Would you be able to tell if anything is wrong with your heart? Symptoms of cardiac disease may not always be obvious. There isn’t always a startling chest clasp followed by collapsing to the floor, as shown in films. In certain cases, signs of a cardiac problem may not even occur in the chest.

Moreover, depending on the conditions and severity, several signs may indicate a more significant heart illness that can lead to cardiac arrest, in which case an automated external defibrillator (AED) will come in handy. 

If you suspect heart disease, here is a list of symptoms you need to be wary of:

  1. Chest Discomfort

Chest discomfort is perhaps the most frequent symptom that prompts patients to see a doctor. You may experience discomfort, stiffness, or pressure in the chest if you have blocked coronary arteries or are suffering a heart attack.

Each person has a unique description of that experience. Some claim they feel as though an elephant is lying to them. Others describe it as a pinching or burning sensation. Generally, the pain may last a couple of minutes. Moreover, it may occur while resting or doing physical activity.

However, chest discomfort may not always indicate a heart attack. Very brief episodes of pain may be more musculoskeletal in nature than heart-related. If you’re experiencing any chest pain or discomfort, you must get immediate medical attention.

  1. Shortness Of Breath

Breathlessness is a common heart symptom. However, evaluating whether this symptom is caused by heart or other organ system disorders is often tricky. However, if a simple task, like going a few flights of stairs, makes you breathless, it may be an indication of heart problems.

The easiest way to describe shortness of breath is as a shift in your typical breathing rhythm. Is it difficult for you to breathe deeply? Are you more prone to becoming breathless during exercise? Do you have difficulty breathing when you lay down? These may be indications that your heart may not be functioning optimally.

Moreover, if the breathlessness lasts more than five minutes after exercise or happens when you’re resting, see your cardiologist. They can assess whether or not the cardiac problem is to blame. 

  1. Palpitations

Palpitations, described as an uncomfortable sensation of the heart pounding rapidly or vigorously, might signify major cardiac rhythm abnormalities. Typically, palpitations may be described as feeling like the heart has missed a beat. Some individuals experience feeling dizzy or having a fast pulse.

If you notice that your heart is pounding for a long period of time, you should consult your cardiologist. If a palpitation lasts for more than a few minutes, it may be abnormal. In certain cases, palpitations may be an indication of atrial fibrillation and other cardiac rhythm abnormalities.

Moreover, palpitations followed by lightheadedness need further evaluation to rule out more severe heart-rhythm issues that may be at play.

  1. Dizziness

Dizziness is characterized by the sensation that the room is spinning or that you are about to pass out, and it is described as such. However, there are several reasons that might cause you to be dizzy or lose your footing. It’s possible you were under or over-hydrated, or you just got up too quickly.

However, if dizziness is accompanied by a rapid change in balance and difficulty breathing, it should prompt you to see a doctor immediately. This might be a symptom of an arrhythmia or a problem with the heart valves. It’s critical to have an EKG to check for an abnormal cardiac rhythm and to rule out any serious problems.

  1. Fainting

Fainting is a brief loss of consciousness that is most often caused by inadequate blood supply to the brain. While this is a typical occurrence, it might be an indication of heart disease or another significant medical problem in certain situations. 

Heart-related fainting may be caused by a variety of factors, including abnormally rapid or weak heartbeats, muscular injury in the heart, or a rupture in the artery. Whatever the reason, it is critical that you get it checked out immediately. 

Individuals who do not seek medical attention may be unaware they have a problem and may allow the cardiac disease to progress, resulting in a terrible prognosis.

  1. Pain In Other Parts Of The Body

When most individuals think of cardiac illness, they immediately think of chest discomfort. However, pain associated with cardiac problems may occur in other areas of the body as well. Heart and circulation disease-related pains might be present in the abdomen, legs, arms, and jaw. Swelling of the ankles may also be a sign of heart failure.

If the heart is unable to pump blood quickly enough, the veins may get clogged, and the ankles swell. Moreover, when the kidneys struggle to eliminate excess water and salt from the body due to heart disease, this may contribute to bloating. Consult a physician immediately if you have any of these symptoms or indications.


It’s not always easy to tell whether you’re having heart problems. Seek prompt medical assistance if you have any concerns about any signs you are experiencing. Moreover, even if you believe you’re in good health, you should still undergo regular checkups. 

Categories: Health

Nicolas Desjardins

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