How to properly prevent acne pimples? The best treatments, the causes of the skin problem, and how to get rid of pimples or pustules once and for all.

What is Acne

Acne is an inflammatory skin condition, mostly chronic. It causes pimples and spots on the skin. Most of the time, you will see them on the face, shoulders, back, chest and neck.

Acne is a skin disease, it is characterized by a strong rash of pimples, pustules, red or white cysts.

Also call acne vulgaris, it corresponds to a formation of blackheads, papules or pustules on the skin. The nodules or cysts are also due to the inflammation of the hair follicles and their sebaceous glands.

This skin condition is the most popular in the United States. It affects millions of people every year.

It is more likely to be seen during puberty. This disease is caused by the sebaceous glands at the base of the hair follicles. It is very common in young adults. It can lead to various problems, such as lowered self-esteem, so it is important to get the best acne treatment to tackle such kinds of problems. 

Acne is not dangerous, but it can cause bothersome scars like stretch marks.

There are several treatments that doctors use, it depends on the severity and persistence of your pimples. However, you must consult only experienced skin clinics like CLÉO clinic, so that you can get the treatment that suits your skin type.

The Best Treatment for Acne Vulgaris

The best way to combat acne is to wash your skin frequently. It is the basis, good hygiene of your skin. The areas with pimples should be thoroughly cleaned once or twice a day with a mild unscented cleanser and lukewarm water.

Many cleaning products available over the counter or online are available. They are specially designed for sensitive or acne-prone skin. It is not recommended to cleanse your skin more than twice a day as this may make the problem worse.

Proper hydration of the skin can greatly help when you have acne pimples. It is advisable to call a specialist before using a skin product.

  • Topical medications

Some acne products are sold over the counter and do not require a prescription.

  • Medicated soaps
  • Salicylic acid ointments and solutions

Other products contain antibiotics that can greatly fight skin infections or control inflammation. Erythromycin for example is very effective for certain acne problems.

There are 5 stages of acne, your specialist can suggest certain prescription products if your acne is severe or affects your quality of life.

We recommend a product with the following characteristics:
  • Soft
  • Alcohol-free
  • unscented

There are now hundreds of acne products. The severity of the case can vary, so some treatments are more or less effective. The most common treatments are to clean up what is obstructing the duct of the oil acorns and then remove the bacteria that causes acne.

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The Different Types of Acne

There are 6 main types of spots caused by acne: blackheads, whiteheads, papules, pustules, nodules and cysts. There are several terms for acne problems. The most popular are blackheads, rosacea, rash and acne buds.

We recommend these good actions to fight against acne

Avoid scratching or touching your pimples, it will only irritate the skin and make the situation worse.

The sun can cause scarring if you have a strong acne breakout on your skin. You should use good sunscreen or cover yourself with a hat and sweater.

Clean your skin 1 to 2 times a day to remove dirt and sebum. This will allow your skin to breathe better and reduce the appearance of pimples.

Don’t make up your pimples or just use water-based beauty products. Always remove makeup before bed.

Keep your moral, almost everyone will sooner or later be taken with an acne breakout. If your acne persists for more than 8 weeks, consult a doctor or dermatologist from

what is acne, best acne cream

How to Remove Acne Scars

There is not yet a way to completely remove the scars caused by acne. It’s the same for stretch marks for example. One can attenuate the post-inflammatory spots on the other hand.

The best way is mainly not to pierce the buttons with your fingers. Quite often this is what causes the scars on our skin.

Certain treatments are more effective than others in removing these annoying scars. In this case, the dermatologist recommended laser treatments like hydrafacial as it helps to exfoliate and resurface your skin from acne.

Fractional lasers reduce the depth of scars. It is advisable to plan two to four sessions spaced a month or more between each session.

The infrared stimulates the skin and restores volume to the skin which will reduce unsightly hollows.

Certain skin types are more sensitive than others to laser or infrared treatment. Darker skin in particular.

You must get rid of your acne problem before you start treatment for scars. Make sure your skin is clear before treating it.

