Myths and Truths About Keeping BioTech Products Safe

BioTech Misconceptions are Everywhere

Even if you’re working with a biotechnology company at the apex of international society, plenty of opportunity exists for incidental misrepresentation of facts. Today, information travels so fast, staff may hear endless rumors before a factual directive from their CEO comes down to the operation floor.

It can be next to impossible to understand what’s really going on in terms of safety in this field. Quantum computing, nanotechnology, genetic editing technology like CRISPR—these things have fundamentally changed the game. To help provide clarity, here we’ll explore myths and facts regarding biotechnology product safety.

Myth: All BioTech that Hits the Market Has Quality Control
Take a brief look at these lawsuits which backhanded the pharmaceutical industry. Owing to competition and chicanery, one of these lawsuits involved a product called Aranesp which was designed to treat cancer patients who also suffered from anemia. However, in 2007, it was found this “medicine” actually increased the risk of death in such patients.

Such medical solutions are commonly approved and distributed at the highest levels, but owing to the market, public relations, and realities surrounding things like competition or legal requirements, misbranding is not unknown to the pharmaceutical industry. Similarly, new breakthroughs are often pushed on the market prior proper testing.

Even if those who produce BioTech solutions are careful to assure those solutions are kept safe, the way in which companies introduce them to the public often leaves much to be desired.

Truth: Genetically Modified Products Aren’t Fully Understood
This is controversial, but you need to think about it. There aren’t really any long-term human studies regarding the effects of GMOs on those who regularly use them. Maybe GMOs are benign over the arc of someone’s life. But the reality is, we don’t know. GMOs are produced through biotechnology, such as CRISPR.

Whispers abound that long-term side effects like gradually developing cancer may be tied to GMOs. The thing is, the cost of their production and distribution is such that companies who make them need to profit. GMO production profit needs to come sooner than a human generation.

Accordingly, they play politics and push their products prior to proper testing; meaning, again, though they may be stored and distributed safely, the products themselves may not be safe.

Myth: Genetic Engineering is Selective Breeding
Selective breeding has nothing to do with changing genes at the microscopic level using technology like CRISPR. That’s a kind of Genetic Engineering (GE).

Though corn is the result of grass being bred selectively, that doesn’t put it in the same category as GMO corn. That’s integral to understand, in reference to BioTech products, it isn’t really known what storage procedures are going to do to some GMOs in the short-run, just as the safety of using such products isn’t known in the long-run.

Truth: Not All BioTech Suppliers are the Same

The most effective BioTech supplier makes mistakes. That means that contingency measures must be built into how they maintain such products. For example, many COVID-19 vaccines need an incredibly cold environment to be maintained without being in some way spoiled. Some BioTech groups may not have standards efficient or able to handle this task.

Industry professionals like American BioTech Supply make safeguarding biological technology, regardless of its idiosyncratic requirements, paramount to their business model. For companies seeking secure professionals in the industry, this is a wise choice. For consumers of BioTech products, you can trust companies like this to provide reliable products.

Separating Fact From Fiction
BioTech suppliers aren’t created equal; GE is not the same as selective breeding, GMOs aren’t as fully understood as they may be advertised, and even top-tier pharmaceutical companies make quality control mistakes.

The safety of BioTech storage is often unparalleled in modern society; but it may not impact how safe the products themselves affect users. Accordingly, as you seek BioTech products, look into what level of safety is involved in their storage.

There are companies who are notably superior in this field, and which may even refuse to distribute products which are known to be problematic.

Nicolas Desjardins

Hello everyone, I am the main writer for SIND Canada. I've been writing articles for more than 12 years and I like sharing my knowledge. I'm currently writing for many websites and newspapers. I always keep myself very informed to give you the best information. All my years as a computer scientist made me become an incredible researcher. You can contact me on our forum or by email at [email protected].