, how does Candida exactly affect your weight loss journey?

Keep in mind that Candida largely feeds on sugar. As your intake of sugary foods increases, so does the growth of the yeast in your gut. Consequently, the more it grows, the demand for sugar proportionally rises, as well.

As this process continues, your cravings develop further. This is what makes it difficult for every person to maintain a healthy weight or lose excess weight.

But, if for instance, you try to cut all of your sugar intake, you will definitely experience uncontrollable sweet cravings. This is very evident, especially to those who are still in the early parts of their weight loss journeys.

The apparent cravings are what typically cause many individuals to relapse and end up starting all over again with their diets. It has become a common cycle for many people, which is why losing weight becomes daunting for some.

You may be thinking that you are unaffected by this relationship. But, did you know that 80 percent of Americans today are living with Candida overgrowth?

Based on statistics, Americans consume about 57 pounds of added sugar per person annually. It is worth noting that the daily recommendation for added sugar intake is only six teaspoons for women and nine teaspoons for men.

Apart from having difficulties in losing weight, there are several other issues that may arise because of Candida’s overgrowth. One of these things is the inability to absorb nutrients properly. As it happens, the overgrowth of this yeast compromises the said process.

This has associations with “leaky gut.” You may have heard of it, and surely, you do not want to have it.

The reason being is that this widens the gap between intestinal cells. As a result, nutrients are not being absorbed, and food molecules tend to escape into the bloodstream. This typically triggers inflammation and immune reactions.

Candida Overgrowth: Know The Symptoms

So, if affected, how would you know? Certainly, you are wondering about this. But, worry not as there are apparent symptoms of Candida overgrowth.

The most common of all is the inability to lose weight, or having difficulties doing so. In relation to weight and diet, the overgrowth of Candida is also associated with weight gain.

Some other symptoms include:

It is worth noting, as well, that while Candida overgrowth is common, it is not normal, and it causes several issues to your health. Also, the symptoms listed above are the usual ones.

Despite this, though, the symptoms still vary depending on several factors. These include the type of infection, as well as the severity of the condition.

Experts also note that some symptoms of Candida overgrowth in the gut may overlap with several other gut issues. Because of this, it is best to consult your doctor once you notice anything that is out of the normal.

Candida and Calories

Before we move forward to the actual things you must do and foods and drinks that you should consume, try to understand first the links between Candida and calories. After all the information given above, you may be thinking that getting rid of Candida overgrowth and losing weight at the same time may happen when you limit your calorie intake.

This is not the case at all.

When you consume fewer calories, you will indeed lose weight. Although this is helpful, this will not be effective in the long run because you have to be mindful of the quality of the foods and drinks you take to get rid of the yeast overgrowth.

The biggest problem of counting calories alone when trying to lose weight, especially when you are experiencing Candida overgrowth, is that you may be eating only the foods that further increase the growth of the yeast. While it is a good place to start, this does not guarantee an effective weight loss program due to the negative impacts on the health of your gut.

Apart from not being able to lose weight, focusing on calories alone may lead to digestive complications and other gut-related issues.

Candida Overgrowth Cleanse For Weight Loss

Now that the relationship between Candida and weight loss has been established, let’s now take a look at how this can help you with your diet. Upon learning how the overgrowth of the yeast in question can negatively impact your weight loss journey, it is, then, safe to say that your diet program should not only be about limiting your food intake and following exercise routines.

Keep in mind that you have to ensure that you are keeping your gut health in check, as well. So, apart from being mindful of the foods you eat, you also have to be considerate of the quality of the meals and drinks that you consume.

This is simply to say that you have to get rid of the Candida overgrowth, and keep your gut health in check, to be able to lose weight effectively. If you do not do this, you will be in another cycle of starting your diet and failing before you get to the middle; then going back again from the beginning. Therefore, you have to have an effective Candida cleanse.

How To Get Rid Of It

There are several ways to get rid of Candida overgrowth. Considering that the major cause of the growth is excess consumption, to get rid of it is to make the yeast starve.

Experts said that this means you have to skip sweets and other foods that are rich in sugar, like carbs. You may also want to limit your fruits, grains, beans, and starchy vegetables.