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What is the Best Acne Cream

You will have to look for products with ingredients such as sulfide, alpha, and lipo hydroxide acids, salicylic acid, and benzoyl peroxide. This ingredient helps remove debris and dead cells from your skin.

A good cleanser, treatment, exfoliant and moisturizer are the products you should look for if you want to fight acne.

Some institutes offer more expensive products, but we recommend over-the-counter products in pharmacies or on the internet to start. Skins react differently to the product, you should know the right one for you.

How to wash your face properly if you have pimples?

The way you get it on your skin and face can promote the healing of your skin problems. Especially pustule or acne cyst problems. It is essential to wash your hands before touching your face.

Certain products can attack the skin and make the acne problem even more persist. Soft and fragrance-free products are strongly advised.

The first step is to remove makeup before washing your face. The two steps cannot be combined.

Use your soap and rub the face for at least 60 seconds with lukewarm water. Always be sure to rinse well afterward. You should wash your face or skin 2 times a day.

Nothing better than a good cleaning every day before starting a treatment against pimples.

remove acne scars, treatment for acne

Risk factors

Your parents’ history; genetics plays its role in acne. If both of your parents have acne breakouts in their lives, you will likely be caught with this inflammation of the skin as well.

Stress cannot cause acne pimples. On the other hand, if you already have it and you are stressed, you could make things worse. Acne problems are very common in our society. It is important to stay calm in your lifestyle.

Being or working in a very oily environment can influence the appearance of pimples. For example, if you work with fryers, this can make your skin very oily.
Some creams are very oily too, avoid creams that give the effect that your skin is oily.

Hormonal changes play their factor too. Many teenagers have pimples caused by puberty. Some women have the same problem when they start taking certain hormonal products like the birth control pill.

Will acne never go away?

It can get worse before it gets better. People generally don’t get acne all their lives. Often it will disappear quickly. If you are stressed or anxious about your acne, talk to your doctor to get the treatment that’s right for you.

Is acne contagious?

No, it can be unpleasant, unsightly, or even annoying, but it is not contagious. According to some studies in the United States, 90% of people have had acne at least once in their life.

What Foods Cause Acne?

Certain foods can cause acne breakouts. Sugar, fat, and milk are involved according to a preliminary study. Scientists have been asking this question for almost a decade. Cocoa would not be involved, but rather the sugar in the chocolate.

Obviously, it will probably take more than just changing your diet if you have large rashes. Every little bit can help anyway, so start with a good diet.

Who is affected by acne?

All people can be caught with a push of buttons. Very often we see it appear around adolescence when hormones and sebaceous glands are stimulated by hormones. It is also common to see individuals between the ages of 20 and 40 taken with acne pimples.

Infant acne: the causes

Newborns may also have had acne. At birth just every few weeks, the newborn with oily skin. This is due to the fact that it is still imbued with the mother’s hormones. Acne breakouts should subside after several days or weeks.
Provide good hygiene for your infant’s skin.

Pimples around the mouth

It becomes even more uncomfortable, these little pimples around the mouth. Products designed for acne pimples should not be consumed or swallowed.
Make sure you rub the skin well to penetrate the acne cream or gel.

It is advised not to use any more balms for the mouth if you have buttons in this place.

Acne should not be confused with cold sore or fever blister. Very often these pimples appear on the lip contour and can let out pus. These kinds of pimples are extremely contagious.

Home remedies for acne

Here are some tips for managing and preventing acne:

  1. Keep your face clean: Gently wash your face twice a day with a mild cleanser. Avoid harsh scrubbing, as it can irritate the skin and worsen acne.

  2. Use non-comedogenic products: Choose skincare and cosmetic products labeled as “non-comedogenic” to avoid clogging pores.

  3. Moisturize: Even if you have oily skin, it’s essential to use a lightweight, oil-free moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated.

  4. Hands off your face: Avoid touching your face with your hands, as it can transfer bacteria and irritate the skin.

  5. Healthy diet: Consume a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Limit your intake of sugary and greasy foods, as they may contribute to acne.

