The Health Benefits of Apples, Nutrition, Tips, Side effects

Our ever-evolving world has introduced us to numerous kinds of delicious pulpy edible seed-bearing plants, and among the most exceedingly famous in the Plantae, the kingdom is apples. This succulent fruit is a fan favorite of almost all people across the globe because of its toothsome taste and texture.

Broadly popular as sweet, juicy, seemingly heart-shaped, and red, apples come in varied flavors, shapes, and colors. More than its notable fleshly features, the apple is also rich in nutrients. An apple contains powerful antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, and a wide-ranging variety of other nutrients. Thus, they are also essential in preventing different health conditions and keeping our body, heart, and mind healthy.

Generally, there are various types of apples, and all of them are rich in nutrients that are significantly advantageous to our health. By saying so, apples can help reduce our risks from common illnesses, such as obesity, diabetes, stroke, cancer, heart disease, and others. So, here are some incredible health benefits that we can get from eating apples.

  • Possible weight loss

Two qualities that make apples satisfyingly plenishing are fiber and water. Eating an apple before a meal makes us feel fuller, and several studies also proved that fifty women who consumed apples in two months lost two pounds or one kilogram of weight. Apples also contain a few natural compounds that help in losing weight.

  • Heart health

One of the significant benefits of eating apples mentioned by experts is their substantial support in keeping our hearts healthy. Apples have soluble fiber that can lower our blood cholesterol. They are also rich in antioxidants that can lower our blood pressure too, and one of them is the flavonoid epicatechin polyphenols, which are in the peels.

Studies showed that eating apples is more effective than drugs in lowering death tolls caused by cardiovascular or heart-related diseases.

  • Lower blood pressure

As mentioned above, eating apples can help in keeping our blood pressure low. Thus, preventing our blood pressure from skyrocketing, causing health issues and complications. The polyphenols in apples reduce blood pressure, keeping our blood pressure level in stable status.

  • Reduce the risk of stroke

Aside from giving us a healthy heart, people who consume apples with high flavonoid content only have a twenty-percent chance of getting a stroke, lower than those who don’t eat them. The flavonoids in the apple contribute to lowering our Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) and blood pressure, which can cause a stroke.

  • Improve our gut feeling

One of the significant functioning systems in our body is our gastrointestinal or digestive system. It includes essential parts of the human body from our mouth down to the rectum. Prebiotics can help in making our gut feels good. Apples have pectin bacteria that act as such. They can feed good bacteria that our digestive tract needs a lot.

  • Decrease the risk of diabetes

The polyphenol antioxidants in apples can aid in decreasing the risk of people who consume apples getting type 2 diabetes.  Studies found out that people who love to eat apples even a few ones every week have a twenty-percent lower chance of having type 2 diabetes or diabetes, in general.

  • Glowing healthy skin

Due to the essential nutrients present in apples that help in blocking or neutralizing free radicals, our immune system is functioning effectively. Hence, preventing our body from harmful oxidative stress that can lead to cell damage. When our body has a perfect working immune system, the healing process or rejuvenation of the skin is palpable. Therefore, making our skin glowing and healthy.

  • Strengthen our oral health

Eating apples can help in strengthening our oral health with their antibacterial properties. They safeguard our teeth and gums from any form of bacteria or viruses that can form and cause havoc in our dental system. They will not lower the cavities in your mouth, but they can, however, stop the development and spread of bacteria.

  • Alleviate asthma

With apples’ anti-inflammatory characteristics, they can help in easing or alleviate the symptoms of asthma. They reduce inflammation, as they enhance our immune system. Studies revealed that people with asthma who eat apples received relief from the manifestation of the symptoms.

  • Boost mental health

Apples also help in protecting our brain cells from oxidative stress associated with neurological disorders, such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Thus, boosting our mental health with its powerful supply of antioxidants.  The apple also shows improvement in our brain’s concentration and problem-solving efficiency as well as our memory strength.

  • Inflammatory conditions relief

Quercetin, myricetin, and kaempferol are a few of the beneficial compounds present in apples that are notable for relieving conditions relating to inflammations, such as gout and arthritis. By saying that, people who are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis or rheumatism can get help by consuming apples.

  • Impedes cancer development

This nutrient-filled fruit contains natural compounds that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Both of these properties show significant results or effects in preventing cancer. Studies can even attest to this fact, as research conducted showed that cancer-related death causes are lower in people who love to munch an apple a day.

  • Contribute to healthy bones

It is a popular fact that eating fruits can lead to higher bone density. This result enhances our bone health. With that said, apples’ compounds of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties can contribute to our bone density and total strength. Thus, promoting healthy bones.

  • Protect stomach injuries

Certain drugs, like Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs), and other factors can cause stomach injuries. However, apples are found to help protect our stomachs from any sort of injury. Apart from its fiber and water content, nutrients that make our digestive process smooth and flowing, apples also contain catechin and chlorogenic compounds that help safeguard our stomach.

That is why apples go along with some of our favorite sayings and idioms in health, as they prove to be of great benefit to our health.

Nutrition info

Here are some nutritional facts and information about the nutrients we can get by consuming one apple daily weighing about 182 grams. The daily nutrient requirement varies according to age and gender.

  • Beta-carotene

In one medium-sized apple that weighs 182 grams, you can get a total of about 49.1 grams of beta-carotene that can contribute to healthy skin, eyes, and overall immune system. Both adults and teenagers require to have 6 to 15 milligrams of daily beta-carotene intake.

  • Calcium

In a 182-gram of apple, there are about 10.9 milligrams of calcium content. An adult’s daily calcium requirement ranges from 1,000 to 1,300 milligrams.