At the same time, you will also need to increase your intake of green leafy vegetables, garlic, and ginger. These all have compounds and properties that are helpful in inhibiting the further growth of Candida.

Taking apple cider vinegar and cinnamon also helps. Studies found that they have properties that can damage the cell walls of the yeast.

So, basically, you have to revolutionize your diet and meal consumption. You have to be very mindful of all the things you eat and drink. Many experts and health enthusiasts usually refer to it as the Candida diet.

Apart from changing your diet, experts in the field also found several other helpful things to get rid of Candida overgrowth. These are the following:

The latter two pointers will require advice and prescriptions from your doctor. Avoid self-medicating, as well, considering that Candida overgrowth can also be obtained by the usage of antibiotics, especially when not advised by experts.

It is worth noting that antibiotics increase the risk of Candida overgrowth. This is because antibiotics clear out the bacteria that keep Candida in check.

The Anti-Candida Diet Plan

Here is a more detailed guideline and outline to be able to get rid of Candida overgrowth and lose weight effectively.

  • About Cleansing

Before you start your anti-Candida diet, though, advocates and experts recommend going on a “cleanse.” Remember that this is only a short-term plan to prepare your system, as well as alleviate all the stress on your gut. This will also help release toxins from your body, allowing you to have a more fruitful and effective weight loss journey.

A Candida overgrowth cleanse should not last more than a few days. At most, advocates do it for two to three days.

Experts note, however, that no conclusive studies have been published yet about the exact benefits and effects of a cleanse. But, it is believed that a proper cleansing method may help you set your mind beforehand.

There are two common ways to do a cleanse:

  • Drinking fluids alone, such as lemon water and bone broth; and
  • Eating only veggies (steamed), alongside a small amount of protein throughout the cleansing period.
  • Specific Foods and Drinks To Consume

There are several specific foods and ingredients that you may utilize when going on a Candida diet. These include low-sugar fruits and non-starchy vegetables. It is best to consume the veggies either raw or steamed.

Choose high-quality proteins, as well, like salmon, eggs, and chicken. For your grains, ensure to have gluten-free ones, such as oat bran, millet, and quinoa.

Healthy fats, like avocados, flax oil, olives, olive oil, and sesame oil should also be included in your diet. As for nuts and seeds, almonds, flaxseeds, and sunflower seeds are the most recommendable.

For the beverages, drink lots of water. Incorporate lemon or lime from time to time.

Herbal teas, coconut milk, and almond milk are also recommendable. Make sure to consume non-caffeinated variants, though.

  • Sample Diet Plan

Here is a quick guide that you may follow for your Candida diet plan. You can also utilize this when you create your own.

For breakfast, you may have eggs of any style. Make sure to only use coconut oil, alongside your preferred non-starchy vegetables. You may also add a slice of fruit on the side.

For lunch, slow-cook 1 lb of stew meat, 2 lbs of root veggies, and an onion. Add a can of tomatoes, but, you may choose to use fresh pieces instead of canned ones. Upon mixing, add 5 teaspoons of Italian seasoning.

As for dinner, a chicken and vegetable pairing will do. It is recommended to use coconut oil when preparing the greens. Add another kind of vegetable to the mix for variation.

Final Thoughts

All in all, losing weight should not only be about decreasing your calorie intake. You have to be mindful, as well, of the quality of the foods and drinks that you are consuming. This is because the health of your gut plays an important role in your weight loss journey.

As for the concerns about Candida overgrowth, eating and drinking the right consumables will help you get rid of the problem. At the same time, this will help you lose weight effectively and healthily.

While it may seem challenging and daunting, keep in mind that this is for your overall health and wellness. Certainly, you will thank yourself in the long run.

Nicolas Desjardins

Hello everyone, I am the main writer for SIND Canada. I've been writing articles for more than 12 years and I like sharing my knowledge. I'm currently writing for many websites and newspapers. I always keep myself very informed to give you the best information. All my years as a computer scientist made me become an incredible researcher. You can contact me on our forum or by email at [email protected].