  6. Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water to help keep your skin hydrated and promote overall health.

  7. Sun protection: Use sunscreen with at least SPF 30 to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Sunburn can worsen acne and cause skin damage.

  8. Manage stress: Stress can contribute to acne flare-ups. Practice stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga.

  9. Regular exercise: Physical activity promotes healthy circulation and can help manage stress. Just be sure to shower afterward to remove sweat and oil from your skin.

  10. Choose the right makeup: If you use makeup, opt for products labeled oil-free and non-comedogenic. Remove makeup before going to bed.

  11. Don’t squeeze or pick: It can be tempting to squeeze pimples, but this can lead to scarring and further inflammation. Let blemishes heal naturally or seek professional help for extraction.

  12. Topical treatments: Over-the-counter products containing ingredients like benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid can help control mild acne. Consult a dermatologist for prescription-strength options if needed.

  13. Regular dermatologist visits: If your acne is persistent or severe, consult a dermatologist for personalized advice and treatment options.

Tea tree essential oil

The tea tree essential oil has several anti-infectious and antibacterial properties that help fight acne pimples. It can dry out pimples which help to heal the skin.

After cleaning your skin, apply a pure drop of oil using a cotton swab on each button. Repeat one to six times a day to thoroughly dry out the pimples. Do not administer to pregnant women or children unless directed by your doctor.

A clay mask

A clay mask can be very beneficial for your skin. It helps dry out pimples and regulates the secretion of sebum from your skin. Leave the clay on your skin for about 7-10 minutes before removing it.

Aloe vera gel

This gel will be very beneficial for your skin. It has many anti-inflammatory and healing properties. Every day, apply a small layer of aloe vera gel on your skin and rub gently to make the gel penetrate well.

There are several types of aloe vera gel or cream. There are also face masks made from aloe vera.

Myths About Acne Pimples


Toothpaste can help dry a pimple quickly, but it should not be used as a miracle cure. Repeated use will irritate the skin far too much and make your acne worse. The ingredients in toothpaste are not designed for the skin.

Tanning and sun are effective against acne

Rather, the UV rays of the sun and tanning have the opposite effect in the long term. A little exposure to the sun can help give the skin a healthier effect, but these effects are devastating in the long run. Your skin will keep permanent marks if you get a constant tan and have acne breakouts.

It is advisable to use powerful sunscreen or to cover yourself if you want to go out in the sun when you have pimples. Exposure to heat and the sun causes the skin to produce more oil to counter dryness, which worsens skin problems.

Sweating doesn’t help acne

Many people believe that sweating or doing a lot of physical activity can help with pimples and skin problems. In fact, some types of acne come from excessive sweat in the skin which causes a rash. Often it can be seen on the forehead or the muscles of professional athletes.

Cleanse the skin more deeply

It is important not to rub your face too much with brushes or exfoliating products. Maintain a healthy lifestyle with your skin and never directly touch your face without having washed your hands.

Eat fatty or too sweet

Many people believe that eating fatty or sweet foods causes acne breakouts to grow. A study has been published that sugar causes inflammation in the human body. Keeping a good diet can help a lot against pimples.

Milk and junk food are also implicated. Only certain preliminary studies have been published on this fact.

Cocoa is not an issue. A study by German scientists in 2017 proves it. 

For photos with descriptions of the different types of acne, visit WebMD.

get rid of acne, treatment and causes of acne

When to see a doctor or dermatologist?

You should see a doctor if you have been treating your acne with over-the-counter medications for at least five to seven weeks and your skin condition does not improve. 

Nicolas Desjardins

Hello everyone, I am the main writer for SIND Canada. I've been writing articles for more than 12 years and I like sharing my knowledge. I'm currently writing for many websites and newspapers. I always keep myself very informed to give you the best information. All my years as a computer scientist made me become an incredible researcher. You can contact me on our forum or by email at [email protected].