  • Carbohydrate

There are 25.1 grams of carbohydrates, which provide energy to our body, and 18.9 grams of sugar in 182 grams of medium-sized apples that can fill out almost 20% of the 130 grams daily required intake for adults.

  • Choline

For 182 grams of one medium-sized apple, there are about 6.19 grams of choline present, which is an essential nutrient that provides a lot of benefits to several vital body functions. An adult’s daily requirement for choline intake ranges from 425 to 550 milligrams.

  • Calories

One apple with a 182-gram weight contains 94.6 energy-serving calories that can provide 0.4% of the minimum daily required intake. Adults should take at least 1, 8000 calories per day to a maximum of 3,000.

  • Fiber

The dietary fiber requirement for adults daily ranges from 22.4 to 33.6 grams, and in a 182-gram apple, you can get 4.4 grams of fiber. So, you can eat around five apples of the same grams per day to suffice the minimum daily requirement.

  • Folate

There is a 5.46-microgram of folate present in the 182 grams of one apple, and the required daily intake for adults is 400 micrograms. Folate is among the vitamin B nutrients that the body needs to create white and red blood cells.

  • Lutein and zeaxanthin

We can get 52.8-microgram of lutein and zeaxanthin in one apple with 182 grams of weight. Although there is no required daily intake provided, studies revealed that people who take 10-milligram of lutein and 2-milligram of zeaxanthin daily received higher benefits than others. Lutein and zeaxanthin are a perfect pair for keeping our eyes healthy.

  • Magnesium

Another nutrient present in apples, which highly promotes several body functions, such as inflammatory effects, healthy heart, and others, is magnesium. In a 182-mg of apple, there’s 9.1-milligram of magnesium present. An adult’s daily required intake is from 320 to 420 milligrams.

  • Potassium

There are 195 milligrams of potassium in one apple with 182 grams of weight, and the daily required intake is 4,700 milligrams. Potassium offers a variety of health benefits that prevent or reduce risks of anxiety issues, kidney disorders, heart problems, and stress.

Other nutrients found in apples are phosphorus, vitamin C, vitamin, E, vitamin E, iron, and other vitamin B.

Side effects

Eating apples may remotely cause critical side effects in the majority of people. However, some people may need to be extra cautious when consuming them. With apple’s powerful nutrients also come some potential side effects and risks, here is a list of a few of them.

  • Toxicity

The seeds in apples contain a poisonous substance called cyanide. That said, swallowing or eating a lot of seeds may cause serious problems leading to fatality. You should also be extra careful in buying apples because some of them may contain pesticides and wax coating that could be dangerous to our health.

  • Allergic reaction

A few properties of apples may cause some people to have an allergic reaction. Common symptoms when someone incurs allergies after eating an apple include difficulty in breathing, swelling, and others. It is a must to seek immediate care when this happens.

  • Complications

In some cases, people who are on prescription drugs may have to consult with their doctors, as there are active substances in apples that may result in health complications or negative effects due to the complex reactions of incompatible or highly reactive substances present in their medications.

There are different types of apples in the Plantae kingdom, and each of them has its respective health benefits. Nonetheless, some people prefer Honeycrisp, Gala, and Fuji, as they are rich in fiber and contain low calories. Other people prefer Granny Smith, Red Delicious, Pippin, and Golden Delicious.

We listed them down below to give you a better view and understanding of the benefits of some of the best apples.

  • Granny Smith

The granny smith is popular with its sweet and sharp-flavored features. It comes with a high amount of powerful antioxidants and phytonutrients beating obesity-related disorders and various illnesses.

  • Red Delicious

They are the slightly sweet apples that offer antioxidant-rich nutrients referred to as polyphenols, which are ideal for metabolic health, and other essential body functions.

  • Fuji

Aside from its popularity due to its light and sweet taste, the Fuji apple is rich in three valuable nutrients, namely B vitamins, polyphenols, and fiber.

  • Gala

Just like almost all kinds of apples in the Plantae kingdom, Gala is sweet. It offers a rich amount of potassium.

  • Honeycrisp

Like Fuji, Honeycrisp is also light and sweet. However, unlike other types of apples, it keeps its high antioxidant levels even after being in cold storage for quite some time.

If we have to choose the best apple from the list, it would be the Fuji apple.

What is the best fruit for diabetics to eat?

  • berries
  • apples
  • pears
  • kiwi
  • plums
  • grapefruit
  • peaches

What vitamins are in apples?  

Nutrient-filled apples contain a full-packed list of vitamins that help in promoting and boost our health. Some of the vitamins present in apples are vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E, and B-complex (vitamin B-6, thiamin, and riboflavin).

How many apples should you eat a day?

Apple consumption depends greatly on the number of grams your one apple size contains. Nevertheless, health experts advised aiming for five servings every day but highly suggested keeping it between two to three fruits per day. Most importantly, people with diabetes should be cautious with their intake, as apples are sweet by nature.

Are apples the healthiest fruit?

Many health professionals would claim that apples are the healthiest fruit. Hence, the line “An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” became popular. They may not be the healthiest, but for sure, they are among the most health-packed fruits that offer us various nutrients our body needs.


Apples, without a doubt, contain various essential nutrients that are immensely helpful in keeping our body functioning working effectively, and healthy. They may be known generally as sweet, seemingly heart-shaped fruits, but apples come in different types, and each type offers distinct health nutrients.

The number of nutrients in apples depends on the weight of each one. It is important to know the grams in every apple, as it provides us with the correct daily required intake that we need to have in a day combining all other food that we will eat. People with diabetes should keep extra caution in consuming apples.




Categories: Health

Nicolas Desjardins

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